The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 112: A True Technology Stream Hardcore Game

A week passed, and during this week, the players organized several crusades one after another, but all ended in failure.

The consecutive failures once again made players realize the fact that this is a super hardcore game!

Can easily defeat the big boss of the main task?


The players finally realized that the huge points of defeating the final BOSS cannot be obtained casually, so the players began to improve themselves, including the improvement of equipment and skills, especially the latter!

Playing the game so far, players have discovered the true charm of the game.

That is, in this game, technology is the real key!

No matter how equipped you are, the monsters are much higher than the players in terms of fleshiness, damage ability, and even body size. Even if you are wearing a savage dragon suit and your skills are not good enough, the fierce jackal dragon can teach you how to be a human being!

However, as long as your skills pass the test, even if you hold the most basic equipment with a combat power of 5, you can still fight monsters one-on-one!

This is a hardcore game that really focuses on technology!

Of course, the role of equipment cannot be ignored. Good equipment can give players a higher fault tolerance rate.

After a week of hard work, finally, the skills of the players have generally improved, and there will be no such funny things that appear in the early stages of the game like "bows and arrows can't shoot monsters"

The vast majority of players have updated their equipment, at least the Great Jackal Dragon Set or Scratching Bird Set, some players already have the Poison Demon Bird Set, and the higher-end players have the equipment of the Mangnathic Dragon and the Flying Thunder Dragon.

Although it is a technical game, high-end players are a minority after all, and most players still need equipment support.

The time has come!

A huge army of players was organized once again.

It is said that it is an army of players, but in fact, there are only more than 300 people in Nightmare World, and about 99% of the players have participated in this crusade.

Although it is said that the team that went to hunt down the fire dragon before was abused like a dog, but this kind of large-scale main task, and the grand occasion that all players participated in, are like a gorgeous beauty, which makes the players completely irresistible, and organizes time and time again " Send to death" activity.

There are many games on the market, and most of them will launch various events, such as a horizontal action game, a small event every three days, and a big event every five days. Activities, there is only one purpose - spend money! spend money! spend money!

Nima knows to make players spend money all day long, and even some activities are garbage activities that change the soup without changing the medicine!

Students in the new era have been exposed to various games since they were young, but there has never been a game activity that can be as exciting as the large-scale main line of Nightmare World!

No one thought that a hidden item in the prologue——the land queen's suit, actually hides such a far-reaching main quest!

Many players regretted passing the prologue so quickly, especially those players who read the forum strategy. They basically followed the simplest method written on the forum to pass the prologue, and did not even think about digging out the secrets of the prologue.

It is written in the guide that the treasure chest is almost impossible to get, but this item appeared on the ship in the prologue, which means that there must be a way to get it, but the players have not discovered it!

An elite-level Queen of the Land suit is almost the best suit at present, and it is an elite-level suit. For many players who did not have a set of the Great Evil Jackal Dragon before

The queen of land suit is almost an artifact for the opening set!

———Dragon Sword, click to send!

The artifact is in the prologue, even the forum has reminded it, but unfortunately the players have missed it!

However, if you miss it, you will miss it, the most important thing now is the next main task - the revenge of the King of Sky!

Since the fire dragon suddenly appeared in the New World, ravaged the entire forest, sent players back to the city for free, and even destroyed the entire star base, and then, the players worked together to save their homes, rebuild their homes, clean up surrounding monsters, investigate clues, and so far The last link to be completed - the crusade mission.

The whole quest line is intertwined, and the most important thing is that this quest involves every player, no matter whether you are active or passive - who hasn't been bombed by a fireball a few times!

Every player participates in the task, and every player has his own contribution. This unprecedented sense of participation is unmatched by any game!

Although the players are still being abused by the fire dragon, but from the beginning of being abused by the fierce jackal dragon, some players have been able to single out the giant jackal dragon, and even hunted the powerful elite flying thunder dragon before!

The players believe that the powerful fire dragon will eventually fall under the hands of the players!

0…ask for flowers……

If it doesn't work once, then two, three or four times!

Because of the previous consecutive failures [players have a deep understanding of the power of the fire dragon-these are two powerful fire dragons that will cooperate!

If there is no cooperation between the players, no matter how many people there are, there will be no return!

For a truly powerful boss, no amount of ants will help.

So, this time, the crusade army made detailed deployments in the command system, and the nominal commander-in-chief was still wild.

Although the second crusade against the Wildism organization failed, the main fault was not with him, and it was normal for such a difficult monster to die several times.

Currently, the most famous player in Nightmare World is Wildism. The fact that his ultimate gun countered and interrupted the ultimate move of the elite-level thunder dragon is still spreading among players [Obviously there is no more suitable team leader than him.


The cooperation of more than 300 players is obviously a big problem. Although wildism is powerful, it cannot command everyone.

Therefore, the entire large team was divided into 10 teams, with a team leader, deputy team leader, and 2 deputy teams (if the team leader died, the deputy team leader took over the duties of the team leader), and the team was divided into 6 teams. Each team has a small captain and deputy captain.

The task of the regiment leader is to command his own team, mainly to command the squad leaders in the team. At the same time, there are special communication channels among the 10 regiment leaders, and they can chat freely with each other. The squad leader is also in this communication channel , but the team leader does not have the right to speak on this channel.

Wildism is also the head of a regiment, but as the nominal commander-in-chief, Wildism also has the task of adjusting the entire team's operations according to the battlefield situation.

This team command system is a set of command system that students search for relevant information online, mainly the command system of other large-scale online games, and then according to the situation of Nightmare World.

It's really difficult for this group of students, they are all just a group of middle school students, no one has ever led such a huge team, and the most common game is to be the team leader.

Whether or not the command system that has been put on the shelf can play its due role depends on today's battle!


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