The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 119 Lie Yan's Super Solution In The Air!

Coming to a higher place and looking down at the battle below was a woman in a gorgeous green armor.

That's the hidden item in the prologue——the queen of land suit!

Lie Yan has also come to the battlefield!

However, the mysterious Lie Yan did not follow the large army, but came here alone.

Lie Yan, who got the "Queen of the Land" suit, can be said to be the most mysterious player in the entire nightmare world. The number of times players have seen her is very few!

Lie Yan took out a weapon --- Firework Shield Axe.

A poisonous shield axe.

Combined with the elite-level female fire dragon's suit skill—venomous, it can be said to be a magical weapon!

Lie Yan liberated the weapon into a big axe, and inside the big axe, the attribute bottle was already full.

Lie Yan actually came here a long time ago. However, the area where the male Charmander fought was not conducive to Lie Yan's appearance. On the contrary, the area of ​​the female Charmander is more suitable for Lie Yan's fatal blow, but it is meaningless to attack the female Charmander.

So, she has been waiting.

Even if you can't wait until that time, it's okay, because that means that the players below will be able to win the final victory.

The arrival of the fire dragon that led to the main mission and brought countless deaths to the players was due to the flames.

She had to make a break.

"However, 03 is really interesting... The avenger male fire dragon and the female fire dragon... Is this the arrangement of fate..." Looking at the two fire dragons fighting below, Lie Yan was like dead ashes There was a slight fluctuation in the eyes.

"You are Avengers, so I am an Avenger too!"

Take the leap!

"It can't be done, retreat, if you continue to fight, you will die!"

The two crazy fire dragons were too terrifying, not only the players couldn't handle it, but even some team leaders felt that this crusade must have failed.

"It's much better than the previous few times, but it's impossible to win if you can't handle the flying fire dragon. Go back and think about whether there are other ways!


Wildism is also very helpless. After the two fire dragons joined together for a cooperative battle, Wildism thought for a long time, but still couldn't think of a way to win.

No, there is a way, but it can't be done now!

The entire team has collapsed, and there is no way to cooperate, because under the ravages of the double fire dragons, it is very difficult for the players to even save their lives!

If we continue, there is only one result, and that is the destruction of the group!


After the commander-in-chief issued the retreat order, the players began their final escape.

"Huh? What's that?"


"Above, something is falling!" a player shouted.

"What? That, is that—the player?"

"Lying on the grass, when a player climbed up, this was not planned at all..."

No, that equipment is the land queen suit, Lie Yan——!"

"What? That mysterious flame?"

"What does she want?"

Under the surprised eyes of the players, Lie Yan (raging flames) in the air raised its weapon, and the prelude action of Super Sister (Super Solution) caused the entire shield ax to emit a strange poisonous purple mist.

"In the air, super solution!" A gorgeous arc-shaped afterimage, a huge shield axe, cut down the back of the fire dragon with a shocking momentum!


Accompanied by a huge explosion, the purple mist exploded directly, drowning the fire dragon and even the entire sky!

"What? What happened?"

"The attribute of the shield axe is Liberation Slash? Isn't this an intermediate skill, and Lie Yan has learned it?"

"No, Liberation Slash can't be used in the air, and the power and effect of that skill may be more advanced Liberation Slash!" A shield and ax player shouted in surprise.

"The Charmander is falling!"

In the large cloud of poisonous fog, a huge creature fell down, and the player suddenly exclaimed.

"Its wings are completely broken!"

"It's struggling, it can't fly, fuck it!"

"There is a show!"

"Attack quickly, opportunity!"

The players who originally wanted to flee for their lives stopped when they saw this scene!

After the blow of Lie Yan, the wings of Xiong Charmander were completely broken, and the players suddenly became excited!

They see the hope of winning!

In the whole battle, the players are most afraid of one thing, and that is the male fire dragon flying in the air and refusing to come down!

Melee players can't output at all!

If you add a female fire dragon rampaging on the ground......

That was the battle of hell!

But now, the dragon's greatest threat is gone!

"Huh? What's the situation, how do I feel... the fire dragon's movements are sometimes a bit slow?"

"Do you feel|feel that way too? Me too, I almost thought it was my illusion!"

"Is it because of the broken wings?"

"If the wings are broken, it should just be unable to fly...

It's poisonous!

The set effect of the elite female Charmander!

[Blessing of the female fire dragon: give stronger poison attribute attack "venomous"!

Vicious poison: The violent poison makes the monster miserable, its attack may be interrupted due to the pain, and the poison damage increases!]

Lie Yan's super-solution in the air, let the fire go straight away!

Charmanders are actually very resistant to poisonous properties, but the suit effect of elite-level female charmanders greatly strengthens poisonous properties, even fire dragons are not immune to the effects of poison!

Although I don't know what's going on, but the players who feel that some movements of the fire dragon will be a little slow are overjoyed, and they desperately attack the male fire dragon!

Seeing this, Lie Yan turned his target to the female fire dragon!

"Be careful of the dragon chariot of the female fire dragon!" A player reminded Lie Yan.

However, the player's reminder is superfluous, because Lie Yan has long been familiar with the female fire dragon's fighting style after observing such a battle from above.

After accumulating enough bottles, Lie Yan fired another super solution, directly beeping the female fire dragon!

The female Charmander was poisoned too!

"I'll go, this flame is so powerful!"

"The shield ax is also very powerful, it feels no worse than those instructors in the training ground!"

"The one with the fastest supersolution speed is unscientific!"

"Hey, the movements of the female charmander have also become strange!"


"No, it's true. Could it be that this is the set skill of an elite female fire dragon?"

"It seems that it happened after being poisoned. Is it a special suit skill that strengthens the poison attribute? Similar to the poison skill of the poisonous demon bird?"

"Feel | feel so dick!"

After more than 10 minutes, the female charmander fell down!

The dragon has gone into an ultimate rage!

Because of the death of the female fire dragon, the fire dragon's rampage will not stop until the battle is over! 533 players found that the fire dragon at this time is so powerful that it explodes, even more terrifying than the combination of two fire dragons!

However, Fire Dragon still lost the ability to fly after all. If he still has the ability to fly at this time, then no matter how NB the players are, they will all be wiped out!

More players fell!

Another half hour of hard fighting.

At this time, the players are fighting with perseverance, because the medicines have been knocked out!

There are only more than 10 players left alive!

Meow meow?

Wrong, there are two Ellu cats alive!

Blue Girl Dream, Lei Lei and Dian Dian died one after another.

But before they died, Lei Lei and Dian Dian traded all the medicines to Zhang Xingyu and Otilia.

——The hope of the whole team is pinned on you two masters!

Relying on the set effect of drinking two bottles of medicine at once, Otilia and Zhang Xingyu persisted.

In the end, after a counter-shooting with less than 10 blood points from Wildism, the last avenger, the Fire Dragon, also fell down!

[Revenge of the King of the Sky————The final ring, complete! 】

When the huge notification from the system came, the players who were still alive at the battle scene all sat down on the ground!

"Victory - yay!!"

And the players who were anxiously waiting for the result at the resurrection point cheered when they saw the system prompt appear!

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