The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 121 Can You Get Evidence?

Nightmare World is about to be forced offline, and many players feel very regretful——they are not happy enough!

For Zhang Xingyu, this forced offline is very necessary.

First of all, Zhang Xingyu needs to reconfirm the points of the main task. Although the points of the 1-3 rings have been determined, the bulk of the points is undoubtedly the crusade mission of the fourth ring, which will affect the final ranking of the players' points.

Zhang Xingyu needs to confirm that the points for the first place cannot exceed 3200TP (if it exceeds, you can redeem the second and third prizes at the same time!).

Another important thing is that this point reward also involves nightmare imprints. These nightmare imprints are different from the items in the nightmare world. They need to consume 10 points of nightmare power to make them. Zhang Xingyu needs to ensure that the number of nightmare imprints is sufficient.

Recently, the Nightmare World has not recruited newcomers, and it continues to increase energy every day. The energy to create the Nightmare Mark is long enough, but the more Nightmare Power, the better. In addition to restoring the power of the Nightmare Lord, it can also create more Nightmare Worlds.

On the other hand, after the end of the main quest of the King of the Sky, Zhang Xingyu is going to release the second map of Monster Hunter - the Great Anthill Wasteland.

New maps, new environments, new monsters!

A new hunt is about to start 147!

On the second day, the students and players from the middle division of Shengwu Academy and Nightmare World had more intense discussions.

Yesterday's excitement|excitement has not passed at all, but I was forced to T by the cheating system!

Kicking people when you are happy, game manufacturers, can you have a little conscience, how can we satisfy our desires and dissatisfaction!

Therefore, on this day, the players in the nightmare world are generally in a state of excitement.

"After the fire dragon went berserk, it rescued the female fire dragon forcefully, forming an extremely terrifying double dragon club. One rampages on the ground and is unstoppable, and the other dominates the sky and keeps breathing fire. At that time, all of us collapsed, thinking that this time the crusade will be It ended in failure again, and even the commander-in-chief of the Wildism announced to retreat, but at that time, a player wearing a green ornate armor, Lie Yan, descended from the sky. With the shield ax in my hand, the purple mist gathered together, and after a shocking blow, an explosion-like brilliant light burst out directly from the fire dragon's back, almost blinding my 24K (adag) krypton gold dog eyes. Shocked—what the hell happened?"

"It's the Super Sister of the Shield Axe! That is, the Attribute Liberation Slash, the strongest skill of the Shield Axe. Because the effect is too gorgeous, we have nicknamed it Super Sister!

"Yes, as soon as Lie Yan's Super Sister fell into her soul, the fire dragon's wings were directly smashed, and it couldn't fly anymore! The turning point for victory has appeared!"

"But even so, the battle was very difficult..."

"In the end, under the anti-gun skill of Wildism, the last fire dragon fell. After 10 days, with the efforts of all players, we finally completed the final double boss! Double boss, just before, we still I don't want to be abused by the big fierce jackal dragon inside, which is the weakest boss, but now, we can already attack the bosses of the elite level and the avengers, and they are double bosses, so I really feel the progress of my technology! "

On campus, from time to time, you can see Nightmare World players talking wildly, bragging about NB with a bunch of friends, bragging about the NB things they have done, and the amazing things they have seen.

The teachers at the school basically didn't care—what kind of game have these little guys been obsessed with recently? Could it be that there are too few homework assignments?

"Hey, hey, I told you that enough is enough, you're blowing this all the time, if a game company gave you promotional fees to let you promote it, it's fine, I also know that some students are not rich... ...However, this game doesn't exist at all, okay! I wonder if your brain is really broken!"

A student came to the Nightmare World player with a displeased face, and said sternly.

Every day after class, I hear this group of students chatting excitedly, and it's still nonsense, do you think it's annoying!

"What? What do you know, what we say is true!"

"Hmph——really, I've heard you guys say it several times, if it's true, show me the evidence!"

Immediately, the Nightmare World players blushed.

They really couldn't come up with evidence of the existence of the Dream Demon World. After all, entering a dreamland to play games while sleeping is too far-fetched!

"Hmph, you can't take it out!"

"Who, who said I can't get it out!"

The arrogant appearance of another student made the Nightmare World players very upset.

"Then you take it out!"

"I, I...………………… Yes, right, you can start redeeming the rewards of the main task tonight, and if the fat man is right, I can use the nightmare mark to let you enter the game up?"

"What, Fatty? Mark of Nightmare? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Humph—you'll know tomorrow!" the player said stubbornly.

"Then I'm just waiting for a day to see what you can come up with tomorrow, hmph, if you haven't..."

That student left. He is the study committee member of the class. These Nightmare World players are all ordinary students. To be honest, they really can't beat him!

"By the way... the Nightmare Mark is really a passport to the Nightmare World? It seems like this is just Fatty's guess?"

"Hey - I hope Fatty's predictions are more accurate, he has always predicted ting accurately..."


"I hope this crucial one will not be lost!"

In the school, the Nightmare World discussion was joyful, and the Nightmare World section of the campus network was naturally also extremely hot.

"You can redeem the rewards for the main task tonight, so what are you going to redeem?"

"The version is about to be updated. Guess what new content will be updated this time, new equipment? New monsters? Or a new map?"

"Lie Yan didn't participate in the event, but appeared in the middle of it. She almost robbed both bosses. It's too bad. Does anyone know her real information?"

"The stewardess skills are very good, but it's a bit wrong to grab the head of the boss!"

"Do you know Mengmeng Yueyue? Ai Lu cat is too cute. I feel | I can't redeem that follower cat. Can Mengmeng Moon tell you?"

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