The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 131 Fatty And The Student Union

"My name in Nightmare World is [Empress of the Night]. You can enter the game and use the friend system to add me as a friend." Otilia said.

"I see...the Empress of the Night..."

"The Empress of the Night, Meow..."

"It seems that you have something to say. The second-year girl squinted at the cat maid and said.

"Eh? Can I complain?" the cat maid asked.


"This name is off the charts for the second time, meow—!"

"I said, don't complain—if you really want to complain, don't ask that question at all!"

"NICE Tucao meow~~"

"Things that need to be paid attention to in the game...... Well, there are too many things to talk about, you should go to the Nightmare World section of the campus network to see, one of them is called [Omniscient Fat Lord News] Read more posts, and basically understand the situation of the people in the game.

"Nightmare world plate..." - sighed the cat maid.

"Have you seen it again?"

"No—by the way, this board has been evaluated by many people as [Madman's Board] Oh, I heard that people who post in it will also become crazy, I will not go to such a strange place

.The address is this, I sent you an email, you can check it out. "Otilia ignored the cat maid and said to Felicia.


"That's it." Otilia said, as if she had settled the matter and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" said the cat maid suddenly.

"Anything else?"

"There is another very important problem!" said the cat maid.

"What is it?"

"Woo meow—unexpectedly, unexpectedly, have you not discovered it until now?"


"You said that you want us to enter the nightmare world, but how do we enter this world? You can't really sleep at night, right?"

"Ah——I got confused by you, I forgot to mark your nightmares." Otilia suddenly realized.


"Nightmare mark?"

"It's the invitation letter of the nightmare world, the key, only with this can you enter the nightmare world. y

"I see, the invitation letter, but why is it called the imprint?"

"Because it's a mark, that's it." Otilia opened her palm, revealing the mark of nightmare.

"??" Felicia showed a puzzled expression.

"This one."

"?? [Ah, Lily sauce, you don't have anything in your hand.

How is it possible, mark, can't you see it?"

"No, I didn't see anything." Felicia said.

"Eh?" Otilia turned to look at the cat maid.

"Meow??! Look, I'm useless, you don't have anything in your hands, meow."

"how come……………"

"Perhaps only those who have the mark of nightmare can see it." Zhang Xingyu couldn't help reminding little Lolita.

"En." Little Lolita nodded, and then said: "You may not be able to see it now, but I can see it, let me give you a mark first."

Felicia and the cat maid were still a little confused, after all, they really couldn't see the nightmare mark, but Otilia didn't look like she was joking, so she accepted Otilia's nightmare mark in doubt.

When the two accepted the nightmare mark, they finally saw that there was a very complicated but beautiful pattern on the back of their hands.

A mark that glows lavender!

"Okay, what a mysterious imprint. It was so mysterious that I couldn't see it just now, but..."

"And it still emits light... What is this?"

Both were surprised.

"That's it, to be honest, I was also surprised when I first saw it.

"Otilia, do you have a mark too?"

"Yes, the same as you." Otilia showed her nightmare mark.

"Really, the imprint of lavender light is the same as ours."

"Wouldn't it be a nuisance to say that the nightmare mark has always existed?" the cat maid asked.

"Ordinary people don't seem to be able to see it, only people with the nightmare mark can see it...Moreover, it doesn't glow all the time, and it will disappear automatically after a while.

"Ah, it's true, the light is starting to fade...Ah, I can't see it anymore."

"It seems that the nightmare imprint responds to the four words [Nightmare imprint]. You say these four words to your hand vest, and it will appear."

"I'll give it a try... The Nightmare Mark... Wow, it really came out, so mysterious!"

Otilia is not the only one who chooses to take the nightmare imprint out of the game today and give it to others.

0…ask for flowers……………

In a sparsely populated place in the middle school area, a student from the high school was welcomed.

A girl with short blue hair - Student Council Secretary, Dana!

And the person who met her was a very famous fat player in the nightmare world!

【Invincible Fat Lord】!

"This is... the Mark of the Nightmare... Interesting... This complex and mysterious mark has a mysterious connection with that nightmare world..." Dana Looking at the imprint, I was a little dazed.

"So, what do you know about the Mark of Nightmare?" Dana asked.

"It's only the first day, and I don't get much information." Fatty said: "As I said before, this nightmare imprint seems to be invisible to ordinary people, and it can't be photographed by cameras and other equipment, X-rays and so on. Haven’t tried it, it has yet to be verified, it seems that only players with the nightmare mark can see it.”


"How it does this is also quite interesting...So, what impression do you have of getting the Nightmare mark?"

"Not at all... If someone sneaks in at night and gives me a nightmare mark, I don't know, but this inference is unreasonable. Now that there are more than 300 players in the nightmare world, it is impossible for every player to sneak in and give me a mark." , The security checks in those high-end dormitory buildings are very strict."

"That's true. How the nightmare mark was given to the original player is also a mystery." Dana nodded.

"Are there any extra nightmare marks?"

"It's really hard to say..." The fat man smiled wryly, and said: "Although the main task released the exchange of this nightmare mark, each player can exchange at most one, and there is no other way to obtain it now. It is quite popular, and it is said that players have already released a post on the forum selling the Mark of Nightmare."

"So fast?" Dana showed a surprised expression.

"Although many people call this board crazy, there are not a few people who are interested in this game. The method of entering the nightmare world has always been a mystery, but now there is a definite method, and many people are interested in it. You know Yes, this is the island of miracles."



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