The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 136 Dana's Investigation

Following what some people did, Dana began to explore in this strange and foggy place at the beginning.

She felt that there must be a reason for the original place of the game to be such a place, and it may be quite important, for example, this place is the real entrance to the "Nightmare World".

But gave up after a while.

It's not because the endless fog looks frightening, nor is it that the endless maze and fog will be boring, but because Dana feels that she lacks the relevant knowledge of the nightmare world, so it's just a waste of time to explore here all the time.

"I hope that the testing equipment outside can play some role...."

For this investigation, Dana made two preparations. One was to personally enter the nightmare world to investigate, and the other was to obtain an instrument through some secret channels.

In the real world, Dana is not lying on the bed, but in the computer room that Dana remodeled herself, she temporarily spread a quilt on the ground, and her body is also filled with various testing equipment.

The innermost part of the room is a giant LCD screen composed of 16 large screens. There are many contents on the screen, including the monitoring of the home, the monitoring of oneself, and the data measured by the new equipment are constantly refreshed on the display.

The supercomputer designed by Dana is recording and calculating Dana's body changes!

"Although I don't think it will be successful... But let's try it first... A computer appears, a computer appears, and a computer appears..."

In Nightmare World, Dana began to concentrate all her mind, imagining the composition of the computer, including hardware, software, the principle of computer work, binary and so on.

As for why you want to do this.

Because Dana felt that the nightmare world was not simply a game world.

If this is the case, then just call it "Virtual Game World", why is it called "Nightmare World"?

Dana felt there must be a reason for the name, especially in conjunction with the opening line.

【This is the nightmare world!】

[Here, you will experience an unprecedented experience. 】

【Fear, struggle!】

【Nightmare will eventually become a reality!】

It is said that this "welcome speech" will appear for the first players every time they log in, but then it seems that the rules have been changed, and it will only appear when the player enters the nightmare world for the first time.


Dana felt that this passage was not simple.

What exactly is Nightmare World?

Dana thinks it may be the "fantasy world", or "the world of the heart", and human thoughts may change the world!

That's why there was the scene just now.

For a super hacker, the computer is her greatest weapon.

After about 10 minutes, Dana gave up.

Nightmare World remained silent.

"Guess is wrong...... Is it, or is it another reason......"

Dana has a special power...or ability, that is, sometimes when dreaming at night, Dana can find that she is dreaming, and then, when she is highly concentrated, she wants to be in her dream When a certain item appears in , Dana sometimes gets it in a certain way!

For example, once in a dream, Dana wanted to try flying. She imagined a flying instrument, the one with wings, and then she found this flying instrument in a room in the dream world, and she really flew!

Of course, more often, Dana's attempts will fail, and the result is that the dream collapses and Dana wakes up.

It is also for this reason that Dana is so interested in this nightmare world.

"Forget it, let's enter the game first... By the way, we need to set up the characters first..."

Dana came to the only mirror in the foggy world.

"Why does the nightmare world appear in the real world itself? Why can't the game make greater changes to the character image?"

Dana didn't make much changes to her image, not because she was narcissistic, but because she was not well-known, making it more beautiful would be troublesome, but changing it to be ugly...

Dana is also a woman, which she refuses.

In the end, she simply opted for a pair of large glasses for decoration.

"Sure enough, there is still a pair of glasses that suit me...... Well, I didn't notice it just now, it seems that in the nightmare world, my myopia recovered..." Dana took off her glasses, looked around, Sure enough, it was very clear.

"I didn't expect that the Nightmare Game gave me light..." Dana smiled wryly.

Dana didn't know that her existence had already attracted the attention of the Nightmare Lord.

"Is there anything special about this blue girl? Could it be that she also has spiritual power?" Zhang Xingyu asked.

0...asking for flowers...

There are a lot of new players today, so it is naturally impossible for Zhang Xingyu to pay attention to all the new players. Unexpectedly, the Nightmare Lord, who has never been interested in these reptiles, let himself pay attention to this girl.

"No spiritual power, but a little bit special [let's call her Miscellaneous Grains Soil Skewers."

Very good, there is No. 1 and No. 2 for grains, and No. 1 and No. 2 for miscellaneous grains.

It will not be easy to attract the attention of the Nightmare Lord.

"What's so special about her?"

"She tried to create an item with [Mind Power] in the nightmare world just now."


"Of course, the nightmare world I created is a stable nightmare world, how could it be corroded by such a weak mental power!"


"Wait, wait, what I'm wondering is not this, what is mind power? What is she going to create?" Zhang Xingyu asked suspiciously.

"Psychic power is just a kind of power I described in the language you are familiar with. In the real world, she is almost useless. The only function is to make people concentrate for a long time. However, in the world of nightmares, this is indeed a weak force. And powerful power, speaking of it... is somewhat similar to the World of Dream Demons.

"Can you explain a little bit more about this so-called spiritual power?"

"To put it simply, it is an application of spiritual power. In the current world completely composed of nightmare and dream power, spiritual power will have a certain impact on the nightmare world. Of course, her power is very weak, and the impact of this power There is a serious lack of awareness that does not pose any threat at all."

"But she's the only player who can use that little psychic power, isn't she?"

"Well, in addition, what she imagined caught my attention a little bit, a thing called a computer, you told me before, this girl imagined the composition, use, and even working principle of this computer, I think I can try to parse it."

"Huh? Send it to me... No, let me see it."

Zhang Xingyu never imagined that what Dana did in the Nightmare World would actually connect the Nightmare World to the Internet in the future!


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