The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 138 Planetary Consciousness And Cataclysm

In three days, there has been a lot of noise on the island about Miracle Island holding a evacuation exercise involving the whole island. Many people are speculating whether something big will happen to Miracle Island.

The news that the most mysterious and powerful double-helix typhoon in history was about to form in the southwest of Miracle Island spread almost overnight.

Will the double-helix typhoon hit Miracle Island? Will there be a catastrophe on Miracle Island?

Many people are very scared, but some people don't take it seriously. After all, the path of the typhoon is erratic, and it may not come to Miracle Island. Moreover, Miracle Island has experienced many typhoons over the years, and it is still safe and sound!

They feel that this island-wide exercise is a bit of a big deal!

No matter how the people discuss it, Yiping, the government of Miracle Island this time, has made up his mind to carry out this event.

The big evacuation exercise is about to take place in two days.

At this time, without any warning, it rained heavily on Miracle Island.

03 The torrential rain that lasted for two days has no intention of stopping!

If it is an ordinary city, I am afraid that at this moment, the inner city can stage a good show of watching the sea!

However, as a miraculous island that gathers the most cutting-edge technology in the world, its drainage works are very good, and there is no serious water accumulation problem, but the heavy rain still brings troubles to people's travel and work.

"This torrential rain will not last until the evacuation drill..."

"Looking at the situation, there is no intention of stopping at all..."

"I'm going to practice the day after tomorrow. With the heavy rain, I feel like I'm going to be drowned!" The students of Shengwu Academy are also talking about it. As the most important educational facility on Miracle Island, the students' evacuation drill is the key point. content.

"I heard that we have to take a big ship to go to the mainland... Is it okay in this heavy rain? It won't capsize, right?"

"It is the storm that has the greatest impact on the ship, mainly the wind, and the pure rain has little impact.

"The double-helix typhoon hasn't been born yet, why is it raining heavily here?"

"After the incident of the island-wide exercise broke out, it started to rain heavily. Could this not be a mere coincidence?"

"How could it be..."

This time the island-wide evacuation exercise was on a large scale, coupled with the sudden rainstorm, even the students in the middle division of Shengwu Academy, and even those players who were usually discussing the nightmare world, paid attention to the rainstorm and the exercise.

After all, games are just games, and people live in the real world.

After being drowned by the rainstorm, Otilia returned to the dormitory. While complaining about the rainstorm, she murmured that she needed to prepare some umbrellas for the exercise two days later, then walked into the bathroom, and turned around and told Zhang Xingyu not to peep.

"This torrential rain is not as simple as a simple torrential rain." The Nightmare Lord suddenly said to Zhang Xingyu.

"How to say?"

"I'm not very sure, I'm just speculating based on the information I've got so far. It's like a harbinger of a catastrophe. No, it should be in development now."

"what happened?"

"I heard that the world's meteorological disasters are increasing year by year, and the degree of damage is also increasing."

"That's what Ottilia said. This island of miracles also appeared because of that volcanic eruption. What kind of cataclysm is this telling you about, and what does it mean that it is developing?"

"Insufficient information makes it impossible to make a more accurate judgment, but it's not like I haven't encountered similar things before." The Nightmare Lord said.

"You don't understand things that are too profound. Let me simply say that the planet is not completely unconscious, but it is not the kind of emotional consciousness you imagined, but closer to an unconscious consciousness. Of course As for the awakened planetary consciousness, I have never seen it, I just heard that there is such a thing.”

"In most cases, this kind of unconsciousness has no effect on all living things on the planet, but planetary consciousness can sometimes change the development of the entire planet, especially when the planetary consciousness realizes that it may perish in the near future. .”

"The cataclysm is a spontaneous behavior of the planet led by the consciousness of the planet, which may cause a complete change in the landscape of the entire planet, and it is difficult for the creatures that originally lived on the planet to survive this catastrophe.

"You mean, this planet is undergoing a terrible cataclysm under the leadership of planetary consciousness, and the consequence is the extinction of all living things, including human beings?" Zhang Xingyu widened his eyes.

"Not sure, but it's possible."

"No can I confirm it?"

"Before, I remembered that Food No. 1 said that after the eruption of the underwater volcano on the island of miracles, meteorological disasters occurred frequently around the world. Perhaps, we can find out by going to the underwater volcano to investigate."

"Can we make it down?"

"Of course, if you want to die.

"In addition, I feel that the power of the storm is gathering near this island, and in about two days, the power of this storm will erupt.

"The power of the storm? But it's just raining, isn't there any strong wind?"

"That's because the storm is gathering strength, and the heavy rain is just a manifestation of it, or a warning."

463 "Hmm——I remember that the big exercise will be the day after tomorrow... By the way, how about the power of the storm you mentioned, is it strong?"

"It's not a problem to destroy at least one Miracle Island."

"Isn't that a big problem!" Zhang Xingyu couldn't help but said, "Otilia will die too, shouldn't we...

"No problem at all. During this period of time, we have accumulated a considerable amount of nightmare power, which is more than enough to protect a grain No. 1."

"What about the others?"

Well, the Nightmare Lord's attitude is quite clear - it's just the life and death of a group of ants!

"By the way, can we eliminate the power of this storm?"

"If you use all the nightmare power collected so far... maybe it can be done."


"Hmph, I'm the Lord of Nightmare, I just need to eliminate the power of a storm!"

"With your words, I feel relieved..."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to update the system.... add a little something."

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