The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 171 Small Animal Decoration System

Everyone was amazed by this beautiful place.

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful place..." Felicia said.

"It's like the coral world in the sea...but this is on land." Otilia said.

Not only Ottilia and others, other players were also shocked by this beautiful land coral platform.

"This is absolutely the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life, not one of them!"

"Nimma, I can stay here for the rest of my life just to see the scenery, really!"

"The scenery is so beautiful, even the little animals are, hey, what are these things that come out of the ground... Wow, they are all retracted, so cute!" small things.

Waggling eel, this is a small animal in Monster Hunter World, it has two uses, one is that it can be made into a piece of equipment, a wiggling eel head - a head equipment that can be equipped, the attributes need not be mentioned, garbage in garbage .

But the key point of this equipment is not the attribute, but the appearance~!

This is a very spoofed headgear, worn on the head...... The original height of 1.5 meters can be raised to 1.8 meters in an instant - that thick and long neck, and that spoof-head .…………

In short, if you go hunting with a swaying head, the style of the game will change instantly!

Zhang Xingyu decided to inherit this "excellent" equipment and launch this task in a later update.

In addition to making equipment, another use is to capture small animals that can be placed at home as decorations. Zhang Xingyu decided to use this small idea. After all, the home system has been launched now, and the captured animals can also be placed in the home system. Use it as a decoration!

Zhang Xingyu thinks this system is very interesting, and he plans to make it bigger, because the Monster Hunter World created by Zhang Xingyu has a larger map and a more complex ecosystem than the Monster Hunter in the original world, so naturally, small animals The number is also much more than the original world!

Zhang Xingyu decided to treat this as a separate small system, which was initially designated as "small animal decoration system".

In the preliminary settings, almost all small animals in Monster Hunter World can be caught, but if you want to bring them back to the home system, you need to go through a period of domestication in the star base. In addition, in order to prevent the flood of decorative small animals, It is also necessary to consume the Home City to bring the small decorative animals back to the home.

In addition, Zhang Xingyu is also planning to add special rare animals among the animals.

Ordinary small animals can basically only be seen at home, they are pure decorations, but rare small animals are different, according to the rarity level, these small animals can not only perform various actions in the home, but also interact with their owners, even the most precious Rare animals can still work!

Of course, the rarer the small animal, the more difficult it is to catch, and the higher the homeland currency needs to be consumed!

This critter decoration system is not only suitable for Monster Hunter World, but also for other game worlds.

Just imagine, if there are some cute little animals living in the player's dilapidated and deserted home

Zhang Xingyu can already imagine that after the launch of this "small animal decoration system", players are carrying catch cages and frantically looking for rare small animals on the map!

Even this small animal decoration system can be connected with the occupation system. For example, Alchemy Real Estate can make props to seduce rare small animals, and trackers can increase the probability of arrest

The scribe has another task to mark rare animals on the map......

In addition to this, these critter decorative items can also be used to trade...

The more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes!

In Monster Hunter World, players have new activities besides hunting monsters!

Of course, this system is currently under development. After all, there are a lot of adjustments that need to be made. Zhang Xingyu is going to finish this system when he is free.

While the players were admiring the beautiful scenery of the landing coral platform, a discordant scene appeared.

A feathered ornithosaurus, holding a huge egg, appeared!

"Lying on the grass, it's picking up birds!"

"What? Scratch a bird?"

"The protagonist of the legendary Monster Hunter World?"

For a moment, the players all looked at the scratching bird that was carrying the dragon egg furtively.

Scratching Bird feels that he is very unlucky. He got lost in a storm before and somehow came to such a strange place... Scratching Bird, who is naturally active, decided to find some friends here so he can go home, but... .........It found that the friends here are too unfriendly!

0...asking for flowers...0

It was not easy to meet a bird dragon species of stunner who was similar to him, and the other party blinded him with a flash and slipped away.

I don't know the miserable clawed dragon that sprang out from that place, Nima is so scary, but luckily he escaped well and ran away!

I wanted to get some coral eggs for the floating dragon to eat, after all, the scratching bird saw that the floating dragon seemed to like to eat this... and then... Eh, the coral eggs seem to be ting delicious...  , Floating Dragon Why did you hit me?

The last one is Fengpiaolong, whose noble appearance fascinated the scratching bird, but unfortunately Fengpiaolong's personality is also "noble", so he doesn't care about a poor boy like you!

Scratching Bird is really angry!

Why doesn't everyone like me!

I'm angry, really angry, let you ignore me!

Scratchbird stole an egg from Windy Dragon.

Originally scratching birds and stealing eggs was just to attract Feng Piaolong's attention, but... why do I suddenly feel a little hungry? Why do these eggs feel so delicious... If I eat Will it become so beautiful after eating the egg of Feng Piaolong?

——No, at least find a hidden place to eat.

Tiao Niao, who was holding the dragon egg cautiously and leaving, suddenly, he felt a large wave of eyes paying attention to him!

A group of vicious players are watching me!

Scratching Bird was startled, jumped up immediately, and then...


The egg fell to the ground and broke...

"Wahhaha, scratching the bird, since you are here, you don't have to leave. I heard that you are very good at making trouble in the New World, and you have become more powerful? Let us meet you~~~" The players showed strange smiles and walked towards Scratch the bird.

The scratching bird fled like the wind.

"Lying on the grass, he wants to run!"

"Nimma hasn't shed blood yet, why are you so cowardly?!"

The players rushed up, and a few players accidentally stepped on the dragon egg, and the things inside the dragon egg were all standing on their feet.

"Hurry up! Don't let that scratching bird get away!"

"Nima scratching the bird's ability to escape is stronger!"

At this time...the sound of the hole in the air came over

As soon as he turned his head, countless frosty air flew over at a high speed!

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