The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 183: The Mysterious Monster Appears!

"Lie Yan, hello, I'm Kuang Sha, the president of [Kingdom of Sand]. I'm very glad to meet you." While thinking about recruiting Lie Yan, Kuang Sha walked up to Lie Yan, smiled and stretched out his hand.

"I don't know." But Lie Yan did not intend to shake hands at all, and chose to leave directly.

Because of the arrival of Kuangsha, the players surrounding Lieyan have already made a big opening, so Lieyan has enough space to leave.

Kuangsha froze.

"This Lie Yan is such a big brand, and even our president doesn't give a fuck."

"The face of the No. 1 trade union in the nightmare world is gone!"

"What will the president do? Let her go like this?"

"With the personality of the president, I guess he will be very angry..."

Some players started whispering.

Kuangsha was indeed very angry at that moment. Ever since he became the president of Kingdom of Sand, he had never received such indifference——Lie Yan simply did not regard himself as a human being!

"Do you want to think about it again? We are the first guild in the nightmare world, and we will also be the most powerful guild in the nightmare world in the future. If you join, I can guarantee you the status of the chief knight of the 18 desert riders." Kuangsha quickly stopped by 03 Lie Yan lit up, and said very seriously and "sincerely".

"Desert 18 riding chief knight? Isn't that the coolest job in the union?"

"The work that is not used for management, but enjoys the treatment of the management!" Some guild members exclaimed.

"But Lie Yan was rated as the No. 1 player in the Nightmare World, so it's not an exaggeration to have this treatment..."

"And it's a female player..."

Kuangsha's words made the members of the guild discuss a lot.

"Not interested, please step aside." Lie Yan said, although the expression did not change, but the tone was colder than before.

"I am sincerely inviting you... I know you are a lone wolf player, and you may like to play alone, but the powerful monsters in this game cannot be killed by one person. How about this, I will give you the position of 18 desert knights, To enjoy union benefits, you don’t need to be on the union road, as long as you come here when the union encounters difficulties or hunts powerful monsters.”

Kuangsha said that this is already the best condition he can offer so far.

Wildism also recruited Lie Yan before, but Lie Yan refused once and gave up directly, but I am different!

For this kind of beauty on ice, one must die!

As the conditions drop again and again, Kuangsha believes that Lie Yan will definitely join in the end.


Kuangsha miscalculated again!

This time Lie Yan didn't even look at Kuangsha again, but chose to leave directly.

A trace of anger flashed in Kuangsha's eyes, and he winked.

The player quickly blocked Lie Yan's path, this time Lie Yan didn't stop, and pushed the player away with the shield.


Because there were a lot of players blocking, Lie Yan pushed a little harder, causing damage to the players directly.

"Does the person who hurt our trade union want to leave just like that?" Kuang Sha said with a superior look.

..." Lie Yan didn't speak, but put on an attack posture.

"The Kingdom of Sand will not forgive players who cause harm to guild members, unless..."

If it's not soft, it's hard!

The surrounding guild players once again surrounded Lie Yan with unfriendly expressions.

PK is imminent.

"Oh, is this how the Kingdom of Sand recruits players?" A male voice came.

"Who?" The Kingdom of Sand didn't expect that there would be other people in this place, and turned its head in surprise.

The visitor is naturally Zhang Xingyu, 5 people and 2 cats.

"Shadow Squad?!"

"The strongest elite team in the nightmare world?"

"What day is it today, not only did I meet the latest lone wolf player, but also the strongest elite team?" Some players said in surprise.

"Coercion by failing to recruit, is this the practice of the No. 1 Union in the Nightmare World?" Zhang Xingyu said with a sneer.

"This is an internal matter of our kingdom of sand, outsiders please shut up." Kuangsha said directly.

"But that player is not from your union." Otilia snorted and said.

Originally, Otilia didn't want to care about the affairs here. After all, for Otilia who has played various games, the PK in the game is too common, and the number of people on her side is too small.

But since Zhang Xingyu decided to stand up, Otilia would never give up.

——In other words, the game itself has not had a real PK yet.

Otilia thought.

Although it was the party who was beaten by the gang, for some reason, Otilia was not afraid at all, on the contrary, her blood was burning.

To put it another way... Otilia is in secondary school.

"Are you really sure you want to take care of this matter?" Kuangsha said with a grim expression, and the guild players beside him also released their weapons.

"It's not a man's way to bully a girl in public." Felicia took out a heavy crossbow and said.

"Want to fight meow? I'll accompany you meow~~" the cat maid excitedly took out her weapon.

"Maybe there will be a new pinned post on the forum tomorrow - Nightmare World's No. 1 guild recruits players and uses threats instead. The strongest shadow team draws their swords to help, and will kill the No. 1 club~~" Meng Meng Yue said with a smile.

Kuangsha frowned.

To be honest, he is not afraid of the Shadow Squad.

He admitted that the Shadow Team is indeed very strong, and its high technology can be compared with the wildism, but PK does not just need high technology, the real strength of PK lies in... whoever has more numbers!

Well, most games are like this!

Of course, except for some krypton gold games, ordinary players in those games work for RMB players and make fun for RMB players-even if there are more ordinary players, they will be instantly killed by RMB players!

But Nightmare games are not those cheating money games.

If it's true PK, then I can definitely kill the Shadow Squad!

Kuangsha is not afraid of the Shadow Squad, but he is "afraid" of Mengmeng Moon. 310 is not afraid of Mengmeng Yueyue's strength, but worried about her popularity -- if she posts a post on the forum, discrediting her guild, and then Mengmeng Yueyue's idiot fans make a fuss... Then maybe the reputation of the kingdom of sand will be rotten!

It was also because of this consideration that the Kingdom of Sand did not "fully" recruit Mengmeng Moon before.

Kuangsha was a little bit hard to get off.

at this time.......

There was a desolate scream in the sky.

"what sound?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a windy dragon flying tremblingly towards them in the sky, as if it might fall at any time.

"Wind Piaolong? But what's going on with this Wind Piaolong?"

"There are several big holes in the wings...... Is this what the player did? The Shadow Squad?"

The players in the kingdom of sand looked at the shadow team, but the shadow team also looked at the windy dragon flying erratically in the sky with a look of surprise.

A blue light flashed from the wings of Fengpiaolong, and the hit Fengpiaolong fell directly.


It fell directly to the ground, Feng Piaolong struggled a few times, and died!

Everyone looked at all this in amazement, only Zhang Xingyu smiled secretly—the mysterious monster is coming!

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