The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 196 This Is A Big Misunderstanding!

As night fell, around 9:30, the players in the Nightmare World were lying on their beds one after another.

Because the alarm clock sold by the home system will display the relationship between the time of the nightmare world and the time of the real world at the same time, players have now accurately grasped the opening and closing time of the nightmare world.

The opening time of the server is 9:30 every night, and the closing time is 7:00 every morning.

In other words, a player can play Nightmare World for up to 9 and a half hours a day!

For an online game, if the player can stay online for 5 hours a day, he can already laugh, 9 and a half hours... Do you think the player is a professional player?

What, are they playing games while sleeping?


If online game companies know that there is such a technology, they will definitely be crazy!

The incident on the cruise ship proved that the Nightmare World can also be opened during the day, but except for that day, no player has ever been able to enter the Nightmare World during the day. Why the Nightmare World does not open during the day is still a mystery.

Players who just entered the nightmare world immediately saw a huge system prompt.

[The world of "Horizon: Zero Dawn" has been opened, you can enter through the portal of the home system]

[Because of the opening of the new world, Monster Hunter World will be temporarily closed, and the opening time will be notified separately]

"Wow, haha—here I come to the new world!"

"Is Monster Hunter World temporarily closed? No problem, I planned to go to the new world to play wildly for a while~~~ I hope the new world is as fun as Monster Hunter World!"

"The era of mechanical doomsday? Haha, watch me save the human world!"

"I want RPG, I want laser gun~~~~"

"Monster Hunter World's skills seem useless...but it's better than nothing, after all, a gun is enough to PK with players...but if bullets are really scarce, melee weapons are also very important .”

Before entering the new world, the choice of home skills is naturally the top priority, which is related to the most important start of the game. After all, a good start means good development in the mid-term, and a bad are Ready to directly artificially change the difficulty of hell?

Of course, now players generally don't have any good skills, and they basically choose the best or most commonly used skills in the Monster Beauty world.

In this regard, the Shadow Squad and Lie Yan have a big advantage. Not only can they choose two skills, but they can also carry a weapon or prop!

Ordinary players can only bring one skill!

This is the difference!

But after all, he is the player who hunted the powerful Thunder Fang, and the advantage obtained by his own ability, the player has no complaints—it's like the player has completed a rare and limited task in the game.

The difference is that the rewards for this rare task are somewhat special.

Afterwards, the player enters the new world either alone or in a team.

The screen flashes——

"Wow—————— finally came to the new——— cough, cough, cough

The player who just opened his arms and wanted to send out a pose to embrace the new world choked.

There are countless snowflakes head-on!

It's a blizzard!

It is almost the same as Zhang Xingyu and others entering the new world for the first time. It is also the wilderness, the same snow-white winter natural scenery, and the same blizzard...

"The scenery is so beautiful, I have never seen such a heavy snow!"

"That's... snow mountain? It's so beautiful!"

"Huh? - This is.....Age of Doomsday Machines?"

Then, players!

Yes, the scenery in the new world is very beautiful, yes, many players have never seen this kind of snow scene for several years, but, but...

Isn't it the promised doomsday machine age?

What the hell is a cheater?

The snow-white and beautiful nature is indeed very beautiful, but, but, it does not match the background of the game!

Many players think that the place they entered should be a city, a city destroyed by mechanical monsters—the smell of gunpowder is everywhere, the smog fills the air, and you can hear explosions from a distance from time to time, and human corpses can be seen everywhere. The corpse of a mechanical monster...

The surviving humans have established a resistance base in this ruined city, and players should appear near the base, and then follow the system's guidance to find the hidden resistance base, listen to the passionate speech of the leader of the resistance base, and gain breakthroughs. Chug weapons, and then you can rush into the city to PK with mechanical monsters!

Players have already figured out how to play, and some players have even studied modern military manuals!

But what about this beautiful snow scene?

We're here to fight mechanical monsters, not to see the scenery!


"Lying on the grass, I'm freezing to death

"No, I have to find a place to hide quickly, I'm going to die of cold!"

0…ask for flowers…………

The players were shivering from the cold.

"Could it be that this is the base of the surviving humans?"

"The machines in this world are more afraid of the cold? So humans have established the last base of resistance in this barren mountain?"

"I think machines should be more cold-resistant than humans..." Someone complained.

"No no, some mobile phones can't be charged at a few degrees below zero!"


"The city has already fallen? The only way to build a base in this cold place where you can't see any modern facilities?"

"Could it be.....This is the last base of human resistance?"

"It seems that in the battle with the mechanical monsters, the situation of human beings is really not good. They are all driven to this barren mountain by the machines...but the snow is really beautiful

Students are at the peak of their imaginations, and they quickly find explanations, or automatically brainstorm plots.

[System prompt: Welcome to the world of "Horizon: Zero Dawn". 】

[It has been detected that you are equipped with homeland skills. Depending on the world, the skills may change. Please check the skill changes yourself. 】

[Main quest reminder: As quasi-adventurers going out for adventure, you have completed the basic first step of the adventure quest and become a real adventurer. Now, go back to the nearest Nora village to get the next quest reminder 】

"Here we come, we come, the main task, haha! We are waiting for you!"

"In this world, are we also so-called adventurers?"

"However, isn't fighting mechanical monsters the final main mission? Are we still adventuring outside?" Some players found that the mission prompt seemed to be completely different from what they thought.

"After all, it is the last surviving place of human beings... Perhaps, only those powerful people are allowed to go outside to the world where machines are rampant to fight against monsters."

"It's true... If everyone goes to fight mechanical monsters, and one is unlucky and wiped out by the group, wouldn't it mean that human beings will be extinct, and this is the place to keep the fire!"

"Yes, then hurry up and go to the nearest village, get weapons and go fight mechanical monsters~~"


The players happily walked towards the nearest village.

Then, when they came to the village, the players were completely dumbfounded!

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