The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 204 Soul Sublimation

Zhang Xingyu still has a bit of "conscience". Although the purpose is to harvest energy, he has not absorbed all the "essence" of the "crazy" web games

At least, he didn't work out that combat power system.

To be honest, it’s useless to get it out, because this game only gives you skill points for leveling up, there is no increase in blood volume or attribute, and the real power of this game lies in its own power——this includes the game, right The system, the familiarity with monsters and the improvement of one's own technology, these are things that cannot be reflected in the data.

Although the upgrade here only gives one skill point, and the upgrade is also very difficult, but because of this difficult upgrade, the excitement brought to the player is also doubled at the moment of the upgrade, and the energy gained It also made Zhang Xingyu extremely excited.

"It would be great if Monster Hunter also had a level-up system..."

The harvest of so much energy almost made Zhang Xingyu add the upgrade system to Monster Hunter World.

If you don't think about it enough, forget it. If Monster Hunter has an upgrade system, is it still Monster Hunter?

"Wait, look at the talent tree!"

Just when these level 5 players wanted to go back to the village to buy special weapons, a player suddenly stopped everyone.

"what happened?"

"Look at the talent tree, level 5 gives us more than one talent point!" the player said.

Huh? More than one talent point? No way, if there are two talent points, the place where the talent tree can be pointed should be lit. "But the talent tree on my side is all dark."

If there are available talent points, then the icon on the side of the skill tree that can be invested is lit, but there is no doubt that everyone's talent tree system is completely dark.

"That is to say, it's all dark, how can there be so many talents... Wait, I really have one——!" A player suddenly shouted.

"What? Really?"

The remaining 2 players also hastily opened the talent tree.

The icons of the 3 talent trees are all dark, indicating that there are no talent points available. However, just below the talent tree, to the right of showing 0 talent points, there is a golden talent point.

[1 mechanical talent point]

【You haven't unlocked the mechanical talent tree, you can't use this talent point!】

"Mechanical talent point."?"

"Mechanical talent tree? Not unlocked? Aren't the 3 talent trees we learned in the village the entire skill tree of the game?"

"There's even a mechanical talent tree? Sounds awesome!"

"That's right. The monsters here are all mechanical monsters. This talent can be seen to be related to machinery. What kind of talent tree is it?"

"I don't know that there is a fourth talent tree in this game. If it weren't for this special talent point, I'm afraid we wouldn't even know about it!"

As the saying goes, what you can't get is the best, which is the same reason that my wife is still someone else's good.

Zhang Xingyu doesn’t know how long it will take for the player to discover the ruins and unlock the hidden fourth talent, but this does not prevent Zhang Xingyu from drawing a big pie for the player, so that the player can experience the feeling of being able to see but not eat.

Yes, I clearly have talent points on my talent tree page, and they are mechanical talent points that are higher-end than ordinary Tongtian talent points at first glance, but, but... I... have this talent point, but I can’t use it!

Zhang Xingyu's move directly scratched the player's itch.

"It's stupid, after cutting so many monsters, and upgrading to level five, I realized that my talent tree has not been fully activated yet!"

"Urgently, what kind of talent tree is the mechanical talent tree? Has any player opened it?"

"1000 metal fragments are for players who know the metal talent tree. If you are not satisfied with the price, you can chat privately!"

"Damn, boss, there are so many metal fragments, how did you brush them?"

[Because the new mechanical talent is invisible and intangible, the player's desire for the impossible has been greatly improved, and the energy harvested is X2!]

Although the energy harvested is a little less than that of business, it is still energy!

The power of the dream demon, the more the better!

"By the way, since there is a hidden talent tree, the mechanical talent tree, will there be a fifth and sixth talent tree?" a player asked curiously.

"Haha, you're thinking too much—how can a game design so many talent trees? Don't you know that it takes time to design a talent tree?"

Well, this player has talked about Zhang Xingyu's pain points. In order to design these talent trees, Zhang Xingyu did spend some time.

However, Zhang Xingyu found that since he started to learn the power of nightmares, especially after his power of nightmares has been upgraded to the intermediate level, it seems that his intelligence has greatly improved.

The most obvious thing is that Zhang Xingyu feels that his thinking is faster and clearer than before, and his memory has become excellent, just like those memory prodigy in reality-#!

Zhang Xingyu told the Nightmare Lord about his changes, but he was scorned by the Nightmare Lord.

"What do you think I taught you? That is the most precious and rare knowledge of nightmare power, the knowledge that all nightmare creatures dream of, and it is the most essential knowledge of nightmare power without any impurities. It is not only Knowledge allows you to learn the knowledge of nightmares, and even a sublimation of the soul, people!"

The Nightmare Lord flattered himself while despising Zhang Xingyu.

Zhang Xingyu is not used to seeing the Nightmare Lord, a guy with such a high self-esteem, so he nodded, "`々 humbly" asked: "What does the sublimation of the soul mean?

"Hmph, you won't understand if I tell you. I'll tell you when you reach the advanced level of nightmare power." On the contrary, I want Zhang Xingyu to know more about the information.

Oops, it was just applied in the nightmare world before, but I didn't expect to let go and be learned by the Nightmare Lord, and I used it on myself!

However, the reason why the Triple Ax is so powerful is because this trick directly hits the essence of human nature, making it hard to refuse!

"Just tell me briefly~~" Zhang Xingyu asked, he was indeed too curious.

"Humph——to put it simply, (Wang's) is similar to evolution. For example, abyssal demons, they have evolved from abyssal worms all the way to cowards, berserk demons, and balrogs. This is the gene tree. essential evolution.

"It's like I evolved from a human to a higher human... something like that?"

"Yes, and not only that, the power of nightmare not only involves the evolution of species, but also the sublimation of the soul. This sublimation is more difficult than the evolution of species!"

"My soul has been sublimated?" Zhang Xingyu didn't know why, but he didn't know it!

"Sublimation?" The Nightmare Lord looked at Zhang Xingyu with contempt, and said, "You just increased your soul strength a little bit. If you want to involve soul sublimation, you must at least advance to the power of the legendary nightmare! "


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