The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 212 This Is Not A Comment I Know!

Reviews of Mengmeng Moon:

"I don't know what the secret of the machine is, and I have no interest in it. I only know that we walked in the damn blizzard for more than an hour, and we were so cold that we lost consciousness before we found the entrance to the damn ruins... ...It was a hole that looked very deep, and our unreliable captain wanted to jump in directly... Fortunately, some smart teammates stopped this stupid idea, otherwise the captain would fall to his death and run away. No negotiation.

The ruins are very old, I don’t know how old they are, but unexpectedly there are many very modern things. It seems that the level of technology is similar to that of our real world. Why are the people above still living a primitive life? It is completely incomprehensible!

There are a lot of corpses here. Some unreliable guy wanted to explore the corpses, but was frightened back several steps... or maybe he was frightened by the corpses. How stupid~~

In short, in "650" we unlocked the mechanical talent in the ruins. Hey, why are the mechanical talent and talent points not unlocked? It looks like a talent that can control machinery. I really want it~~

Wait, what is our unreliable captain trying to do again? Hurry up and stop her! ... Oops, why is there a word limit for this comment? So be it! 88~ This is the first place! The idol is so cute~~"

The above is the review of Mengmeng Moon.

"Haha, that's so funny!" Some players laughed after reading the comments.

"I thought I would see a serious article discussing the secrets of machinery, maybe a boring argumentative article, but, but, I didn't expect this kind of comment at all, Mengmeng Moon has you!"

"Cute Moon turned the serious comment section into a funny section!"

"As expected of a super idol who wants to be popular even to death, he actually doesn't forget to advertise himself in a place like this!"

There is no doubt that Mengmeng Yue’s comments made many players laugh.

"And what's going on with that unreliable captain? Mengmeng Yue, there are three places in your 400-word article where you complain about the captain. Haha, is the captain of the Shadow Team so unreliable?"

"It really made me laugh to death. I thought that the number one team in the nightmare world must be a group of cold-blooded players who mainly fight monsters. Didn't I expect that it turned out to be such a team?"

"I feel like this team is so happy. I wonder how the other team members are doing!"

Neither Zhang Xingyu nor Mengmeng Yue thought that because of Meng Meng Yue’s comments, that absolutely strong team that has always been high in the minds of players——Shadow Team

It has become much more people-friendly.

"Haha, take a look at the comment of the captain of the Shadow Team. Although it is an anonymous comment, it is definitely the captain who Meng Meng Yue complained about, because there are many Meng Meng Yue in her comments, complaining that this guy is a little vixen!" A player said said with a laugh.

"Little vixen? Such a cute Mengmeng Moon was actually complained about as a little vixen... I, I..." A player who seemed to be a fan of Mengmeng Moon widened his eyes and said: "Why do I feel that the little vixen is... The title makes Meng Meng Moon even cuter!"

"Little vixen and cute moon!"

Therefore, Mengmeng Moon went from being the number one idol in the universe (self-proclaimed) to "relying on roaring for output" (she moved around like crazy during the battle of Steel Dragon and never output, all relying on pets!), and then she became a "little vixen" " title.

On the other side, because they saw each other's comments, the unreliable captain and the little vixen got into a fight again.

"What's so unreliable? How am I unreliable? And why did I want to jump at that time? I fell into your language trap!"

"Why am I such a vixen! I'm so cute and you actually call me a vixen? And I'm not small at all!"

"And what happened to your last unreliable captain who wanted to do something? I didn't do anything, okay!"

"You are the cowardly little vixen who actually said that I am timid. Why am I so timid?"

Looking at the two little lolita arguing, Zhang Xingyu, Huang Licia, Cat Maid and others all sighed.

————You two are half-assed!

No valuable clues were found in the main mission information, but a few discussions by the Shadow Team made the players happy.

Although it is a funny comment, it also contains some important information.

For example, Mengmeng Yue's comment record shows that the mechanical talent is activated in the ruins. Does that mean that other players' mechanical talents can also be activated in the ruins?

In addition, I have opened the mechanical talent, but there are still talents that have not been unlocked in the mechanical talent?

Double encrypted mechanical talent?

Players are even more curious about mechanical talents, especially when Mengmeng Yue also said that an ununlocked mechanical talent may be able to control machines!

"Why...Shadow Team, can't you talk about the mechanical talent in the comments?"

"That's right, we, we... we obviously have mechanical talents, but we can't get rid of the pain. Do you know? Not only are we greedy, but we can't see it. We can only think about it in our hearts. What a pain!"

As Shadow Team updated the main mission, players remembered the term ruins and thought about having the opportunity to explore the ruins.

During the day the next day, players’ discussions about the game became more lively.

There is no other reason, because on the last day of the trial mission, too many things happened!

Many players have upgraded to level 5 and started hunting sawtooth beasts with special weapons.

Then, then………….

Why can't we just hunt in peace?

The second main mission started, and the storm bird made a domineering appearance. Fortunately, it did not massacre players on a large scale, nor did it recreate the horrific (and joyful) scene of the fire dragon raging.

However, if the incomparable domineering Storm Bird doesn't fight, other mechanical creatures will attack!

Attack of the Flash Eagle Legion!

Although this attack caught many players off guard, the result was good - a lot of metal fragments and experience points were obtained, as well as a bunch of parts, which are important materials for making attribute arrows.

Due to the sudden appearance of the main mission and the attack of the Flash Eagle Group, many players' hunting was interrupted, and they were not even able to successfully hunt the Sawtooth Beast in the end!

Of course, there are also players who upgraded due to the Flash Eagle Group's attack, and finally successfully hunted the Sawtooth Beast.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Mechanical talent is also the focus of players' attention. At this time, Mengmeng Yue posted a post on the forum and explained the mechanical talent she saw, which made Mengmeng Yongliang gain a wave of fans.

Finally, in the evening, it was the opening day of the New World Main Quest Trial Conference.

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