The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 230 Crazy Battle

The first time they fight a humanoid monster is naturally exciting for the players. For example, Leilei and Diandian from the Dream Group have already rushed towards the X | Cultists with howls, and then...

The two of them were shot and hung up!

"Hell, the firepower of the X cultists is too strong, you can't rush through it!" Qinyin said: "Hide behind the bunker and shoot with bows and arrows!"

"Hey, but I'm not good at using bows and arrows!"

"You have to use it even if you don't use it well!" Qinyin pointed at Lei Lei and Dian Dian who turned into light particles and disappeared, and said: "Maybe you also want to be shot into a brush like those two idiot berserkers? By the way, It hurts.

"Then, the female player immediately hesitated.

"However, you can just rush over. After all, if the target of the X cultists is you, we will have a chance to fight back~" Qinyin said with a smile, with an expression like you can rush over if you want.

"I, I'm not going!" The female player hurriedly waved her hands, expressing that she didn't want to be cannon fodder!

Players in the nightmare world dream of having an epic one-on-one showdown with humanoid monsters, but the reality is completely different!

Because, the number of X believers far exceeds the number of players!

And they all hold bows and arrows877!

Want to go one-on-one with X| cultists?

Let’s think about how to survive the arrows first!

Except for a few places where players have the numerical advantage and can kill some X | cultists, in most places, the already dead!

The most important thing is that the general archery skills of players are not as good as those of X| cultists!

The players were shot badly!

What prevents the X cultists from approaching the Nora tribe’s trial site? It’s good to be able to protect yourself now!

Of course, players are not completely without advantages. After all, no matter how bad the technology is or how bad the equipment is, "not dying" is the biggest advantage. If you want to risk your life, you can definitely kill the X| cultists, as long as it is not like Lei Lei and A mindless rush like Dianden will do.

However, death in this game is not cheap. First of all, death will be painful, especially the pain in certain parts can make even a macho man cry...

In addition, because the horizon world has a level setting, experience will be lost if you die...

The biggest problem is that the maximum number of deaths per day (ajac) for players is 5 times and 6 times before they are taken away by the "Nightmare World Server"!

"Can't you inform Elegant Ice yet?" Blue Girl Dream asked.

" seems that before the mission is over, we can no longer rely on communication tools to contact the people over there...or we can only forcefully break in and inform them that the X cultists will attack.

"But...this rain of arrows can't penetrate at all...and the X| cultists still have a geographical advantage..."

The X cultists currently have an advantage in the battle. On the one hand, they are strictly guarding the location of the Nora tribe's trial meeting, and on the other hand, they have sent a large group of people to attack the players, but this also gives the players the opportunity to kill people.

However, the X| cultists didn't seem to care about the death of their subordinates at all. Groups of X| cultists rushed forward desperately [they were simply more unafraid of death than the players!

"Hi oh oh oh - hula oh

The X cultists yelled meaningless words and started fighting with the players.

The players who were originally hiding behind the bunker suddenly became dangerous, and the number of deaths increased sharply.

"Damn, these crazy guys are indeed X believers. Are they not afraid of death at all?"

A player pierced Cultist X's chest with a short spear, but Cultist X| Cultist still struggled to attack the player, which shocked the player. Fortunately, a player next to him made a last hit, and Cultist X was completely dead!

"I didn't expect humanoid monsters to be harder to fight than monsters! If I were really given a choice, I'd rather choose monsters to fight!" said the player.

"I thought we players were the least afraid of death. After all, we really can't die. However, I met the X cultists!"

This is the common thought among players after fighting against the X cultists.

Yes, these crazy X| believers seem to have their minds completely polluted, as if "it is my honor to sacrifice my life for the great god"!

When someone who is not afraid of death meets someone who is even less afraid of death...

Then it depends on who is more "shrew"!

As the saying goes, "The aggressive ones are afraid of the stunned ones, the stunned ones are afraid of the life-threatening ones, and the life-threatening ones are afraid of the shrews"!

The players were killed by X| cultists who were not afraid of death.

After all, they are just a group of students. This kind of battle with real swords and guns is very exciting for the students. Even though Zhang Xingyu very lovingly blocked some of the "violent" special effects (seriously despised by the Lord of Dream Demons), some players still have some Can't accept it.

Controlling a character in the computer to kill someone is completely different from the player's own "real killing"!

Fortunately, the players are fighting against a group of crazy X cultists, and previous game players have been hunting and fighting, so they are used to this kind of real battle. Otherwise, if the players just come up, they will encounter such crazy enemies. , I’m afraid some timid people just want to log off.

In fact, there were indeed some players who couldn't stand this kind of battle after being killed by the X| cultists once, and did not go to the front line to fight again.

[Hidden Objective 03: Rescue the NPCs participating in the trial. Current number of surviving NPCs: 18/26]

Just when Player

"Nah, why do the NPCs in the trial die so quickly?" The players who noticed it widened their eyes.

"What's going on? Were you killed instantly?"

Within a few seconds, three more died, and the number of surviving NPCs dropped to 15.

"Holy shit, are these NPCs participating in the Brave Trial so rubbish? Can this mission be completed?" Some players were angry.

"Look at these crazy X cultists, who can stop them! A lot of us died at the beginning!"

"It should be that the trial heroes didn't notice and were attacked by a sneak attack, so so many died at once. You can see that the number and speed of deaths have slowed down now."

Yes, the number of survivors has been maintained at 15, and it took a while to drop to 14.

"The players participating in the trial are all masters of the nightmare world. Please give me some strength!" a player prayed.

"Shadow Team and Lie Yan are here too, so they shouldn't die so easily!"

"The key now is whether we can repel the X cultists, otherwise the players in the trial conference will be under increasing pressure!"

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