The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 233 Fierce Battle

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Three heavy machine guns are shooting at you, which is much more terrifying than a rain of arrows. The players in front of you will all fall down almost in an instant!

Everyone was hit by machine guns again and could not hold their heads up. It was even more dangerous than before, because the power of bullets was much more powerful than bows and arrows. Some bunkers could block arrows, but they could not block bullets!

As for Otilia and the other three, they quickly ran back to the stone bunker when they saw the machine gun appear.

Otilia's big sword can't block the dense bullets of the machine gun at all. Although the huge shield of the unified gun can, it will lose stamina. Once the stamina reaches zero, the defense will collapse and you will die!

The enemy has three machine guns!

"The red-haired man will not survive today, everyone move forward!" A strong man appeared in the venue. His status seemed to be higher than that of the leader of the X| Cult, and he took over the command.

"Is they targeting me?" Eloy frowned.

Of course, besides Eloy, the red-haired one also has Lieyan.

The battle has entered hard mode. Under the command of a strong man (hereinafter referred to as the killer), three machine guns occupy three positions, almost blocking all assault routes for players. Now everyone is under the threat of machine guns. Don’t dare to stand up—if you dare to stand up, you will be shot into a brush!

Some enemies rushed behind the bunker and fought with players and NPCs. During the battle, some people moved out of the bunker and would be shot soon!

"No, if we don't deal with those three machine guns, we will all die!" Ottilia just raised her head, and the bullets passed by the rocks in an instant, which scared Ottilia and she immediately shrank back.

"But you can't just rush over..." Felicia said, and then everyone looked at the cat maid.

.." The cat maid shrank her neck, then sighed and said: "Well, it seems that I can't escape the life of the human shield today, meow..."

"Mengmeng Moon, you find an opportunity to command and let the NPCs retreat." Otilia said to Mengmeng Moon, who nodded.

Following Otilia's order, the human shield rushed out. At that time, the huge shield was revealed, and three laser gun bullets came out at an angle. The endurance gauge of the human shield was rapidly reduced.

"Hurry, I can't hold on any longer!" Catmaid said.

Zhang Xingyu and others rushed out together.

"You guys, leave here when you find the right opportunity... Don't worry about us, as many as you can escape now! If you want to help us, just bring the news back to the tribe and bring people to support us.

Some NPCs didn't seem to want to retreat like this, because it would be equivalent to letting those who stayed die. However, Mengmeng Yue's passionate words finally made most NPCs agree to retreat.

Seeing that Zhang Xingyu and others had already fought with the X| cultists, Mengmeng Yue hurriedly asked the NPCs to retreat. A black girl named Vala among the NPCs directed the companions to retreat.

She knew a way out safely.

However, almost 4 NPCs had just run away, but the last one was shot and killed halfway. At the same time, the bullets slanted over quickly, and the remaining 5 NPCs suddenly did not dare to rush.

"This is?" Mengmeng Yue couldn't help but pay attention to the battle.

The battle is very difficult!

The human shield lasted for some time, but the stamina gauge was always a problem. After the stamina gauge was cleared and the defense collapsed, she was unable to move at the same time. The cat maid was shot into a brush almost in the next moment.

But this also gives others a chance to attack!

The target of the attack is naturally the machine gun user, so it's best if you can snatch it and use it!

However, the X cultists also know that the machine gun is their most powerful weapon, and the X cultists on the scene rushed over to block the players' way!

"Quickly, kill the enemy with the laser gun, don't worry about other people!" Ottilia shouted.

But it is not that easy to break through the X| cultists' protective circle. Some players don't seem to be used to fighting with others, and they were directly killed by the X| cultists.

The cat maid is dead, the laser gun is turning its muzzle, and the situation has reached its most dangerous moment!

"It's over, it's over, you're all going to die this time!" A player is still desperately trying to break through the X| cultists' protective circle, but the enemies are so numerous that it's too difficult!

Fortunately, the players on the scene were in a chaotic battle with the enemies, and the laser gun was not easy to aim. However, the enemies were X| cultists. Who knows if they would go crazy and kill their own people too!

At this time, Lie Yan climbed onto the high platform where the laser gun was located from nowhere. Her red hair was so bright that almost everyone on the scene noticed her!

"It's the flames!"

"When exactly... No, how did she get up there?" Yue Yue said in surprise.

"Red-haired one, Sha Yi X | The believers naturally saw Lie Yan, and all three machine guns were immediately aimed at Lie Yan. Lie Yan was not afraid at all and rushed towards the nearest machine gun X | believer.

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Lieyan's S-shaped movement almost dodged all the bullets and rushed to the nearest machine gun X | cultist.

"Shield Ax Liberation Slash————!"


Killed the X cultist with one strike!

However, this move also exposed a huge flaw in Lieyan!

The remaining two machine guns were aimed at Fiery Fire!

"Shield Ax Transformation Slash!"

However, Lie Yan is also quite smart. After killing the enemy with one move, he immediately followed up with a transformation slash, switching back to the sword and shield form to defend against bullets.


Lieyan's stamina gauge dropped rapidly!

"She can't hold on like this!" Mengmeng Yue said anxiously. She took out her bow and arrow and shot it, but it didn't hit the enemy.

"The enemy is too far away!"

However, a sharp arrow was shot out from the side of the cute moon. The bow and arrow crossed the entire battlefield and accurately hit the head of the Machine Gun X cultist.

head shot!

Another Machine Gun X|Cultist fell.

Mengmeng Yue turned around in surprise and found that it was Eloy!

After the stunning arrow, Eloi did not stop attacking, but ran towards the battlefield.

"Hey——you————" Mengmeng Yue didn't hold Eloi back, so she could only give up and let the remaining NPCs retreat.

" looks like we can win..." Vala also seemed to want to go up and fight.

"Winning is a win, who knows how many X cultists are hiding, and they might not be able to escape for a while, so hurry up!" Mengmeng Yue said firmly. When Vala saw this, although she still hesitated, she nodded in agreement.

On the other hand, just before Lieyan's endurance gauge was about to be emptied, he suddenly turned sideways and fell to the ground, and then quickly rolled behind a small stone.

"Interesting... Although you are not the main target, you are worth killing." The killer drew his weapon and walked toward the flames.

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