The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 256 The Main Mission...Has Not Been Completed Yet? !

Why Fatty’s post has attracted so much attention is, on the one hand, naturally because Fatty has given himself various benefits by virtue of his status as the founder of the “Nightmare World Forum” (although most of the forum functions are now handed over to the student union, but most Students don’t know, of course Fatty still has some special permissions.) On the other hand, there is indeed something in Fatty’s writing content.

For example, this time, Fatty also described his speculations on what changes would occur in subsequent main quests if the player completes the failed main quest.

"I didn't expect that there was a hidden thread in this main mission... I was definitely not attracted by those dancing girls at the festival! Absolutely not!"

Fatty’s post reads:

"Let's get down to business... I think the failed main mission of the X| Cultist's Conspiracy is not that simple. Even if the player can complete it, subsequent attacks and sneak attacks by the X| Cultist will still happen~.

First of all, the difficulty of this mission must be very high, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many players who wouldn’t have discovered it.

Secondly, this main task also involves the subsequent main tasks. If the task is successful, what will happen to the two subsequent main tasks that are so huge?

I think that even if the player discovers the spy, it will be difficult to prove that the spy is a spy in the absence of sufficient evidence (the most important thing is that the player does not understand the world yet, and does not even know what the X| cultists are!) , I don’t know what they want to do.

Even if the players find some evidence, it will be difficult for the Nora tribe to make targeted arrangements without discovering the entry of a large number of There will definitely not be that many X believers in the La territory, and the reaction will be faster.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this game has actually designed a mission that can perfectly avoid the attacks of X| cultists, but if this is the case, the subsequent two missions will also have major changes.

Anyway, this is all speculation.

However, Horizon’s main mission also gave us a revelation, that is, for future main missions, we cannot just look at the mission information provided to us by the system.

Fatty's post also started a big discussion among players on "If the X| cultist's conspiracy can be completed, what will happen to the follow-up missions?"

It's a pity that if you miss the secret mission of X Cultist's Conspiracy, you will really miss it. Judging from the situation in the Nightmare game world, unless a new Horizon server is opened, no one will know the details of that mission.

In addition to the discussion of the main mission, there is another focus of discussion among the players.

That’s the reward for the main mission!

Generally speaking, the rewards for the main missions mean the best rewards - the best equipment, the most powerful skills, the coolest props...

This should be the same thing about most games, but the nightmare world is different.

Nightmare World is not just a game world!

The nightmare mark that can invite others into the nightmare world can be exchanged for the real world, such as the heart of the storm that destroyed a huge and terrifying tornado...

Yes, there are extremely special seven-color nightmare items in the nightmare world!

The past two situations can prove that seven-color nightmare-level items seem to be items that can be used in the real world, and this special item usually exists in large-scale missions

For example, the main mission of Monster Hunter World is Revenge of the Fire Dragon, as well as the large-scale side mission Trial of the Tempest.

And this time, are there any mysterious nightmare-level items as rewards for the large-scale main quests in Horizon World?

This is something all players are looking forward to.

If so, what is it?

However, what surprised all players was that when entering the world of Horizon, the main mission was still not completed. In other words, as before, the main mission was still stuck at "X|Cultist's Attack" or "X] "Sneak attack by cultists".

What's going on? Isn't this large main line mission over yet?

The X cultists have all been killed and retreated. Does this main mission still require us to kill the X | cultists’ base?

The players were very confused.

But the main mission is just there, motionless, and players cannot cancel the display or get the next game prompt.

However, many players feel that an opportunity has come.

"There will definitely be a follow-up to this main mission, and now is our opportunity to start the next step!"

Bowdos, who gained a large number of PT points by launching the X cultist's attack before, aroused the jealousy of many players, but now that the main mission has stagnated, there may be a hidden thread!

"Maybe the X| cultists haven't completed their mission yet, and they have follow-up actions!"

0......Please give me flowers......

"Yes, we can't assassinate you from the front. Let's go to the Nora tribe's base camp to see if there are any hidden X cultists!"

"I think the possibility of being outside is relatively high!"

Based on previous experience, this main mission that could not be canceled was a hint, so the players began to explore crazily.

On the other side, Zhang Xingyu and Otilia climbed from an uninhabited snow mountain to the base camp and looked for the cute moon.

As for why it is under the deserted snow-capped mountains...

Because, after the players completed the main mission last night, they were directly kicked out of the Horizon game by the system on the grounds of [system maintenance].

Players who are idle and bored can only find people to chat with in their homes in the nightmare world.


And going online today is the state just after the main task was completed yesterday.

In the final battle, the players sent away the NPCs except Eloy, and successfully killed the remaining X| cultists. However, the X cultist killer waved his hand, and the assassin team hidden in the secret appeared!

Players who are almost out of ammunition and food are unable to fight against the enemy - these killer teams are far more powerful than the previous X| cultists!

Players died one after another, and even Eloy was in mortal danger.

At this time, Eloy's adoptive father Rost appeared and rescued Eloy.

But Rost is no match for the killer.

Zhang Xingyu and Otilia wanted to save the NPC, but were held back by the killer team.

In the end, Rost, who was stabbed in the heart, pushed Eloy off the cliff with his last breath.

After Zhang Xingyu drank the last bottle of medicine, he took Otilia and Mengmeng Yue and jumped off the cliff to commit suicide.

Anyway, you will die if you stay up there!

But before jumping off the cliff, Zhang Xingyu kicked the fallen Rost off the cliff.

He was stabbed in the heart and basically couldn't survive, but there might be a miracle!

There were not many players left alive at the scene. When they saw the expert team jumping off the cliff to commit suicide, they all started suicide mode.

——At least there is still hope of survival if you commit suicide by jumping off a cliff, but if you stay up there, there is only one way to die! A few...

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