The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 264 The Battle Between Man And Machine

"The BOSS is coming!"

"Damn it, he is indeed a BOSS. The way he appears is so unique. He appears directly from the air and appears domineeringly!"

"Do you still have time to chat? Hurry and grab the first kill of the BOSS!" Seeing the BOSS coming down, some players became excited.

There are still many players in the camp, and many people think that if the BOSS jumps in like this, isn't he going to die?

Why don't you hurry up and fight the BOSS that's coming to your door!

However, some players who have fought against the Degenerates are too scared to approach them!

"Come on - kill the BOSS... Hey, why don't you go up?"

"Come on, I'll make up some blood first and then..."

"What a coward, I'm going to get that first kill!" The player who was anxious to get the first kill quickly rushed towards the Degenerate.

"Uh-huh, you think you can kill dark metal?" The timid player snorted. Although he had replenished his health, he chose to stay away from the Degenerate.

The degenerates who broke into the camp started killing everyone.

The strange mechanical footsteps suddenly moved backwards and came to a player, and before the player could react, they pierced the player's chest.

" obviously didn't look at me..." This is the player's doubts before death.

A player team formed a formation and rushed over, and the BOSS directly fired several grenades.

Boom boom boom

Only one of the 5 players survived, and he ran away in fear.

The players who were shooting arrows in the distance were not spared either. The degrader directly fired the spikes!

These spikes are so fast that the archery player was killed without even reacting, and he didn't even see the bullet being fired clearly - the spikes are small and thin, making it difficult to see, especially in the chaotic scene. Hard to see clearly.

"What happened? How did they die?"

It took a while for the player to discover bloody spikes from behind the body of an NPC!

The Degenerate fires concealed spikes!

In addition, the tail of the Degenerate is a big killer. The tail is usually shortened, about less than 2 meters, but it can be extended to more than 4 meters in an instant, and every part of the tail is covered with growth. If you are hit by a metal spike and are swept by the tail, you will not be able to survive unless you have full health. The most terrifying thing is the barb at the back of the tail. It is very difficult to get rid of it after being stabbed. Although you will not die immediately, it will deteriorate. If the player swings his tail several times and hits the ground several times, the player who is in the flesh will have to kneel down!

For a moment, the degrader turned on the unparalleled mode in the camp.

It’s not like players haven’t thought about ways to fight.

For example, the Rogue's lightning trap.

The paralysis effect of thunder and lightning traps has been proven to be one of the most effective traps against monsters. Even the sawtooth beast will basically fall to its knees after being paralyzed twice as long as its output can keep up. "But

This degraded person has been hit by more than 10 paralysis traps in a row... Why is there no meaning of paralysis at all?

"Is this monster immune to paralysis.«?"

The player said in surprise.

In fact, he is not immune, but his resistance to lightning is extremely high. He needs to use a large number of paralysis traps to accumulate "paralysis value". What's even more frightening is that the body of the Degenerate has a special device.

There will be one more judgment when fighting against various attribute traps.

In other words, even if the paralysis value is full and you should be paralyzed, this special device will cast an energy [with a 50% probability of invalidating this paralysis!

"Thunder and lightning can't freeze!"

"It's the same, it has no effect!"

"What about tearing?"

"It looks like we can get the grenade launcher off, but it's just a place that can be torn apart!"

Yes, the scariest thing about the Transformer is that he has almost no weaknesses!

The resistance to various attribute attacks is extremely high. Tear is the only weak attribute, but the only weapon that can be removed is a grenade launcher!

In other words, the only way to fight against this monster is to confront the monster head-on!

However, this monster's defense is also very high. A bow and arrow can only knock off a little bit of the monster's skin, and there is almost no reduction in blood volume. The melee attack is slightly better, but... almost no players are willing to run. Go over and attack the Degenerate at close range!

The melee combat of the Degenerate is too terrifying, especially the extendable tail, which is a powerful weapon against humans. It is extremely lethal and hard to defend against!

Of course, this monster is not completely invincible. It has a single weak point - its thermal core.

If you continue to attack it with a flame weapon (but it also has extremely high flame resistance), after the "burning value" is accumulated (you still need to pass a special device invalidation judgment), you will be temporarily unable to move. Exposing the thermal core inside the machine.

As long as it can attack the thermal core, it can cause huge damage.

However, the lightning and ice attributes have become ineffective one after another, causing players to lose confidence - because this monster doesn't seem to be very afraid of fire!

Flame arrows are special bows and arrows that can be obtained by making them from parts dropped by killing monsters. They cannot be bought in stores. Players do not have many flame arrows in their hands. It seems that the degraders are immune to attribute attacks, so there is no waste of attribute bows and arrows. Just do the unnecessary consumption.

Zhang Xingyu naturally knew that he could use flames to hit the weak spots of the degraded, but he couldn't say it directly.

"`||No, we must contain the BOSS, otherwise the defense here will collapse!"

Zhang Xingyu and Otilia are fighting the Deteriorated Sawtooth Beast. Without the help of other players, it is extremely difficult for the two of them to fight against the Deteriorated Sawtooth Beast. The defense of the degraded Sawtooth Beast is too terrifying, and most of them have ADHD. , even Zhang Xingyu, who has extraordinary skills, can't find many attack opportunities.

The two of them polished the saw-toothed beast down to about one-third of its health, but Zhang Xingyu found that he could no longer waste time with the saw-toothed beast.

Otilia nodded, and the two began to move towards the Degenerate. The Deteriorated Sawtooth Beast seemed to be angered by the two, and chased them.

Zhang Xingyu originally wanted to hand over this saw-toothed beast with little health left to other players, but now the players are too busy to take care of themselves, and there are fighting everywhere in the camp. It is a mess (good money) and there is no one who can help. Player!

"It would be nice if the big meat shield was here..."

At this time, both people had the same idea in their hearts.

If the Cat Maid is there, then Zhang Xingyu can throw the sawtooth beast directly to the Cat Maid. The Cat Maid will definitely cry and say that he is not a big human shield, but under the pressure of Felicia, he has to be a big human shield...

However, at this time, the two had to make a difficult choice - to face the Degenerate and the Deteriorated Sawtooth Beast at the same time!

Otilia thought it was an act of suicide, but as a player, Otilia was not afraid of challenges.

The worst case scenario is to just hang up!

It has been a long time since Monster Hunter Prologue crashed several times...

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