The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 278 Why Are You Barbecuing? !

Zhang Xingyu and Otilia still had enough savings in Monster Hunter World, so they built a complete set of bird-tickling equipment for Mio.

As for why it is bird-tickling equipment...

I can't help it, there are a lot of ticklers on the street, and often a tickler will come over and kill the tickler in a flurry... I have accumulated a pile of materials!

The attributes of the scratching bird are average, but it is not good-looking. Although it is not as cute as the Daimyo shield crab or the heroic female fire dragon, the latter two materials are not enough, so I chose the scratching bird set.

Anyway, it is over-equipped, looks good, and a little defense is enough.

After finishing the equipment, the two chatted for a while, and Mio came out of the prologue at a very fast speed.

Then, of course, there is the time that you love to watch and can’t stop drooling, that is, the time when you go to the legendary weapon display cabinet and look at those magical equipment but you can’t get them.

There were so many weapons in Monster Hunter that Mio was dazzled and didn't know what to choose for a while. She looked at Otilia and Zhang Xingyu for help.

"Just choose the weapon you like. If it doesn't work, just try one by one. The worst we can do is buy you one of every novice weapon!" Rich Ottilia said that she was not short of money.

." Mio became even more troubled after hearing Otilia's words.

"You made Night Ninja even more at a loss." Zhang Xingyu sighed, pointed at the weapon on the left rear, and said: "How about trying the two swords first? It feels like it suits you."

Mio used two strange-shaped daggers when fighting before. Later, the daggers were blown away by the flames and replaced with smaller shurikens. Zhang Xingyu felt that this small two-handed weapon was more suitable for children. Loli.

Mio didn't have any idea and nodded.

Later, the two came to the weapons training camp, and during the process, they talked to Mio about the characteristics of the double swords.

"The double sword is a dexterity weapon with continuous output. Although its attack power is not high, its output frequency ranks first among all weapons."

"The twin swords are also one of the most mobile weapons in the game. By continuously consuming stamina to maintain ghost form, they can suppress monsters with violent attacks. "It's very powerful."

"However, the double swords also have obvious weaknesses, that is, the attack distance of the weapons is too short, and it is difficult to hit certain weak points of the monster. At the same time, you need to pay extra attention to the endurance gauge. Otherwise, you will not pay attention to the endurance gauge until you become a ghost, and you will not even be able to dodge. Opportunity!"

In the weapons training camp, Mio showed her talent for dual-sword weapons. She could basically learn everything the instructor taught her very quickly, and she even learned a few enhanced skills!

"Mio is really suitable for double swords!" Otilia's eyes lit up when she saw that Mio could learn various double sword skills so quickly.

It seems that the team I am playing will have another super master!

"How is it? Do you like this weapon? Or try other weapons?" Zhang Xingyu asked with a smile.

"No - just this weapon... I... like it very much~~" The little Loli smiled.

"Okay, the training has been completed, let's find a monster to try." Otilia said happily.

What should the first monster fight?

Needless to say, it is naturally a training monster specially designed for novices - the fierce jackal dragon!

Well, although when the Monster Hunter World server was first launched, I don’t know how many players were killed by ferocious jackals...

"There is a big ferocious jackal in front of us. We are watching from the side. Can you kill it by yourself?" Because of Mio's performance in the training camp, Ottilia felt that the little Lolita was strong enough to kill the big ferocious jackal by herself. , but after all, it was the first time to hunt, and she was not familiar with the characteristics of the big ferocious jackal, and she was also worried about the little loli being nervous, so Ottilia asked.

"I'll try." Mio's answer was very simple.

"Okay, we will support you from behind. If it doesn't work, just call us... Don't worry, it doesn't matter even if you die, everyone in this game will die along the way~~! (Tears)

Mio cautiously walked towards the big ferocious jackal. Hunting such a huge monster in such a real world for the first time made the little Loli a little nervous, and Ottilia, who was watching behind, looked even more nervous.

"Come on, Mio, from now on the main output of No. 3 will be left to you! ......... Well, where is Xingying?" Otilia turned her head and looked, and stared at her for a moment. Big eyes.

“Holy shit, why are you barbecuing?!”

Yes, Zhang Xingyu took out the barbecue tools and was sitting on a small bench to barbecue!


[You grilled a piece of meat that was half-cooked]

"It's all your fault, I failed to roast this piece of meat!" Zhang Xingyu said depressedly.

"Is it time for barbecue now?" Otilia almost shouted.

"Shouldn't we enjoy Mio's hunting while eating delicious barbecue at this time?"

"Are you so confident about her?"

"Would you like half-cooked barbecue?"

"Don't eat!"

"It's all your fault that I got this meat and I'm giving it to you!"

"No, it tastes too bad! There is cooked meat in my bag, and it was cooked by a professional cook!"

There is a sub-class of cook in this game. Compared to players without a cook career, a cook has a higher success rate in grilling meat, and can grill multiple pieces of meat at one time (depending on proficiency). More importantly, a cook can also grill meat. Various condiments can be added to the barbecue.

Well, ordinary players only have one flavor when making barbecue, and it tastes unusual.

Mature barbecue can increase the player's upper limit of endurance and can be said to be one of the must-have foods for players. Although ordinary players can bake barbecue with the same effect for 520, it is obvious that players are not willing to treat themselves badly - they still eat it with various flavors. The barbecue is even better!

The cooks are quite popular.

By the way, one of the Catmaid's sub-jobs is that of a cook. She is also an important human shield responsible for the Shadow Team's meals...

Let the big meat shield roast meat... It's funny just thinking about it.

However, as a professional maid, Cat Maid's cooking skills are very good, so it is natural to choose a career as a cook.

On the other side, the battle between the double-sword warrior Mio and the newcomer killer Jackal has begun!

At the beginning, Mio was very cautious and rarely made any moves. Even if she did, she would simply hit her twice and then stop. For a weapon like the double sword, attacking with one hit was like an itch.

However, the monster also failed to hit Mio.

Mio has been observing the monster's movements!

The nightmare world is undoubtedly very realistic. The monsters' actions conform to the rules of physics. There are no unscientific actions. It is easy to judge the monster's next move based on the monster's prelude actions.

Of course, the exception is the hyperactive Dionychus!

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