The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 301 Qilin’S Countermeasure Preparations

More than 10 minutes later, the second land reclamation team composed of the Dream Team and the Shadow Team was wiped out again.

The Elegant Ice plan failed, and the self-destruction twins turned into a "real suicide" team, dragging the people into the battle. They were caught off guard and the formation was in chaos...

Although Ottilia tried her best to restore the chaotic situation, after Kirin's ultimate move caused a large-scale thunder and lightning, the outcome of the battle of the Proclaimer had ended prematurely.

Mengmeng Yue is even more direct, telling Meow-chan that if she lies down, you should quickly find a chance to escape!

After getting ready, everyone stood in front of you again.

This time everyone learned the lesson and hid far away and let the self-destructing berserkers come up to attack the monsters.

People who eat melons are also at risk. If you are not careful, you may endanger the fish in the pond - you must keep a safe distance.

2 minutes later, the suicidal mad warrior Maocha went home. Qilin looked around cautiously, and after finding no one there, he climbed down again to rest.

"Okay, the unstable factors have been eliminated, so let's start the combat meeting now." A head popped up from behind a stone. After looking at Qilin's movements, Elegant Ice retracted again and said.

Even though I had become a fish in a pond and was killed by a cat, it was not without gain - I got to see more of Kirin's skills and fighting methods.

"The main problem is the large-scale thunder and lightning. First of all, our positions cannot be too concentrated. We must spread out, otherwise there will be no room to hide. The other thing is how to avoid the thunder and lightning." Otilia said.

"An Ye-chan is right. You must first learn the skill of evasion before you can be qualified to hunt Kirin." Elegant Ice said:

"The range of this move is very wide. Even long-range professions have a hard time getting out of the thunder and lightning attack range. They can only rely on movement. I think everyone has noticed that although Kirin's move has a wide range and strong attack power, But it’s not that we don’t have stoves for everyone, because there will be a blue-purple shadow in the place where lightning strikes, so just observe the ground in advance and come to a place without blue shadow.”

"But Captain...the thunder and lightning shadows all over the ground are really scary!"

"That's right, if you take one more step, you might get hit...

"The worst thing is that after being electrocuted, the body will be really paralyzed and the movement will be restricted...Although it can be relieved by taking drugs, if you encounter this trick while taking drugs...

"The key is to stay calm and not be frightened by the thunder and lightning shadows all over the ground..."

"This game doesn't even give us a few invincible's too difficult..."

Elegant Bing sighed. From this place, you can see the difference between his Dream Team and the Shadow Team. Facing this large-scale lightning bombing, several members of the Dream Team panicked and failed to find safety in time. There are places to hide, but the Shadow Team, unless they are paralyzed by electricity, they can always find a safe place to hide in time.

The difficulty of the Nightmare version of Monster Hunter is also due to the fact that there are very few skills with invincible time in the game. Even if there are, the requirements for attack and prediction are very high, and it is very difficult to use. For example, if you use Tai Sword's Mitsukiri Slash, you must first use Mitsukiri. You need to have an "air blade" in your tachi to cast this skill. The second key point is that you need to use a certain attack before you can use the sword slash, and the new invincibility time of the sword is less than one second!

Yes, in order to make the game more realistic, Zhang Xingyu canceled the invincibility time of rolling and flying in the game (instead, certain equipment skills will increase the invincibility time of rolling). In other words, players can no longer appear like The monster flicks its tail, and the player rolls directly towards its tail, relying on the invincibility time to avoid the tail flick attack, and at the same time rolls in front of the monster and violently outputs this kind of cool operation!

The invincibility time after the player is knocked to the ground is gone. There is no need for monsters to press him up. He can just chase the player who fell to the ground before he could stand up in time!

Because there is no such invincibility time, the difficulty of the game has been greatly increased, not to mention that players cannot cancel the pain. After being knocked down, they may not be able to stand up in time due to pain!

But because of this, the excitement of hunting is also doubled - this is a real "monster hunter" game!

Why is the ceratopsian's chariot so terrifying? It's not because it doesn't have the invincible time to swoop!

You can often see large teams hunting ceratopsians in order to get the qualification certificate to establish a union. Basically, ceratopsians are on a dragon cart, with as few as four or five, and as many as ten players flying in the air!

0…………Please give me flowers…………

Of course, the invincibility time has been cancelled, and the judgment of attacks has become more accurate. For example, the attack range of the Ceratopsaurus' dragon chariot is no longer a rectangular area in front of the Ceratopsaurus, but any part of the Ceratopsaurus's body. .

There are some lucky players who have already lost their health, and then the horned dragon car comes over, and the players are already waiting for death, but, but... after the dragon car passes, the players have nothing to do!

Well, the lucky one got between the legs of the ceratopsian!

"Actually, the large-scale thunder and lightning move is not without rules. In some places, there will be large gaps to avoid. I will draw a picture for you to see. The only thing you need to pay attention to is those weird S's. Shaped thunder and lightning..." Otilia picked up a branch from somewhere and drew it on the ground.

"I have observed Qilin's move several times and found that the place where the lightning strikes is fixed with Qilin's body as the center. In addition, Qilin has obvious preparations for using this move. As long as he acts in advance, he will I can find a place to avoid it...the only thing I'm not sure about is the few S-shaped lightning bolts, but there is a way..."

Otilia wrote the word Qilin and framed it with a circle to indicate that this was the location of Qilin. Then she drew the pattern of the large-scale thunder and lightning bombardment of this move.

Elegant Ice looked at Otilia's explanation and admired it very much.

"An Ye is the same as us, that is, he fought Qilin twice, and both of them died, but An Ye can discover the rules so quickly... He is worthy of being rated as the number one team in the nightmare world... .." Elegant Bing thought in her heart.

"I see, there is such a pattern, An Ye-chan is so smart!"

"In this case, I can avoid it next time!" After listening to Otilia's explanation, the people in the dream group said one after another.

"Don't be too happy yet, because this move will have some changes after the violent rage. Although the general rules have not changed, the activation speed will be faster, and there will be more S-shaped thunder and lightning. You need to pay 100 points of attention. Look. When Qilin uses this move, don't be greedy, put away your weapon and find a good position to avoid it," Otilia said.


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