The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 306 First Visit To The Valley Of Miasma

More than half an hour later, we arrived somewhere on the coral platform.

"Going down from here is the new map Miasma Valley." Qinyin said while looking at the map and pointing to the valley in front.

"Ah, do you want to jump from here?" Diandian asked weakly, tilting his head.

"You can try Denden. You might not die if you jump so lightly~"~ Qinyin said with a smile.

"Eh, eh? Yes, is that so? Then... I'll jump down first?" - Dian Dian seemed to believe it.

"Hey, hey—Diandian, don't really jump!" Blue Girl Meng said hurriedly.

"Can't you jump?" Lei Lei asked, seemingly wanting to jump too.

"Have you forgotten the experience of climbing to your death on the Lu Coral Terrace? I heard that the Valley of Miasma is located deep underground on the Lu Coral Terrace. It's very high!" said the blue girl's dream.

"Theoretically speaking, if you jump from this height, you will fall to your death without any negotiation." Elegant Ice added.

"Qin, sister Qinyin lied to me again!" Dian Dian said angrily.

——You have been deceived so many times and you still haven’t developed a memory?

"No, the forum said that there is a rope hook point underneath, and you just need to launch the rope hook at the right time to catch it. Qinyin pushed up the decorative glasses to show that she was not lying.

"Yes, is that so?" Diandian asked.

"Um...that's right...but the falling speed is too fast, and it's too difficult to hook it..." The blue girl's dream said the last sentence very softly.

"After all, this is the famous [Suicide Holy Land]." Elegant Ice murmured.

“At this time, it’s better to follow the system instructions obediently.

"Then, let's start making hot air balloons..."

Every time a new map is opened, because the map of Monster Hunter World is too large, there are clear mission instructions every time you enter a new map. This time is no exception. Learn about the situation in the new area from the NPC who accepts the mission, and then go collect it. Make a hot air balloon out of materials.

However, making a hot air balloon is not the only way to go down. Some players found a place where the rope can be hooked when making a hot air balloon.

Soon, some brave players tried to jump directly.

Because the height is very high, the speed of free fall is very fast, and the opportunity for the rope hook is only once and it is fleeting, so "most players who try it fall to their deaths gorgeously."

There are also a small number of players who succeeded. They excitedly expressed on the forum that it was really exciting to free fall from such a high place, especially when they hooked the rope and landed gorgeously at the last critical moment. They felt so cool!

These players expressed their joy at "successfully jumping off a cliff" on the forum, saying that it felt like jumping from a hundred-story skyscraper, or skydiving from a helicopter, but even more thrilling———— - In reality, you will make various protective preparations when skydiving. You have to open your parachute at a certain height, but in the game, you have no protection at all!

Free fall to the bottom!

So exciting!

Seeing those players bragging about the thrilling experience and unspeakable pleasure, many players are ready to take action.

Soon some players will try this unique way of opening new maps...

Most of them died!

The only possibility of survival is to catch the rope hook before landing!

The difficulty is too high!

Although it's very exciting, but, why don't you explain why falling to death hurts so much!

Forgot that you can’t turn off the pain sense in this damn game!

The pain is far worse than being beaten to death by a monster. Some good people did some research. If the human body falls from a certain height, even if it falls into the sea, it will die. And the way of death is very gorgeous, because you will be "broken to pieces" ..……

To put it more bluntly, it means being smashed into pieces...

No wonder it hurts so much!

The angry players immediately posted online saying that free falling was really delicious and more exciting than fighting monsters, and they called on more people to try it!

What should I do if I get tricked once?

Naturally, I am trying to trick more people!

Zhang Xingyu's nightmare energy has increased alarmingly for a while, and it is concentrated in one area. At first glance...

Damn it, why are there so many "suicides"?

Although I did design a rope hook point, it was just in case the player lost...

In order to ensure the game experience, rope hook points are set up in places with large height differences in this game. This is a common practice, and naturally this point is the same. However, because the height is too high, it is too difficult to successfully hook the rope hook... ...But, what's going on here?


Queuing to commit suicide?

During that time, the entrance area of ​​Miasma Valley was filled with player corpses...

Soon, the number of players who experienced "exciting jumping off buildings" decreased sharply.

Most players have realized that the probability of surviving after jumping is less than 10%. The excitement is exciting, but the problem is that it is too exciting and painful!

It’s such a scam!

Moreover, this game only has 5 chances of death every day. Why would you "commit suicide" if you have nothing to do? Isn't it fun to fight monsters? Isn't it nice to play with mechanical babies?

With the tools given in the mission and the materials collected, everyone quickly built 4 hot air balloons - one hot air balloon can hold up to 5 people.

The dream group of 9 people is basically full. Zhang Xingyu’s group has 6 people and 2 cats. How to arrange the ride? After all, there is only one male.

In the end, I chose the simplest draw, and then Zhang Xingyu was drawn together with Mengmeng Yue and Mio.

Seeing the cute moon waving to herself with a victorious smile, Otilia felt particularly unhappy and muttered on the balloon for a long time.

"Woo-woo-catching the cat on the balloon--woo-woo--" A certain young lady was also very unwilling to do so.

After a while, everyone landed in the Valley of Miasma.

"Is this...the Valley of Miasma...well, it smells so bad, what does it smell like!" Felicia said with a frown.

"Ahem—it's completely different from the coral platform above!"

"It's so spooky and scary here!"

"There is such a place under the most beautiful coral platform. It's really..."

The environment of Miasma Valley is completely opposite to that of land coral.

If the ancient tree forest is a natural wonder full of fantastic primitive features, the Ant Mound Wasteland is a wild and unrestrained desert land, and the Coral Platform is a fantasy and gorgeous dream place, then the Miasma Valley is hidden in the most beautiful place. The gloom beneath things.

A dark and gloomy underground tomb filled with all kinds of corpses!


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