The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 308 The Valley Of Miasma And The World Of The Dead

"So, I can make my own high-performance earplugs to prevent the dragon from roaring? Can I finally fight the horned dragon and establish a union?" Blue Girl Dream said with flashing eyes.

Although various companions have been recruited, the bonds and feelings between the companions have gradually heated up, and they are one step closer to realizing their dreams, but what is frustrating is that the most critical first step - establishing a trade union has not yet been achieved!

"No, no, no - didn't you hear what Xingying said just now? It does have some effect, but it is only slightly, slightly effective. It is possible to prevent the roar of the horned dragon!" Ottilia said hurriedly.

The quality of the horned dragon is two consecutive, with one roar and one dragon chariot, it will fly up to a crowd of players!

The horned dragon has three consecutive qualities. It roars, burrows into the ground, and pops up, flying up to a crowd of players!

"Yes, really... Blue Girl Dream said sadly after hearing this.

"You want to fight a ceratopsian?" Otilia asked again.

"Yeah, any team that wants to establish a union doesn't want to fight a horned dragon, but..."

But there are really only a few players who can defeat the Horned Dragon. The first Sand Kingdom to kill the Horned Dragon had to rely on the method of stacking 09 heads to kill it.

"How about we hunt the ceratopsian together first?" Otilia suggested.

"Eh? Really? Are you willing to help us hunt the ceratopsian? But, " is this so embarrassing...Blue Girl Dream said a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't count as help. My shadow team now has more than 5 people. I think it would be much better to establish a union. Moreover, establishing a union will have exclusive functions for the union, which will also be beneficial to the players themselves." Otilia said.

"Great, let's go fight the Ceratops now?" Blue Girl Dream said impatiently.

"Uh, um..."

"Well, don't worry, Mengmeng. I know that establishing a union is one of your urgent goals, but since you have come to the Miasma Valley today, let's explore it first. The horned dragon needs to make various preparations, and today We have died several times..." Elegant Ice said hurriedly.

"I, I - the blue girl's dream blushed.

"I'm sorry, our president is so obsessed with not being able to establish a union that he can't even sleep well at night." Qin Yin said.

"I'm not thinking about it, and I'm not sleeping well... No, I'm sleeping well now!"

"Are you asleep now? Aren't you alive and kicking?" Qinyin said doubtfully.

"That's the game world - you sleep so soundly in the real world!" Blue Girl Dream explained with a blushing face.

"Pfft, haha ​​- it's okay. It's not bad to use Ceratops as the ultimate training before fighting Qilin." Ottilia said with a smile.

In this way, it was decided that the Shadow Team would cooperate with the Dream Team to fight Ceratops and obtain the qualifications to establish a union.

Of course, the current task is to explore the Valley of Miasma. Although the environment of the Valley of Miasma is very poor, compared to the Hu Coral Terrace, it is in the sky and on the ground. However, each map has its own special materials, so the exploration of the new map | Cable is still very important.

Everyone entered the miasma underground.

“Cough cough, cough cough cough——————Okay, it feels so uncomfortable!”

"It feels's becoming difficult to breathe!"

"This must mean the PM has exceeded 10,000, cough cough————!"

"Is there such a high PM value?"

"That's a poisonous gas circle!"

"It's worthy of being rated as the map I don't want to visit the most. Just the smell makes me sick."

"Wow... Isn't this a poisonous plant in the forest, but it looks even more eye-catching!"

"It's not just monsters that are affected by the miasma, but also plants..."

"Don't touch that plant, it will be poisonous and cause trouble."

"I know, and this thing is also a trap, and it can also poison monsters..."

The environment is far more invisible and terrifying than the computer version, coupled with the sense of discomfort it brings to players, the Valley of Miasma is indeed the area that players least want to visit.

It can be expected that the materials abundant in the Miasma Valley, especially the rare materials, will see a huge price increase. After all, rare materials are generally found in the dangerous depths of some maps.

However, as the cost of materials increases, the number of players coming to the Valley of Miasma will gradually increase. After all, in horror, which is a game, players will not really die. As long as they overcome psychological barriers and have the motivation to make a fortune, Valley of Miasma will There will be more and more players.

To be honest, the Lord of Nightmares really made great contributions in creating the Miasma Valley. This kind of eerie area construction is not Zhang Xingyu's area of ​​expertise at all. On the contrary, it is what the Lord of Nightmares is best at (and likes the most). field.

The place where the Nightmare Lord was born, that is, the original Nightmare Realm is actually more weird and terrifying. However, that kind of area is incompatible with the monster hunting world, so it is impossible to apply it here. However, the World of the Undead is somewhat similar to the Miasma Valley, so the Nightmare Lord The Valley of Miasma was built after the Land of the Dead. When it was just completed, Zhang Xingyu went in to experience it. He was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat...

Well, none of the undead lords, skeleton leaders and the like in the undead world are normal people. They have transformed the undead world into an extremely ghastly and terrifying place. Normal people may go crazy within a few days after entering, so this place built by the Lord of Nightmares The Valley of Miasma is also particularly terrifying. Even Zhang Xingyu was frightened and hurriedly repaired it——Now the nightmare world is mostly composed of student players, so we can't do too much in places that are too scary.

Despite the overall overhaul, Zhang Xingyu still retained the terrifying atmosphere of the "world of the undead" in one area, which is the place where the corpse dragon rests, but it is still very early for players to be able to access that area.

"By the way, are masks useful? Can they prevent bleeding?" Qinyin asked.

"It's still losing blood...the blood loss rate is about the same as yours." Otilia observed it and said.

"It's useless..." Qinyin murmured.

"No, it still has its uses. At least you can no longer smell the unpleasant smell." Zhang Xingyu said.

"What?! Is there such a use? I'll make one soon as well [cough cough - the smell here is really unpleasant!"

"Even if we can't prevent blood loss...if we can prevent those smells, ahem...let's leave this area quickly!"

The underground areas are not all areas full of miasma. This has been explored by brave players for a long time. For example, there are some beautiful green worlds underground in the Miasma Valley - green moss, plants, green water...…...

Wait, that's not water, it's sulfuric acid!

Don't even think about drinking pure groundwater in a place like Miasma Valley!

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