The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 311 War Bone Hammer Dragon

Our own Shadow Team also has a lot of weirdos!

Mengmeng Yue thought.

Needless to say, the captain is a middle school student. Felicia looks like a young lady, but the experience of Horizon made Mengmeng Yue know that this guy is actually a gun maniac, and the maid of a gun maniac is naturally not a serious person. God knows how to act cute like a cat, but the new Mio is a mistress...

The only ones who are normal are myself and Mr. Xingying!

Mengmeng Yue doesn't know, or maybe she just ignores it automatically - she herself is also a weirdo in the eyes of others!

The overall environment of the Miasma Valley is very eerie, but this cave-like place gives everyone a special experience, as if a top quality product was found among a pile of garbage. It makes people feel that this place is particularly beautiful.

Not only is it beautiful, but there are also many special collection items - such as mineral points!

As a result, everyone, including members of the Shadow Team, transformed into hard-working bees and collected wildly nearby.

More than an hour later, everyone left the underground of Miasma Valley and returned to the surface, preparing to fight another new BOSS in Miasma Valley-Bone Hammer Dragon.

One disadvantage of the map being too big is that the BOSS is too difficult to find. Fortunately, this game also has the sub-class of tracker. It took everyone another half an hour to finally find the Bone Hammer Dragon.

Bone Hammerosaurus is much more powerful than Megagnathosaurus. You can see the difference in combat power between the two just by looking at their body shape - there is simply a world of difference: Megagnathosaurus is only eight or nine meters tall, and it is as big as Marrowgnathosaurus. It can be a giant creature that can reach 20 meters in length. Not to mention that the Great Diregnathosaurus is originally thin and small, but the Osteosaurus is full of fat, and there are all kinds of big bones on its skin!

To describe it in vivid terms, looking at Diregnathus is like looking at a big wolfdog, but Myelosaurus is like an elephant!

The Bone Hammer Dragon is a medium-difficulty monster, and the recommended number of hunters is 10-15. It can be said to be a good training partner for the Shadow Team and the Dream Team.

The team continued to be commanded by Elegant Ice, and the battle began quickly.

In Elegant Ice, the first step is to focus on melee combat, and in dangerous areas such as the head and tail, focus on Otiya and Zhang Xingyu.

This is exactly what Zhang Xingyu and Otilia want.

Zhang Xingyu was a swordsman in the original world. The first thing he did when fighting monsters was to cut off the tail. Even the tail of the Golden Fire Dragon, which was extremely difficult and dangerous to cut off, was cut off first. He could be said to be a professional tail cutter.

Otilia's big sword is also easier to cut off the tail of, but Otilia likes to play more violently, especially a charged heavy blow to the head. The monster's struggling and timid look makes Otilia feel | Feel very good.

Basically, the hunt of the Shadow Team is to lock Otilia's head, and Zhang Xingyu is responsible for tail docking.


The Dream Team's melee attack hit the bones of the Bone Hammer Dragon, and the sword flicked off!

"The bones on the surface of the monster are very hard and can bounce knives. Be careful and hit him where there is no bone protection, or use attacks that cannot bounce knives!" Elegant Ice shouted immediately.

"Be careful of the tail flick of the Skeleton Hammer Dragon!" Zhang Xingyu shouted.

The tail of the Bone Hammer Dragon is extremely long, and the attack range of the tail flick is naturally extremely large.

People from all walks of life were preparing to avoid the Skeleton Hammer Dragon's tail flicking attack.

Zhang Xingyu, the Tatōman, is naturally an expert at seeing the sword. As the only player who has learned the secrets and secrets of the sword, he naturally cuts whatever monsters he can. Even the dragon chariots of the Black Horned Dragon and the Black Boom Dragon, I will show you. !(The two most powerful dragon car attacks in Monster Hunter)

Otilia rolled to cancel her stiffness and quickly picked up a weapon to defend herself.

Mio observed the movements of the Bone Hammer Dragon, then got between the Bone Hammer Dragon's legs - transformed into a ghost, dancing wildly!

The melee reactions of several members of the Dream Team are not that fast. One has not recovered from the flick of the knife, and the other is trying to run away, but the bone marrow dragon's tail is so big that it is probably impossible to run away.


As for the twins who revealed themselves... Lei Lei's hand immediately raised a small shield, while Dian Dian... was still dancing wildly.

Osteosaurus made two 180-degree tail flicks in a row!

Two people flew up directly, one was Dian Dian and the other was the player who flicked the knife!

"Remotely, start attacking. The person who was hit quickly looks for an opportunity to replenish blood... Remember not to replenish blood under the eyes of the monster... Uh...

Before he finished speaking, Elegant Ice saw the player who had been knocked away by the flick of the knife stood up and immediately started taking medicine...

It's okay to take medicine, but don't take it under the monster's nose, okay?

I respect you is a Chinese character!

The attacks of monsters in Monster Hunter are not completely random. There are three types of people who are more likely to be taken care of by monsters. One is a person with high output, the other is a guy who is about to die with residual health, and the other is someone who dares to drink medicine. people!

0…………Please give me flowers…

You are the one!

The monster raised its head. It looked like he was trying to hit the residual blood with the long bone tip on his head.


However, at the moment when the attack is about to happen!

Otilia charged her head as quickly as possible!

The attack of the Bone Hammer Dragon was interrupted!

"Well done, Dark Night!"

"Saved my life!"


"Sihouhouhou is a monster's most powerful skill, Dragon Roar!

Everyone was yelled until they couldn't move!

The undefendable sonic attack is really terrifying!

The monster continues to chase the person who just lost health!

Even Ottilia can't be saved this time, because the charged attack just now showed the monster's cowardice, and the next stage of dizziness requires more attacks!

At this time, the long-range attack has arrived!

Boom boom boom——

Bows and arrows, heavy crossbows, light crossbows!

The huge reminder of the Bone Hammer Dragon makes long-range attacks extremely easy to hit, but this kind of attack cannot save players with residual health.

————The ghosts dance wildly!

Seeing this, Mio, who was at the feet of the Bone Hammer Dragon, ignored the danger and continued to dance around and wash her feet!

The monster moved, and it pushed forward. Just when the sharp bones were about to stab the player, the monster suddenly tilted hugely, and then fell down!

Mio successfully knocked the Bone Hammer Dragon to the ground!

"Yo Ninja-chan's good output!" The commanding Elegant Ice rushed forward with a big sword.

After 30 minutes, the battle has entered a fierce stage.

"Hurry up and output————This guy is dying... Damn it, why are you going to replenish the bone armor again? There is no end of the hospital!"

"It doesn't matter, just hold on a little longer. The newly added bone armor is not as hard as the original one!"

"Be careful with rolling attacks, they are very powerful after having bone armor!"

"I'll take a secret medicine first..."

"Look at my strongest dragon missing—!"

"Watch me spread——"

"No, no, proliferation boss, please change a bullet quickly——!"

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