The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 314 Investigation Of Online Game Companies

Naturally, this nightmare world has aroused the interest of many people in Miracle Island, such as online game companies.

As an island of miracles that brings together the essence of global technology, the Internet industry on the island is very developed, so there are also many online game companies, and some well-known game companies have also put their branches in the island of miracles.

Some time ago, several online game companies, especially the GMs of several large game companies, continued to receive inquiries from some players, asking whether their company was developing a very NB game recently and applied very powerful technologies. .

This kind of inquiry is very common. Most of them are die-hard fans who want to know some inside information in advance. The answer will be different depending on the publicity situation and the situation of the players being asked.

If the game company is really developing a new game and it is not in the confidentiality stage, then GM will disclose information about the new game to the players who ask for game promotion needs, and may even reveal some "insider" information. Of course, so-called inside information, GM also I don’t know too much. Most of them are game companies telling GM which information can be “secretly disclosed”

If not, the GM can talk about the next new activities of the game. Players, do you want to add money to become stronger?

However, the player who inquired immediately said impatiently that what he wanted to know was not that, but whether your company was developing a nightmare world.

Nightmare world? What the hell is this?

The GM was instantly confused.

However, the name Nightmare World is very similar to the name of a game, so the GM didn't pay much attention to it, saying that it had not developed such a game.

The one or two people who asked didn't think anything, but when more people asked...

Why are current players asking about Nightmare World? Is this a new NB game?

GM was very curious, and some GMs began to search the Internet for information about the nightmare world and even fed it back to the company.

However, the nightmare world has still not entered the vision of the senior management of the game company. Even if the GM gave feedback to the middle management, many players frequently mentioned the nightmare world, but it did not attract much attention.

Nowadays, with the development of Internet technology, there are countless new games popping up every day. There are always a few games that will be very popular at a certain period of time, but players also get tired of the old very quickly, just like many otakus change their wives every quarter. Same.

GM's feedback did not attract the attention of the game company. Instead, the online data of game players attracted the attention of the game company and launched an investigation.

This is a game development company called "Tian'xing". It was just a small studio at the beginning. However, the game "Wind, Thunder, Snow and Moon" it developed is very famous among students on Miracle Island. Although the content of the game can Finding shadows from many excellent games on the market, it can be said to be a hodgepodge of online games.

But imitation is actually a technology. Nowadays, major game companies are imitating each other. It just depends on who imitates and how good the magic modification is.

Tianxing Game Company is undoubtedly the leader among them. This "Feng Lei Xueyue" draws on the excellent gameplay of many games and integrates these gameplays through creative ideas. The gameplay is very strong, and the game is not like Many online games "just change the skin and continue to cheat after a wave of money", so it caused a great response in Miracle Island, especially the students of Miracle Island highly praised this game.

By the way, Otilia was also a fan of this game and played it with netizen [Only My Mind] for a long time.

Shengwu Academy brings together outstanding teachers from all over the world, and students come from outstanding students from all over the world. In a sense, it can be said to be the vane of global schools. Naturally, what the students in Shengwu Academy like will be respected by other students. .

From the students of Shengwu Academy to students from other countries, and then known to players around the world, the game "Feng Lei Xueyue" became popular along with the production company Tianxing Company. Agents from various countries came to inquire in an endless stream. Agency thing.

Soon, Tianxing Game Company transformed from a small studio into a large game development company. Because the game was spread from the students of Shengwu Academy, Tianxing Game Company was very interested in Shengwu Academy. Students attach great importance to it and provide students with many benefits.

Recently, data from the game company shows that students from Shengwu Academy have begun to log in to the game less often, especially at night. Some die-hard players even recharged thousands of dollars yesterday. , bought good equipment, and then...

Then I stopped playing!

After a while, I finally logged into my account, but the sales are still long?!

It's normal if there are one or two, but it's abnormal if there are too many of these data.

Could it be that some aspects of your own game are not done well, causing players to boycott?

But it’s wrong. The player data in other areas are normal. Only the Holy Dance Academy is different. The number of players continues to decrease, especially at night. There are fewer and fewer players logging in to the game. There are players logging in during the day, but There is not much time to log in, and most of them are "selling accounts".

What's going on?

So the company quickly sent people to investigate the situation.

Then, a copy of the investigation results was placed in front of the senior management.

【Nightmare World】

To be precise, this is not a game, but a game ecosystem, or game platform. Nightmare World currently contains two games, one is "Monster Hunter" and the other is "Horizon: Zero Dawn".

New competitors?

If this is the case, it doesn't matter. Tianxing Game Company can continue to use their "|| features" to incorporate the advantages of the game into their own games - this is their old business and normal operation.

However, some descriptions of the nightmare world are very concerning.

"Wucao, this is the technological fortress of the nightmare world. Who developed such a powerful thing? What I look forward to most every day now is to wait for the game to open in the evening, and play it all night long!"

Is this online game crazy? The server is only opened at night? Although it is indeed the prime time to make money at night, why is the server closed during the day?

And the students of Holy Dance Academy are also depraved. They actually play all night... Are you sure you can pass your grades if you stay up late playing games all the time? Studying at Holy Dance Academy is not that easy... ....

Company executives lamented the "degeneration" of students, but (hao wang hao) they are originally a game company, and making money is their first goal.

"With Nightmare World, why are you playing other rubbish games? Long live Nightmare World——!"

"The nightmare world of caoTM is too difficult. If people die five times a day, it won't let anyone play. I-I-I better seize the time to practice my skills!"

"The world created by Nightmare World is so real and fascinating. I'm going crazy. Why is a game company so stupid?"

"This technology is only possible on Miracle Island!"

"Once Nightmare World came out, all other games were trash!"

"Invincible in the nightmare world!"

Survey shows that players are almost blowing up the nightmare world!

Well, it seems that the nightmare world is really powerful. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and learn the essence of the nightmare world!

Then Tianxing Game Company started looking for a game called Nightmare World on the market...

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