The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 322 The Battle Of The Hunting Team

The second time I hunted the ceratopsian, I fought for almost half an hour, and finally the group was wiped out gorgeously.

The horned dragon is really terrifying. Not to mention the dragon car and dragon roar, it is the culprit of countless player groups that have been wiped out and collapsed. Other attack methods should not be underestimated. Because of its huge size, the horned dragon can't be beaten whether it is flicking its tail or pushing it. Corners or burrowing into the ground are very threatening.

Not to mention, another major feature of the nightmare world version of the monsters is that they will be double strengthened by Zhang Xingyu and the Lord of Nightmares.

Zhang Xingyu didn't strengthen the horned dragon very much, because the horned dragon has already been set to be strong enough by himself, so he just gave this guy the new skills of the MASTER-level horned dragon in DCL Icefield, but the Nightmare Lord is different.

What the Lord of Nightmares likes most is to watch players being tortured and killed by monsters, so he added several powerful skills to the horned dragon. For example, he added a new "Super Dragon Cart" "Bu-Zero Zero", which will suddenly follow another one at the end. Flying——!

Moreover, the final swoop is faster than the dragon chariot. What is even more exaggerated is that the wings are spread out when swooping, so the final attack range is particularly large!

Many players who thought they had run out of the range of the Ceratopsaurus car might be swooped down by them!

Like flying in the air and drilling into the ground!

In the original version, the horned dragon burrowing into the ground is actually a very good time to attack. Especially when it is not angry, you can go up and cut several times, or retract the knife to replenish health. Of course, when it is angry, it is better not to go up and hit the ground to replenish the wounds, because it will come out when it is burrowed. It will be faster, and it may be too late to hide the knife.

The scary thing about the new flying burrowing function added by the Lord of Nightmares here is that flying burrowing and drilling out are one whole action. The speed of burrowing into the ground is very fast, and there is damage when it lands, and the interval between coming out is also very short. Short, almost coming out in two or three seconds after burrowing into the ground - often coming out from under a certain player's ground!

The two newly added skills of Nightmare Lord are also two skills that make players’ scalp numb.

The Lord of Nightmares may have thought that as a flying dragon species, Ceratops could not do well without a few flying skills, so he added these two.

The newly added skills of the later Triceratops are even more powerful, and the new skills of the Black-horned Dragon are even more terrifying. As for the One-horned Black-horned Dragon... even Zhang Xingyu can't imagine it!

The only good thing may be that the two new skills of the Nightmare Lord are not too lethal. As long as the blood volume is sufficient, the player will not die... Of course, if the player is knocked unconscious by these two new skills, , and was picked up on the dragon carriage again...

120 Cat Car takes you home~

Although the team was still destroyed after using the sacrifice flow for the second time, the fierce battle for more than half an hour also gave everyone a wealth of experience.

In order to deal with the terrifying physical attack power of Ceratops, Elegant Ice adopts the "dispersed flow" strategy, which is a 360-degree circular position, divided into two rings, one is the inner ring

Of course, it goes without saying that it is melee, while the outer circle is long-range.

With the ceratopsian as the center point, the people in the inner circle and the outer circle will not be in line with each other, thus avoiding the tragic car accident in which several ceratopsians collided with each other.

The Dream Team and Shadow Team together only have 15 people, so it is easy to achieve this position.

Many other teams hunting Ceratops are large teams of more than 40 people. It is difficult to achieve this kind of position. Basically, several players will be knocked away by a single Dragon Cart.

But even with such dispersed positions, there is no perfect guarantee that the Horned Dragon can only hit one person at a time. One reason is the problem of team coordination, and the other is the terrain problem. The Dragon Cart of the Horned Dragon can be said to have the longest moving distance among monsters. The widest displacement distance means that everyone in a dragon carriage will have to move again. Chaos will inevitably occur in the process. If the horned dragon moves to a corner, the position will be even more difficult.

When a large team fights a Ceratopsian, the team formation is often confused after the Ceratopsian has been continuously displaced. If it is yelled again and everyone becomes deaf, the chaos will often turn into attrition.

In fact, when hunting monsters, the more people, the better, because as the number of people increases, the difficulty of cooperation will increase exponentially.

Players have been debating endlessly on the forums about whether it is better to form a large team or an elite team for hunting.

At the beginning, the idea that it would be better to form a large team clearly had the upper hand, because the two fire dragons in the main mission could only be passed by relying on the heads of people?

Not every player can become a high-level player. Teams like Lieyan and Shadow are destined to be only a small part of Monster Hunter. Ordinary players are limited by their understanding of the game, their own strength, awareness and other reasons. After the game level reaches a certain level, It is difficult to improve. At this time, relying on the number of people becomes a way to quickly increase hunting ability.

In fact, for some monsters that are not too strong, you can easily defeat them by stacking heads. The only disadvantage is that these monsters don’t have many explosive things. When there are more hunting players, everyone can get a lot of things. Being poor, especially when nightmare marks, home coins, etc. are revealed, it is easy to run into problems due to uneven distribution and other issues...

But now, the existence of ceratopsians has posed a great challenge to the method of piling heads.

The horned dragon cannot be hunted by the number of players. On the contrary, in the face of the terrifying strength of the horned dragon, the shortcomings of difficulty in coordination with the large number of players are infinitely magnified in front of the horned dragon——What’s wrong with your number? A dragon cart goes over and kills it. one slice!

Many people think that Monster Hunter's setting is very interesting. This game embodies the meaning of "cooperation" in online games in many aspects, such as sub-professions. Each sub-profession is very useful and interdependent.

The same goes for hunting, the more players there are, the easier it tends to be.

Monster Hunter does not impose any restrictions on the number of players in the team.

In other words, as long as your connections are strong enough, you can form a group of 200 people to hunt the ferocious jackal dragon!

However, in this case, more than 90% of people may not get any loot.

On the other hand, for the "I have few friends" kind of player, even the lone ranger player is very beneficial.

Because a very important point is that the explosion rate of monsters will not increase because of the increase in hunting players, nor will it decrease because of the decrease in players. In other words, if you kill the horned dragon alone, then you will not be able to kill the monster in one hunt. The harvest may be completely 0.1. I can make a horned dragon suit and bring a few horned dragon weapons with me!

The Lone Ranger can get a big harvest in one hunt!

A better way to solve the problem of hunting distribution is to form a union. A group of fixed and relatively familiar players will hunt together, and there will be fewer problems with the relative team.

However, Bianceratops is a terrifying monster that is not afraid of teams.

The more players there are, the more terrifying the horned dragon will be!

On the contrary, when the number of players is small, the fault tolerance rate of the Ceratops is higher!

Hunting ceratopsians is a necessary condition for establishing a union. At this time, shouldn't it be the time to reflect the strength of a union (the number of players)? Why is it that the more players there are, the more difficult it is to hunt ceratopsians?

Are you sure you will designate the Ceratopsian as a hunting monster necessary for establishing a union?

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