The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 343 Gm, I Want To Report The Cheater!

"Well... Ming Ming, your roots are gone, right? If the ignition device explodes..." Elegant Ice looked at Ming Ming's BUFF and said.

"No, it's okay. It's good if I can save my life at this stage. I can't deal with output at all... If my death can bring me some output... Just treat it as the attack I made before I was killed in the final stage. Export it." Ming Ming said.

"Since you have that kind of consciousness... well, I will order you to do it!" Elegant Ice nodded.

Logically speaking, it is indeed best to let the weakest players do such things that may lead to death. However, if Elegance Ice directly names a certain player, it may make them lose their self-confidence, so Elegance Ice At the beginning, it was decided to let players who still have some roots to light the fire.

But since Ming Ming has this kind of awareness, Elegant Ice will not refuse.

"Mingming-chan, be careful, don't wake up Qilin..." The companions reminded softly, Mingming nodded, and walked over quietly.

"Put the unstable ignition device right here..." Ming Ming looked a little nervous, and the people watching from behind were even more nervous. In the end, Ming Ming put the ignition device away.

"Well done, Ming Ming, that's it, leave that place quickly, before the dangerous props are there..."


Boom boom boom boom

Before he finished speaking, he remembered the violent explosion over there.

What about Mingming?

"Ming Ming, we will not let your death be in vain..." Xiaoyan made a prayer gesture, looked at the sky, and said with a melancholy expression.

"He's not dead yet, hurry up!"

Qilin, who was awakened by the explosive barrel in his sleep, immediately became angry, screamed, raised his front legs, raised his head, and suddenly countless blue and purple shadows appeared on the ground.

"Qilin is zooming in. Find a safe position and be careful to block subsequent attacks!" Elegant Ice shouted hurriedly.

Everyone ran to their own safe positions, and there were no cases where several people were hiding in the same area.

The bloody lesson taught them how dangerous it is for two people to stand in a small shelter area!

Of course, being able to run to different areas to avoid each other so quickly shows that the cooperation between the two teams is quite high.

Otilia ran to a safe area a little further away from her, leaving the nearest area to others.

Otilia is a melee fighter, so it is undoubtedly better to stay at a distance where she was just now.

But just halfway through running, Qilin suddenly turned his head to look at Otilia, raised his front foot, and made an extremely fast phantom charge.


Otilia drew her sword in time to block Qilin's charge.

"I've known this trick of yours for a long time!" Otilia laughed.

"The big move is coming, get out of the way!" the members of the Dream Team shouted anxiously.

Although Qilin's attack failed, it interrupted Otilia's evasion. Otilia's current foothold happened to be the place where she was bombed.

The huge blade of the great sword can be used as a defensive shield, but the disadvantage is that the action of the mission will be very slow after the great sword is drawn out.

"Don't worry, I've already calculated the distance -!" Otilia shouted, then rolled quickly.

One ground roll, two ground rolls!

Just rolled to the safe area!


Thunder light poured down from the sky, dyeing the entire ground blue.

"Wow————No matter how many times I see it, it's still such an exaggerated skill! My feet are numb and I really want to move a few times."

"How long have you been thinking about this mess? Stop and don't move!" Elegant Ice said.

Facing the giant Qilin, it is not enough to know which side is the safe zone. You also need to have the ability to calm down and endure the thunder and lightning on the opposite side.

Facing this kind of thunder and lightning in real people is completely different from seeing it on a computer!

In reality, if you encounter thunder and lightning, hear the rumbling sound, and see lightning flashing in the sky, I am afraid that anyone will rush to find a bunker, and Kirin's thunder and lightning

It is a hundred times scarier than the most terrifying thunder and lightning in reality, and it can be seen at an extremely close distance!

Thunder and lightning pour down from the sky like a waterfall, hitting you right next to you. If you hadn't known that this was a game, you might have been frightened to death in reality!

Faced with this terrifying level of "wrath of thunder and lightning," fear is inherent in human beings.

On the other side, even if the player finds a safe area and stands still, the thunder and lightning from the sky will spread to your feet, making you feel numb and want to move your feet.

Wait, this is actually a trap, because although your feet feel numb, you are not actually hurt at all, but once you try to move a few times...

Then you may really not be able to move!

"I enlarged it once. This is an opportunity. She can't enlarge continuously... Damn it, how can she still enlarge?" Elegance Ice cursed.

Elegant Ice: GM, I want to report that the BOSS cheating has been continuously amplified, and it is not allowing people to survive?!

This time Qilin looked at Mengmeng Yue.

The cute moon swoops!

Kirin Phantom Charge, missed!

It doesn't matter, brake suddenly and the horse will kick you from behind!

The cute moon dog eats shit and pounces gorgeously!

Still not dead!?

Qilin kicks!

Mengmeng Yue performs the most powerful skill - rolling on the donkey!

The ultimate move is finally here, Mengmeng Moon, you should die this time, right?

Damn, the place where the cute moon rolls is actually the safe area for the ultimate move?!

Are you safe and sound?

Qilin's eyes widened.

Qilin: GM, I want to report that a player has activated avoidance!

People from the Dream Team and even the Shadow Team were stunned.

Otilia was also shocked. She knew that this little vixen had no abilities but was just being stubborn, but she didn’t expect that he could be so stubborn!

Have practiced gymnastics!

Although the action is a bit ugly...

The grey-faced Mengmeng Moon climbed up. Her face was covered with dust, but her eyes were very bright. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Qilin, and Qilin was also looking at Mengmeng Moon.

The cute moon is moving!

Meng Meng Yue is here to take revenge?

Everyone is looking forward to Meng Meng Yue's "Jedi Kill".

brush brush brush

Mengmeng Yue felt wind at her feet and quickly moved away from Qilin, even almost leaving the range of the bow and arrow.

"Nyao-chan——Lulu, come on, take revenge on me!"

"Meow meow"

"Meow——" The two Ellu cats jumped up when they heard the cute moon cry, and rushed forward waving weapons.

Everyone is stunned!

As expected of Meng Meng Yue, who has a first-class survival ability. Even if she is tortured and turned into a dog, she will not take revenge. Instead, she will save her life first and then ask her younger brother to take revenge!

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