The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 354 Otilia’S Home Construction

The next day, due to the "unusual closure" of Dream World yesterday, today's forum was far more popular than before.

The most discussed thing is naturally the main quest that is suddenly triggered in Monster Hunter World.

What happened in Monster Hunter World yesterday has a far-reaching impact, because it affects not only your own game world, but even the Horizon world next door!

The first is the first kill lottery. It’s okay to notify you in the Nightmare World, but in the Monster Hunter game world, it’s enough. Why do you need to notify us players in the Horizon World? Do you want us to be envious and jealous?

Very good, we are indeed jealous, there was actually a lucky draw last time, and we also got purple items that looked amazing!

Then, then, not long after the lottery notification ended, there came another notification about the triggering of the main mission. Then, as soon as the main mission was triggered, there was a big move in Monster Hunter World - world changes and server maintenance.

But, but, why do we Horizon World players also need to go offline for maintenance?

Do your Nightmare World games all use the same server?

The worst thing is that those players who fight BOSS or farm ruins in Horizon World will collapse when they see that they are forced to go offline.

Horizon Players: Forced offline, we demand compensation!

Dream World: No!

Horizon Player: Vomiting blood!

Nightmare World is very domineering in this regard. Unlike many online games, players have been wronged. In order to retain players, they will make various compensations. There are even a few times where the price system in the game collapsed because the compensation was too good.

But the nightmare world is different. He is the real "your uncle" and can do whatever he wants.

If you have the guts, don’t play with it!

You must know that the nightmare world does not charge you a penny from the real world!

What else can Horizon World players do?

But also because of this time, the Dream Group and the Shadow Wings Guild have become completely famous.

The Dream Group is not well-known, and is only famous among a small number of players. After all, a guild formed by all female players is still topical, and there are many beauties in the guild.

Shadow Wings is the predecessor of Shadow Team. As the strongest guild in the Nightmare World, it is much more famous and more mysterious than the Dream Team. However, as the number of players in the Nightmare World increases, especially the number of players on Miracle Island, the Shadow Team has They are no longer recognized as the strongest team in the nightmare world.

Among the players in the nightmare world, many adults grew up playing games, and some are even professional players. To them, it is just a few powerful students playing games. No matter how powerful they are, they can still be better than those of us who have been playing games since childhood. People who play until they grow up?

The pride of adults, they will never admit that they cannot beat a group of students in playing games.

However, this time, they established the second and third guilds in Nightmare World, killed the ancient dragon Qilin, triggered the main plot, and forced all players in Nightmare World to leave the game world. This made these two unions completely famous.

The most discussed thing is the changes in the world of Monster Hunter World.

Counting this time, Monster Hunter is already the second main mission triggered by a player. When it was triggered for the first time, the Avengers twin fire dragons attacked and violently tortured all the players in Monster Hunter World, triggering the first wave of the Nightmare World. A tragic massacre.

This time the main mission was triggered, and the scale was even more exaggerated than the previous one. Although the player group was not wiped out, its impact was more astonishing than the last time. Changes occurred in every area of ​​the Hunter World!

The violent storms in the ancient forest, the scorching heat in the anthill wasteland, the lightning and thunder on the coral platform, the raging miasma in the Miasma Valley...

When this information was combined, players discovered that this main mission affected the entire world of Monster Hunter!

What kind of main mission is this?

The players were talking a lot.

In addition to these, the popularity of the home system has risen rapidly. This system became popular when it first came out because "If you can't afford a house, get one for free in the nightmare world", but it soon became popular because of the excitement of the game world. The popularity continues to drop, but now, the home system has unexpectedly become popular again.

Soon, in the expectation of the players, night came again. Almost before the opening of the Nightmare World server, the players were already ready to go to bed.

Otilia enters the home system of the nightmare world.

Ottilia's homeland has changed compared to before. Previously, she obtained a lot of homeland coins by hunting Ceratops, Ancient Dragon Qilin, and opening boxes with the first kill. Ottilia said that she needed to "squander" her homeland coins once they were full.

The biggest change was the area of ​​the home. Ottilia, a "rich person", said that she had pursuits and dreams, but the cabin she received after signing in at the end of the 28th day of the system was not attractive at all. Ottilia decided to build a three-story house first. Villa, but building a three-story villa requires 500 square meters of home area, and Otilia's current area is 450 square meters.

The ridiculous land expansion order actually increased the price when the area reached 300 square meters! From 99 yuan to 199 yuan, it doubled!

Judging from this situation, subsequent land expansion orders may usher in several rounds of price increases.

This money-hungry system!

Otilia took a look at the unlocked areas of other homes.

[Sea View Room: Locked, you need at least 1,500 square meters of land and unlock seaside land to unlock this option. 】

[Luxury Castle: Locked, you need at least 5000 square meters of land to unlock the castle option. 】

Otilia originally thought that she was a wealthy person in the home system, but the reality gave her the heaviest blow - you are still a poor person!

The home coins were all spent on expanding the area, so naturally there were less in other places. For example, there were not much changes inside the cabin.

Because the area suddenly expanded, and the area of ​​the cabin was very small, the whole home seemed even more empty - a large (good money) piece of blank land with a cabin looked particularly desolate.

So Ottilia had to decorate the desolate land outside. It was okay to buy a few roses, peonies, tulips and other ornamental flowers. "More than ten are very expensive."

But I bought a few flowers but they didn’t show any effect at all!

Uncle cheat!

So Ottilia could only buy some of the cheapest grass and trees and put them randomly on the land - as long as it didn't look so desolate, the rest would have to wait until the land reached 500 yuan to build a three-story villa.

At least you can't let Mengmeng Moon make fun of yourself when she comes over - what kind of taste do you have, a large piece of desolate land plus a small broken wooden house? Are you going to be a village woman growing grass to eat?

This is the only thing that cannot be forgiven!

||Should you put up a sign at the door...Cute Moon and dogs are not allowed to enter..."

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