The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 356 Gorgeous Plot Animation!

What appeared on the screen was the scene of the Dream Team and the Shadow Team fighting against the Kirin.

Although the faces of every player on the screen have been processed, showing a blur of black, and it is not clear what they look like, but how could Otilia, the person involved, not know the equipment of these players? , action and battle scenes, there is no doubt that it is the battle between himself and Qilin.

In the footage, it is the "glory moment" of the two teams.

Facing the terrifying thunder and lightning pouring down from the unicorn like a waterfall, Zhang Xingyu, who was deep in the thunder and lightning, performed a gorgeous "soul vision", and then lightning appeared all over his body. He seemed to have absorbed the power of thunder and lightning, and became the incarnation of thunder and lightning like the unicorn. .

Giant Spin Slash——a super attack with thunder and lightning and residual shadow!

Qilin let out a mournful cry.

The screen turned, and Qilin was about to chase a player who had fallen to the ground with residual health. At the critical moment, Ottilia quickly charged up her power in time and launched Qilin's - Qi Jue.

The sledgehammer made Li Jie not afraid of the big move of Qilin. She took out the big hammer and started to accumulate power. When the thunder and lightning fell, Li Jie ran in front of Qilin and hit it with a hammer——Qilin was saddened!

Crazy long-range attacks, thrilling evasion in the face of Qilin Qilin thunder and lightning...

The scene has been heavily edited, and almost the whole process is shot of Kirin being tortured. It seems that everyone in the two teams is a super hunter, and there is not a single mistake, and the Kirin is brutally tortured.

Qilin was beaten so hard that he couldn't even find his way!

Otilia blushed when she saw this battle scene.

——Are we so powerful?

In the footage, the unicorn looks like a baby monster, even weaker than the ferocious jackal dragon!

But, but, Ottilia knew how much suffering the Shadow Group and the Dream Group had to go through to reach this point - how gorgeous it was shown in the camera, and how miserable everyone had been before!

No, it can basically be said to be worse than the Kirin in the camera!

It can be described as being beaten to pieces and pissed off by the unicorn, especially before the phantom of the unicorn has been cracked. "There is really no way to deal with the unicorn!"

There was almost more than a minute of gorgeous performance in the shot, and in the end, Qilin fell.


In the footage, the hunting team seemed to kill Qilin so easily. Only Ottilia and others knew that the number of people had actually been reduced a lot by that time.

But you can't see it in the lens at all.

Then, the camera turned to Qilin's forehead, which was just below the horn that was broken by everyone. A mark was looming, and then, the mark emitted a lot of light [Every player who hunted Qilin at the scene received this mark.

The incomplete ancient dragon seal!

As soon as the camera turned, the Shadow Wings Guild and the Dream Group Guild came to the Hunter Guild and handed over the mark.

It was similar to what Ottilia and others experienced. Two researchers came out, and then the old researcher said [A great disaster is coming... The mark will seal it... Gather all the marks... Liberation. .....New students].

The camera turned again, and the scene returned to the place where the unicorn was hunted before.

The mark on the fallen Qilin's head was vaguely visible and finally disappeared.

However, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the sky and struck Qilin.


In an instant, the mark on Qilin's forehead appeared.

Qilin suddenly opened his eyes.

It's not dead yet!

Qilin started to gallop. It was obviously a horse, but it was not slow at all when climbing the mountain. It jumped dozens of meters high.

Soon, Qilin came to a high mountain, where the clouds in the sky could already be seen.

Qilin shouted loudly.

The originally sunny sky turned into clouds, and thunder and lightning began to appear. From one or two scattered ones at the beginning, to dozens, hundreds or even thousands in the end!

The whole mountain is filled with thunder and lightning!

Qilin is bathed in this thunder and lightning!

Qilin's hair became more shiny due to the baptism of thunder and lightning, and the broken horn on its head also slowly grew out!

Another cry.

The gathered thunder and lightning began to spread in all directions!

After a while, the entire Lu Coral Platform was filled with lightning and thunder!

When the camera turned, a steel dragon was taking a nap on a mountain covered with snow.

At this time, Steel Dragon's forehead suddenly emitted a light light.

That's a mark, the same as Qilin's, but the shape is slightly different!

Steel Dragon suddenly bent down and his body started to tremble.

Just when the players were wondering what happened to Steel Dragon, suddenly, there was the sound of something breaking.

A pure white ancient dragon emerged from the copper-colored skin of the steel dragon!

This, this is shedding?!

The steel dragon roared and spread her beautiful but huge wings. This white ancient dragon seemed to be the most beautiful creature in this snowy mountain!

Then, the camera zoomed in.

The white skin has changed. Starting from the head, the white scales have turned into bright black!

The steel dragon's skin has hardened!

A beautiful but shocking scene!

Then, the Steel Dragon flew towards the World Tree in the distance. At the top of the World Tree, the Steel Dragon screamed.

0…………Please give me flowers…

The power of the steel dragon gathers!

Suddenly, the entire ancient tree forest area was filled with violent storms!

The camera turned to the giant ant mound wasteland.

In a cave deep in the desert, a strange creature with a body covered in red scales, a head and face similar to that of a cat, eyes and ears protected by a thick cuticle, three pairs of legs and a pair of membrane wings appeared. .

Where he passed, the temperature suddenly increased, and even the sand turned bright red.


The name of this ancient dragon appeared on the screen.

There was also a mark on his forehead, which glowed.

Yanwanglong suddenly flew up, and then curled up.

Huge energy gathered in Yanwanglong's body, and finally



Huge explosion!

The camera's vision became cloudy, as if everything was on fire.

Affected by the flame explosion, the temperature of the Great Ant Mound Wasteland rose sharply, and many creatures, even the Sand Dragon and the Ceratopsaurus, began to flee the area where the Yanwang Dragon was located!

When the camera turns, it's the Valley of Sui Qi.

The eerie Valley of Miasma seems to be the same as before.

However, the sensitive little animals discovered something first. They were looking for food. They raised their heads, their ears jumped, and then quickly ran away from the place.

The Mistyclaw was eating a corpse. Suddenly, it felt something, raised its head, and screamed towards the depths.

The camera turned to where the Mistyclaw was looking, which was the underground cave—the most beautiful place in the Miasma Valley.

However, a large amount of gas suddenly appeared in this beautiful cave!

The miasma was crazy and confusing, and quickly eroded in the direction of the Misty Claw Dragon!

The Misty Claw screamed again, and then the cry came from the depths of the miasma, louder, and... a terrifying cry!

The wretched dragon escaped!

Not long after, the entire Miasma Valley was filled with miasma.

The miasma was so thick that it seemed that even places 2 meters away could not be seen clearly!

Just where the miasma was thickest, a mark suddenly appeared in the sky.

A huge, ferocious monster came out of the most miasmatic place!

No, that's not right, it's this monster that's exuding miasma!

————The Corpse Dragon!

The name of this ancient dragon appeared in the lens.


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