The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 362 The World Of The Undead And The Corpse Dragon

The deeper you go into the cave, the more eerie and terrifying it becomes. The walls seem to be made up of bones. Some players can even see terrifying human faces. Not only that.

Many players also have the feeling that even the air has become cold and weird.

"Hey, hey - did you hear anything?" asked a player who seemed to be timid.

"Don't, don't scare me, I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear." But the players next to him seemed to be more timid and had already covered their ears!

“I heard—what the hell is this sound—?!”

"I seemed to hear the proud scream of a female ghost——"

"I seemed to hear the screams of countless fools!"


“I can’t hear, I can’t hear, I can’t hear—

As a "real" dream game, players do not have background music in the nightmare world. "Three Five Seven" is not like ordinary computer games, which will play powerful background music when encountering BOSS battles. However, here, In this cave, players seem to be able to hear sounds in the air, but it is not a beautiful singing voice, but a weird sound that makes the hair stand on end without being able to hear what is being said!

The people in the second group didn't know that they were experiencing the most terrifying place in the nightmare world!

Once upon a time, when the Valley of Miasma was being built, the Nightmare Lord, who was the main construction force, built the Valley of Miasma based on the terrifying world of the undead in his original world. Even Zhang Xingyu was frightened when he entered the Valley of Miasma. Later, the Valley of Miasma was overhauled.

However, although the Valley of Miasma has been overhauled, there is still one place that retains the style of the "original world of the undead" - that is the "home" of the Corpse Dragon.

What the players heard was actually a kind of soul wail unique to the world of the undead.

This is a very special place in the world of the dead.

Because there are so many dead creatures, especially some whose souls have been transformed and played with by the Lord of Death, the world of the undead is filled with the wails of souls. In places where tortured souls gather, ordinary people cannot see or hear them. The wail of the soul even turned into a substantial existence.

The voice of the soul is not an ordinary language, and only a few people can understand it, such as the Minister of Death.

The wailing sound of the soul is very terrifying. It is the sound made when the soul is tortured. When the torture is worse and the number is greater, this wailing sound can even form a fatal attack power, similar to As for Banshee's Wail, Banshee's Wail is a ranged instant death magic. As long as the body is strong enough, you can be immune (very demanding), but it is difficult to be immune to this kind of soul wail.

Ordinary people don’t understand the sound of the soul. Depending on each person’s experience, what they understand after hearing it will be different. The same thing is that it is a sound that is enough to make anyone feel creepy - it comes from the soul. Up!

Even in the world of the undead, there are only a few places where the wails of souls can form, and they are all occupied by powerful undead monarchs.

Ordinary people, if they enter this place without any targeted precautions, will go crazy soon. Professionals are slightly better, but they will not be able to stand it for a long time, and their souls will be "polluted".

Of course, the wailing sound of the soul in the Valley of Miasma was slashed hard by Zhang Xingyu. There was almost no damage to the soul, but it was still terrifying.

To use a simple metaphor, the place where the Dracula is located is the scariest haunted house in the world. What’s even scarier is that this haunted house has its own “horror music”, as if just looking at the air will make you feel scary!

Many timid players in the second group were frightened. If there were not bold players leading the way, they would have simply ran away!

"We're here, there's light ahead!"

I don’t know how long they walked, but I just felt that this was the longest passage I had ever experienced. Finally, they passed the passage and came to an open place.

"Cough cough, cough cough - the miasma is getting stronger in this place cough cough -"

"Damn it, how come I can smell that damn unpleasant smell again, cough cough

"With the concentration of the miasma here, this mask, ahem, is no longer effective, ahem, is it anymore?"

"And the color of this miasma, ahem, seems a little different from the outside, ahem——"

"Yes, paler, ahem, some-"

Everyone has not noticed that since arriving here, their blood volume has been decreasing at a very weak rate.

"Where is the Corpse Dragon?" someone asked the tracker.

"The system prompts that it is nearby. I don't know the specific location without a map."

The tracker's skill can display the location of the monster, but if the tracker does not have a map of the location, a range of areas will be displayed.

"Damn it, the miasma is too thick and I can't see clearly. Let's look for it."

Players began to explore here, and soon some players discovered a terrifying scene...

"Here, here - all bones -!"

"This place is full of corpses!"

"What is this? Something made of corpses is so disgusting!"

"I, I can't do it anymore, let me vomit

This is the death world of bones!

"I don't want to be here anymore—

A player crashed.

"Calm down, this is a game. Do you understand the game? Have you never played a horror game? Hold it back!" the player of the Mistyclaw scolded.

"But, but, this is nothing like playing games on a computer..."

"Shut up and go find the Dracula!"

"Yes Yes--!"

"Team, leader!" A player suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter? If you say you're afraid, I won't punch you to death!"

"No, no, I want to say that we are all losing blood!"


The player in the Misery Claw suit, the leader of the second regiment, looked at his health bar. Sure enough, the 150 health volume had been reduced to 146.

"I'm really losing blood... But I can still handle this low blood speed. Find the BOSS quickly!" The blood loss is not very fast, and it can be easily recovered by taking medicine.


The area where the Corpse Dragon is located is very large, and various piles of bones are piled up to form small areas. Coupled with the pervasive miasma, the player cannot see clearly in the distance, so for a while, the player cannot find the Corpse Dragon. .

Wow————4.5——The feeling of miasma here is stronger... I don’t think the Corpse Dragon is in there... I’m a little scared... But I still go in Let's see......"

A player looked at the thick miasma behind a pile of grotesque skeletons, took a breath, and then stretched out his hand.

"Huh? I touched something... It's soft... It doesn't seem like a bone... What is this? A whip?"

At this moment, the huge pile of bones in front of him moved.

Bang bang bang——

A huge creature stood up from the pile of bones.

A pair of blood-red eyes looked at the player.

"Wow, corpse cover


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