The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 379 It’S All A Hellish Start!

On the other side, Otilia's mentality was completely broken, and on this side, Zhang Xingyu also came to the world of the endless amusement park.

Otilia used her spiritual explosion skills to draw a rare scenario for an amusement park, and Zhang Xingyu was even more direct, cheating directly and winning a very special scenario for "Gancheng Brilliant Paradise"

The so-called extremely special scenario is that in the dungeon world of this amusement park, the stage is not only an amusement park, but also a city. When playing this scenario, the player can leave the amusement park, but cannot leave. City.

Ordinary amusement parks, even amusement parks with special scenarios, are themed around amusement parks. Players cannot leave their amusement parks (but the square at the entrance of the amusement park can be passed). If you want to "leave the amusement park" The only way to create an amusement park is to purchase amusement park land, which means expanding your amusement park territory, and there is a limit to this expansion.

Of course, Gancheng Brilliant Paradise is not the only amusement park with very special scripts. Zhang Xingyu thought hard and came up with a few. As for the Lord of was easy for him to think of a few horror scripts, but the amusement park kind…………

The Lord of Nightmares said that he doesn’t like this type of stuff!

But how about actually adding a horror amusement park genre?

Zhang Xingyu didn't care and let the Nightmare Lord, a super coolie, mess with the Dragon Crystal and Icefield areas of Monster Hunter World.

As soon as he entered the world of the endless amusement park, Zhang Xingyu found himself being pointed at a Mauser gun.

"Sorry for being so abrupt...Xingying, can you go to the amusement park with me now?"

The person pointing the gun at Zhang Xingyu was a very slim woman.

The hair is shiny, the eyes are piercing, the skin is as fragile as a blow, and the appearance is cold and calm.

An absolutely beautiful girl.

Well, although the script was designed by Zhang Xingyu himself, it was still a bit scary to have such a gun pointed at the head.

If you are an ordinary player, encountering this kind of plot all at once, you may be at a loss. If you mistakenly think that you still have the ability to fight back in the monster world... If you successfully control the opponent, it will be okay, but if you fail, The direct mission fails and the amusement park copy is closed.

Zhang Xingyu naturally has the ability to counterattack through cheating, but it is really not necessary. At this time, it is better to experience the script.

Of course, although Zhang Xingyu has set a script, it is only a rough script. It is like setting a world line. Most of the actions will be contained in this world line. But after all, this is not an ordinary game. It is a nightmare world. Depending on the player's choices and the characters of the characters in the game world, a completely different world line may appear.

"Um, beauty, are you dating me~~?"

"Yes." The beautiful girl's answer was simple and powerful.

"If you're going on a date, just be normal. You don't need to be gunned down, right?"

"This is to prevent you from escaping."

"I agreed."

"Wise choice."

[System prompt: You have accepted a continuous mission "Sento Isuzu's Dating Request"]

[Task description: You have just arrived in the new world and are waiting for the new task of the Endless Amusement Park Association. Before you can sort out the situation, a beautiful woman points a gun at your head and asks you to go to the amusement park together. A good man does not fight with a woman. Especially a woman with a gun! Wisely, you agreed to the beauty's request very quickly.

[Mission purpose: Accompany Sento Isuzu to the amusement park to see what she wants to do]

[Note: The player’s actual performance will affect the subsequent tasks]

After hearing Zhang Xingyu's answer, the girl put down her gun and introduced herself.

——Sento Isuzu.

A beautiful girl with long flaxen ponytail hair. (By the way, Sento Isuzu is a model worker - because in C87 he single-handedly defeated several previous book kings led by the ship girls, I am the new model worker.

"I am......"

"I know that you are a student from Ganhui High School, a genius boy. Because your grades are too good, you are given the freedom to spend your time and not come to school. The university has already been booked." Sento Isuzu said.

This is the setting of the world for the player who received this mission, so that the player can focus on the construction of the amusement park.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Sento Isuzu, the two took a bus to Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park.

Some minor incidents occurred along the way. For example, when the bus arrived at Gancheng Huihuang Amusement Park Station, Isuzu refused to get off the bus, and then explained that because it was relocated after renovation 10 years ago, the original bus station became a hotel... ..

A very good hotel, it is said that young people like to go there.

Gancheng Huihuang Amusement Park Station is no longer the territory of the amusement park!

Of course, in this game, if the player has enough funds, he can buy the ground here, turning the Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park Station into a real amusement park entrance, instead of being as embarrassing as it is now!

Well, the current situation has a negative effect, that is, the amusement park will have an additional negative BUFF of "Daily Visitors -5%".

If you want to cancel this BUFF, in addition to expanding the area of ​​the amusement park, another way is to pay the bus company to change the name of the station. Relatively speaking, the latter is easier to achieve.

After passing the Gancheng Huihuang Amusement Park platform and arriving at the next stop, we arrived at the main entrance of the amusement park.

But, is this the main entrance of the amusement park...

Cracked pavement, faded door...

The rusty signboard reads; "`||Welcome! Dream Country·Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park!"

Well, there is no sense of "welcome" at all.

It's like being asked by the down-and-out noodle shop dad: "Oh, are you a customer? If you want to eat noodles, I can cook them...but do you really want to eat them?" This feeling.

Later, Sento Isuzu took Zhang Xingyu to visit the entire amusement park.

The process is the same as Ottilia's - both are "hell-like starts"!

The "despair" Otilia experienced was that the amusement park was haunted. The operation of the amusement park might even collapse because of the haunting. At the same time, the employees were almost gone. As a manager, Ottilia had to solve the haunting problem and also You can be a cleaner, a maintenance worker, a security guard... Who the hell can do it!

This is even more tiring than Elegance Ice, which is both meat and output and has to be fed by yourself!

No wonder Otilia is so depressed!

Can this crap game still be played?!

This is not the business simulation game Ottilia knows at all!

Zhang Xingyu is also facing profound problems.

Although the amusement park in Otilia has various problems due to being haunted, there are still many visitors every day because of the signature (Li Wang Zhao) Sheriff's Track. The park is also very clean and tidy, and the overall layout is elegant. , you will be given a very good amusement park at the beginning, and it has great potential.

However, Zhang Xingyu's side... is shaking...

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a fountain square, but...

The fountain in the center of the square is dry.

The fountain had no spray, not even water. There was just a mess of spherical objects, covered with a layer of brown, dying lichen.

At the far end of the square stood a fortress. Note that it is not a "castle" but a "fortress", because there is no fairy tale atmosphere at all. For example, the fortresses built by kingdoms such as Jerusalem during the Crusades were prepared to fight the pagan army with all their strength, and the atmosphere was filled with death.

Tourists are also in groups.

Just standing here, you can know the current situation of the amusement park.

"This amusement park is hopeless!"

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