The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 385 The Tragic Current Situation Of The Middle School Girl

As the saying goes, there are three fires for a new official to take office, and Zhang Xingyu has prepared N wildfires.

Of course, before setting fire, Zhang Xingyu needed to check the specific situation of the amusement park... There was no way. Without the watch provided by the association, it meant that the data of the amusement park could not be checked through the system, so he could only check it manually.

Of course, Zhang Xingyu can be cheated, but if he cheats on everything when playing games, then what game is there to play!

It's like playing Monster Hunter. If you can't defeat the monster, then you can directly bring up the strongest equipment, all the beads, and strengthen the equipment to the best... Then what's the point of this swiping game?

For example, in Dark Souls, if you directly enable invincibility + one-hit kill, the game will lose its fun!

Isuzu prepared an office for Zhang Xingyu, which has a desk, iron pipe chairs and several bookcases, which looks very beautiful. Rather than an office, it's actually more like a police officer.

The investigation room inside.

"These are all the information you need."

Isuzu piled a thick pile of information on the table.

The goal is to grasp various information such as the park's operating status, equipment information, amusement facilities, and performer performance by tomorrow morning.

How to build an amusement park to make the most money?

If it is the real world, it may involve quite a lot of aspects. However, if it is in a game, then there are all kinds of cool operations. For example, in the classic business simulation game "Roller Coaster Star" in the original world, some players have come up with quite a lot of tricks. Weird ways to make money:

1. Build n beverage shops in the park, and then adjust the price to free.

2. Lay out various cute tool animals, amusement facilities, and roller coasters in the park to attract traffic, and then set the routes to be very complicated, making it easy to enter and difficult to exit.

3. Build huge public toilets at the entrances and exits of densely populated areas, and raise the price to the highest price.

Tourists who don't know the truth turn into ruthless urine-making machines as soon as they enter the magic garden!

Well, there is no doubt that this is the legendary "epic" way to make money [Everything in the amusement park is free, but the toilets are very expensive].

The whole game process is also very fun.

Those who have just entered the amusement park are very excited, [Wucao, tickets to this amusement park are free, that’s great], [Wucao, drinks in this amusement park are free, wow, that’s great!]

[Wouchao, are all the roller coasters in this amusement park free? This is simply...] Then, after a while, the urination level of the tourists who had a great time eating and drinking soared.

【Gotta find a toilet quickly!】


[Wancao, why is this toilet so expensive! Angry! 】

Tourists’ anger levels soared!

But what else can we do? We can’t hold it in until we die!

So even though this toilet was extremely expensive, there was still a long queue...

Of course, after a machete (patch), this method was no longer very effective, because many tourists would not spend so much money to go to the toilet even if they choked to death!

However, after the free drinks and expensive toilet methods failed, players quickly developed another way to play.

A player's park has been built into a large park, with tens of thousands of people in the park, but it has encountered an economic crisis.

Seeing that the park was in danger, the player thought about it and quickly destroyed the entrance and exit roads of the amusement park, so that tourists would not be able to go back, and of course new tourists would not be able to enter.

Then, the cool operation came.

Sell ​​all shops and amusement equipment, lay off staff, keep costs to a minimum, then build a rail transit station directly at the entrance, connect it to the most popular amusement area in the park, place the station, build an extra-long queuing area, and build several more nearby ATM machine, set the price to the highest!

Then, an astonishing scene happened. In order to go home, tourists from all walks of life lined up at the station. The long and exaggerated queuing area was full!

[Shocked! The bankrupt amusement park slaughtered tens of thousands of tourists, and the director made money and ran away]

This set of tricks shocked countless players back then. Later, players developed various routines based on this, such as setting up two different areas in the amusement park. One is the entrance area, which has basically nothing in it, and the other The area is a play area, where all the fun things are, and the prices are set to extremely low (ajba)!

The key point is that tourists cannot walk to the entertainment area.

Then, build rail transportation, set the price from the entrance to the entertainment area, and return from the entertainment area, set the highest price!

Well, don’t make money too easily!

Of course, this can only be done in the game. After all, the game sets that tourists can only walk on the road... If this is done in reality.

The first method is probably scolded to death by the tourists...or the tourists exclaim "Conscience Amusement Park" - and then as soon as they turn around, the tourists run to the corner to relieve themselves...

The second method...well, if there is no road, why can't we create a road?

Well, when there are more people walking on it, it becomes a road!

Although the nightmare world is a game world, it is close to reality, so these methods cannot be used. Otherwise, if Zhang Xingyu just boasted that he was a genius today, he would be called a fool tomorrow!

Of course, this does not mean that in-game methods cannot be used in the nightmare world. After all, in the original world, many simulated business games are already quite close to reality. If you play normally without relying on weird operations, you can still learn a lot of experience.

Thinking of other players, Zhang Xingyu couldn't help but open his God's perspective and check Otilia's situation.

The camera zoomed in to see that Otilia was squatting at the control port of the carousel rides, and there was a huge toolbox on the ground...

It looked like this guy was repairing a broken merry-go-round.

"Eh? You are the manager of an amusement park, why are you working as a maintenance worker? So pathetic?" Seeing Otilia still muttering something in the camera, Zhang Xingyu turned on the sound.

"Ahhhhhh - why do I, an amusement park manager, still have to do all this work - I'm so angry - ahhhh, I have to sweep the floor over there in a while,

-Fang’s incident, many tourists vomited, the roads are so dirty, ahhh——!”

Zhang Xingyu almost sneered at him.

——What, being a maintenance worker is not enough and you are going to be a cleaner?

Otilia, you can complete the business simulation game like this!

Players can indeed do other tasks part-time while being a manager, such as maintenance workers... Even if the player does not know how to repair, there is an omnipotent association. He can apply directly to the association for a set of maintenance equipment and rely on the association's knowledge of watches. You can become a half-maintenance worker!

However, players do not make any money by working part-time... The only advantage is that they can save the wages of this part of the coolie. After all, they can hire one less person...

But Ottilia, your situation is...

Zhang Xingyu didn't think that Otilia would become a coolie instead of a happy amusement park manager.

It's great to be a manager. With the equipment provided by the association, it is very easy to operate and you even have extra time to experience your own amusement park in person.

This is also the greatest pleasure of the Nightmare World version of the amusement park—experience your own amusement park yourself!

But what are you doing, little middle school girl?

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