The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 388 Three Things To Do When A New Official Takes Office

After taking a good nap and letting time quickly transition to the next day, the actors who came to work in the park found a large announcement posted there as soon as they entered the employee-only gate.

The announcement contains three main contents:

1: I have a temporary break today.

2: Today, all actors must clean and repair their responsible areas and carry out the "Paradise is my home, hygiene depends on everyone" love amusement park sanitation cleaning activity.

Three: If no improvement is seen within today, the department will be closed indefinitely.

After a few additional points, there are the signatures of the acting manager "Xingying" who issued the announcement and the person who authorized the announcement, Fa Wuerlanza.

Since the notice says "all actors", it means not only the real actors, but also all the people working in the park such as the operators and guides of the amusement facilities, the sales staff of the sales department and light meals, as well as the security guards and ticket sales staff. This means that this business order is not only for people from magical countries such as Red Maple Paradise, but also ordinary employees in the upper world.

As the saying goes, there are three things to do when a new official takes office. Zhang Xingyu started the first thing - cleaning up.

This is something that must be done. After visiting the amusement park with Isuzu, Zhang Xingyu has discovered that the hygienic situation of this park has reached a point where it is urgent and unbearable!

The situation in some amusement parks in the Save the Park Plan is similar. There is too much garbage and vomit in the park. In order to save money, the hard-working players started to work as cleaners themselves...

Of course, there are basically not too many problems that need to be solved in the first-level rescue plan, only 2 at most. For example, Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park has solved one and another. However, the gratifying thing in 09 is that because of the work of the park There are many staff, so Zhang Xingyu does not need to be a hard-working cleaner.

However, it seems that not everyone likes the sanitation activity…………

"What's going on... Humu!?"

That morning, when Song Wanbing went to work on time according to the schedule, he stood in front of the announcement and shouted. Then he immediately turned around and poked his head into the guard room nearby.

"Dahei! Dahei! That announcement! Who is playing a prank!? Why didn't you check it carefully? Hum!"

Songsuffin complained to Dahei, the guard on duty in the morning, because Hei was cleaning the guard room with a broom.

"No, Mr. Pancake, that's not a prank. It was posted this morning after the acting manager and Ms. Isuzu came.

"Acting manager? Is it that kid Humu?"

"Yes, he asked us to clean even the guard room... But if we are lazy and don't clean it, won't even the guard center have to be closed? No, I have cleaned it seriously. Anyway, I have nothing to do with my free time. Do."

"Where is that boy now?"

"He seems to be patrolling the front desk. Please wait a moment, let me take a look... Ah, yes. Three minutes ago, he entered your "Candy House."

Dahei asked the guard to use the computer to check the usage records of the ID card and told Song Wanbing.


Songwuffin ran like crazy. Although he passed by a few people he knew on the way, he didn't even say hello.

Jump on the electric car in the underground passage and start driving.

Electric cars are extremely slow, but they run faster. So Songsuffin jumped out of the car and ran away. As soon as you enter the Magician's Hill area, you immediately rush to the ground.

Enter your usual workplace, "Puffin's Candy House".

Zhang Xingyu is found in the entrance hall of the Candy House. He was poking at the whipped cream decoration on the wall with his fingertips. Isuzu is not here, she has other important things to do in the morning

"What are you doing Humu!"

Hearing Songsuffin yelling, Zhang Xingyu turned around without being surprised.

"It seems like you are not late."

"Boy, this is where I work. Don't let outsiders touch me everywhere."

.....I didn't realize it when I came here on Sunday, but the decoration here is actually quite beautiful. It doesn't look like it was made by a random manufacturer. At first I thought it was made of doesn't seem to be the case. It’s a material I’ve never seen before, is it carving?”

"Get the hell out of there, Humu."

Songsuffin's attitude is still so bad, it has been like this since the first time Isuzu brought him here, but Zhang Xingyu is used to it.

"Yesterday, Latifa officially appointed me as acting manager. I am free to go wherever I like in the park, right?" Zhang Xingyu said calmly.

"Then you come here early in the morning to annoy me Humu?"

"Who's enough to hold on? I'm busy preparing for a miracle.

"Are you still bragging about Nipihumu?"

Songsuffin glared at Zhang Xingyu, who smiled.

"Also...what's that notice about? Why is there a temporary break without prior notice! This amusement park has never had a break in the past 29 years since it opened!"

"Oh, that thing."

Zhang Xingyu raised his head and squinted his eyes in the sunlight coming from the skylight.

"First of all, sanitation represents the most basic aspect of the amusement park, and it is also the easiest place for tourists to see and feel. But look at this amusement park now: paper scraps are scattered everywhere, and dust is accumulated everywhere... It’s really terrible. Isn’t it worth spending a whole day to straighten out?”

In fact, it is okay to clean while operating, but in addition to the sanitation situation, this amusement park also has various problems such as the maintenance of amusement facilities, so it is necessary to close the business for a day for rectification.

"That's no need. If we don't announce the rest day in advance, it will cause a big problem, Humu! How should we explain to the guests who don't know it's a day off but come all the way?"

"For the future of the amusement park, this sacrifice is necessary...and today is a working day. According to past data, not many guests will come."

"Guests who will come will come! Even if there is only one family, opening the door to welcome them is the lowest etiquette in the amusement park!"

——Except for the rest days announced in advance, it must be open all year round. This is the minimum rule for commercial facilities. Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park has adhered to this bottom line for 29 years. Once the rules are broken, it is equivalent to breaking all the trust accumulated in the past.

—This kid really doesn’t understand anything. Doesn’t he know that it is difficult to build trust but very easy to destroy it?!

The more Song Wanbing thought about it, the angrier he became.

"There's no need to adhere to any etiquette for guests who come to such a terrible amusement park."

"How dare you...!"

"But, I know what you want to express. I just walked around in this "candy house"——" Zhang Xingyu looked around, nodded, and said: "There is no need to clean it. It seems. There are always nosy people cleaning diligently.


"So stinky rat, you will be free after the meeting in the morning. I will open the square in front of the main entrance, and you can go and accompany those unlucky guests who came here in vain."

"What do you mean Humu?"

"It doesn't matter if you want to throw a ball or dance. Find a way to please the guests and let them go home satisfied. This is considered a business. The above is your job today."

——I don’t understand what he is saying. In the empty square in front of the main entrance, there will be at least dozens of guests - and they will definitely be in a bad mood - and you want me to find a way to appease them? Muffin frowned.

"Can you do it? Aren't you an expert?" Zhang Xingyu asked with a smile.

"Muhu, this..."

"Can't you do it?"

"Of course you can!"

The confused Song Wanbing reluctantly answered Zhang Xingyu.

"Very good. I will send the actors from the cleaning department to help later. Then I'll leave it to you.

Leaving Song Suffin, who had completely forgotten his original anger and looked confused (who had been fooled), Zhang Xingyu left "Song Suffin's Candy House".

"But to be honest, the place is pretty well cleaned.

Compared with other facilities, which are not only dirty but also lack maintenance, Songsuffin here carefully cleans the amusement facilities which are not small in size every day, and also carefully maintains the machines. Since the garden has almost no budget of 730 for maintenance, he must be responsible for everything.

Zhang Xingyu has seen his attendance record and he works overtime until early morning several days a week. It means that he will still stay after the break in the park and be responsible for cleaning or repairing.

Although his attitude is not very good, his thoughts are stubborn, and he does not believe in his ability as a manager, as a staff member of an amusement park, Song Wanwan's ability and professionalism are among the best.

While moving to other areas, a female employee who happened to pass by said hello to Zhang Xingyu.

"Ah...Mr. Star Shadow! Good morning!"

She was wearing casual clothes as she hadn't started work yet. He wears a down jacket with jeans and a woolen hat on his silver hair. At first glance, you might think she is an Eastern European beauty, but the way she lowers her head and the smile on her face look exactly like an Eastern beauty.

"Good morning, it's Muse."

"Mr. Star Shadow knows about me?"

Muse showed an expression of surprise and surprise.

"Although the clothes are very different from yesterday...but the muse is very eye-catching and cute, naturally...Of course I also remember that you asked me questions yesterday.

Yesterday, Muse was wearing a performance outfit. It was a pretty cool dress with a pair of big wings on her back. It was very different from her current commute.

"Ah - um...thank you, thank you...I'm sorry..." Muse looked a little at a loss.

"By the way, you came just in time. I want to go to the South District, but..."

This Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park is quite large, and without association equipment, Zhang Xingyu was a little lost.

"Well, the Southern District is on the opposite side of the metropolitan road. You have to take the overpass or the underground tunnel to get around. The underground tunnel has now become a cargo storage yard, and it is difficult to pass by on a bicycle... Then, um, Mr. Hoshikage, I will take you there Well, it’s easy to get lost in the park."

"Thank you...but are you getting ready to go to work?"

"No, there is still time now. Come this way!"

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