The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 401 Is It Still Too Simple? I Want To Increase The Difficulty!

More than half an hour later, Song Wanbing knelt on the ground.

On the score display of the Pancake Candy House, the highest score of 999 is displayed.

"Well - as a kid's toy, it's pretty good. I hope there will be more exciting gameplay and difficulty next time~~" Felicia blew the muzzle of the water gun type laser gun and used it like a sharpshooter. He said in a leisurely tone.

"Let's go, I've already cleared the level here, it's too easy." Felicia said.

Everyone looked at Song Muffin pitifully.

To be honest, the difficulty here is not low. Although everyone has passed the level on the easy difficulty, several people have failed in the normal difficulty. When it comes to the hardcore HARD difficulty, even Qin Yin, who has always used long-range weapons in Monster Hunter, can't stand it. but.....

There is another person who is at ease at the scene.


Finally, on the highest HARD difficulty level, Felicia broke the record... No, it should be that the record monitor could no longer accurately calculate Felicia's score, because 999 was already what the recorder could display. The highest record!

————I don’t think you, the guest, can pass Humu on any normal level.

What I said just now was like a brick hitting Song Wanpan’s face!

"What's wrong, Your Highness Songsuffin?" Isuzu asked strangely.

"No, it's okay, Humu, women nowadays are really powerful Humu."

By the way, Songsuffin, that girl [Alister] just now is just a junior high school girl~" Zhang Xingyu said.


Pancake, who was about to stand up just now, fell down again!

Last hit successful!

"Is it really okay? Your Highness, Matsuwabi, you have fallen down twice for no reason." Isuzu said, as if he really didn't know the reason for Matsuwabi's "collapse".

"No, no problem, Humu, I, I still have something to guys are busy first." Songsuffin said with some difficulty.

"Okay, you go ahead and do your work."

Zhang Xingyu and Isuzu left the candy house, and then they heard shouts from behind.

"I'm going to raise the difficulty——to a level that is impossible for humans to complete, oh oh oh——a new crazy difficulty, oh oh, just wait————!"

When she first arrived at Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park, Otilia knelt down because she was stimulated by the large number of extras in the park. The second person to kneel down was Pancake, and then the next facilities were Dream Group and Shadow Wings. Most of the members knelt down!

Because everyone came to the Elements Pavilion!

The four elemental fairies Muse, Copoli, Sylphy, and Salomon performed passionately - the most basic singing and dancing, but also acrobatic performances such as wire hanging!

It would be fine if there were only those NB actors wearing "performance costumes". I would tolerate the secretary being able to perform acrobatics. Why why... why... there are actors we don't know about, and there are four beautiful women?

Just the looks of the four beauties and dozens of signs will attract many tourists!

And what about your own amusement park? Except for Meng Meng Yue and Xiaoyan who have special scripts, there are no actors in the park... No, it is really just a piece of land at the beginning, and there is little luck. You have to clean up the trash first!

However, look at the Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park, how about starting an almost complete amusement park? Not only that, there are so many employees in the park, and look at these employees, they are so unique, I really want it How many!

It takes a lot of effort to support such an actor, but there are countless actors in Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park!


A few hours later, with either happiness or jealousy, everyone continued to play in the park.

Most of the facilities in Magician's Hill have been played aside, such as the Macaron Music Theater, which is a music stage-themed amusement facility where everyone rides a large gondola (the representative boat of Venice) , visited various small rooms that simulated the styles of various countries around the world, and listened to representative music from each country. Finally, the amusement park’s second most popular sheep-shaped mascot, Macaron, performed his best flute for everyone.

Macaron played the flute very well and received applause from everyone present.

After that, everyone took a ride on the big Ferris wheel. Although this Ferris wheel was not a Ferris wheel, it was located at the top of the Tama Hills, so the view was unexpectedly good. Everyone was able to see the huge scale of this amusement park, and then... ...several more people knelt down!

—Look at other people’s amusement parks, and then look at your own!

The Magician's Hill, which we visited for a long time just now, is just one of the themed areas in the amusement park. There are actually four similar themed areas!

0......Please give me flowers......

And there is still a second park to be developed!

Even if they don’t kneel down, they can’t represent their feelings!

After a while, in the "Foodie Street" of the "Other World Theme Area", everyone was eating special delicacies from the amusement park.

Although I did experience the miserable things in the world at the beginning - [People are more irritating than others], but the more I was hit, I became "resistance", and the amusement park was indeed fun, and everyone had a great time. , so most beauties are very happy.

The ones who had the most fun were the little lolita girls - Mingming, Lei Lei, Denden and Mio.

Mio has not been to the amusement park a few times since she was a child, and she had a lot of fun this time. Zhang Xingyu smiled when he saw Mio on several occasions, which is hard to see in normal times.


After playing for a long time, I was a little tired. In addition, there was not much time in the Dream World today, so everyone did not plan to go to other theme areas. They planned to save it for next time, and then went to find a place to eat. .

In the nightmare world, whether it is the game world or the home system, players need to drink water and eat. Otherwise, the characters will have the negative attributes of "hunger" and "thirst". Although they will not really die, they will definitely It will make players feel very uncomfortable!

There are many food shops in the amusement park, and the Endless Amusement Park is set in a modern world with many familiar foods, which makes everyone even happier.

The food made by Cat Chef in Monster Hunter World is indeed delicious, but it is too big fish and meat. Maybe it is to supplement the nutrition of the hunters for hunting, but eating too much will really make you tired!

In this amusement park, there are many exquisite snacks, and many of them are very familiar.

Such as barbecue, oden cooking, cakes and so on!

In the real world, everyone has their favorite food. Now that they see it in the nightmare world, they are naturally more happy and want to try which food is better in the real world or the dream world.

Although most of the friends had a great time, there were a few exceptions——

While Elegant Bing and others were eating delicious snacks and chatting, on a table nearby, three "black and white" girls were lying on the table, looking like "The world is not destroyed yet, but I am about to." "Dead" in disgrace!


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