It’s not just the waffles, almost every employee on site thinks so.

This newcomer's experience is really amazing. Doesn't he know the current situation of the park? Although the environment and atmosphere of the park have been much improved after previous cleaning, tool maintenance and other work, but...

"Why do you think this is impossible?"

"Why? Isn't this natural? The promotional video I just created a while ago has no effect yet." Song Wanbing said immediately.

"That's right. Even if the promotional video is effective, it won't appear immediately. It needs a period of immersion. It's impossible to usher in such explosive growth!" Tirami also nodded.

"Well, it seems that no one wants to believe it...Does anyone here believe that there will be 10 times as many tourists as yesterday? Raise your hand." Zhang Xingyu looked around, and sure enough, no one raised their hand.

"Well, Song Muffin, do you want to make a bet?"


"Well, if the number of tourists today reaches 10 times that of yesterday...then...well, the winner can ask the loser to do anything, as long as it is not a crime.

How about it?" Zhang Xingyu looked at Songsuffin with a very provocative expression.


Zhang Xingyu's "How dare you?" look in his eyes immediately made Songsuffin furious. The two of them were not on the same page. Before, Zhang Xingyu actually asked the princess to shoot a swimsuit promotional video, which made Songsuffin furious. Now that he heard this , immediately stood up and slapped the table, saying: "I won this bet on Humu! Just wait and see Humu——!"

"Now there's a good show to see the dragon~" said the sheep-shaped mascot macaron.

"The showdown between the veteran of the amusement park and the new manager is so exciting~"

"However, I do hope that there will be so many tourists today... This means that we may be able to achieve our goal..."

Other employees whispered.

Zhang Xingyu looked at secretary Isuzu and asked, "How are you doing, Isuzu? Do you think it's possible?"

"I...I don't think..." Isuzu seemed to think this was unlikely, but she suddenly thought of something and said, "Could it be related to the guests we specially entertained yesterday?"

"Hey, almost...I came up with a trap yesterday...ahem, it's a good idea to promote specific groups of people to come to the amusement park. Judging from their report, the effect is pretty good." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xingyu looked at the employees on site and said: "No matter whether there will be 10 times the number of people today, I hope everyone can maintain a good spirit to welcome the guests. However, I believe that today's guests will lead to explosive growth. Well, I look forward to your efforts today, let’s adjourn the meeting——!”

On the other side, because Gancheng Huihuang Amusement Park only opened in half an hour, players who were itching and unsatisfied unexpectedly found that a new amusement park suddenly appeared among the specially opened options. Suddenly, many players had a small thought.

"These newly popped up amusement parks...could it be that they saw that Gancheng Huihuang Amusement Park was only opening in half an hour, so they took advantage of players' urge to go to Huihuang Amusement Park and opened them temporarily? ?Or should you be confident in your own amusement park before opening it?...………………...Well, I have to say that entertaining other players to come to the amusement park to spend money is indeed a good way. After all, your amusement park wants to expand. We need tourists to come in and spend money to gain profits...Should I open it too?"

Many players are excited.

At present, the vast majority of players are in the most common first-level amusement parks, which only have one or two amusement facilities, very few tourists, and the rate of making money is very slow.

Yesterday afternoon, Fatty posted a piece of advice on the initial strategies for the Endless Amusement Park on the forum. He suggested that players improve the scenery so that tourists will come in. Pay more attention to the scenery near the amusement facilities. If you can ride on it while Seeing beautiful scenery while amusement rides will make tourists happier.

Many players plan to go to Gancheng Huihuang Amusement Park today to see if the forum posts are deceiving people. By the way, they will refer to the landscape of that amusement park, and then design the landscape of their own amusement park...

However, now there are 3 specially opened amusement parks that suddenly popped up... No, now the refresh actually doesn't allow any more!

Added again?

Everyone has the same idea?

Should we take advantage of this moment to trick a group of players into spending money to earn some pocket money?

The player [Yeyu Meteor] clicked on the special open option.

A note option pops up on the random watch, reminding the player that there is an additional charge for choosing a special opening, because it is not that easy to transport one player to another player's amusement park...

The fee amount is fixed and is not charged per capita. However, the fee is not small. At least for players who have just started construction, it is definitely a large amount of money!

0...Please give me flowers‥

After calculating the current park income and expenses, most players hesitated, while some players chose to take a gamble!

"This [Special Opening] fee is really a bit expensive for me... Let's go check out other players' amusement parks first." Player [Yeyu Meteor] chose Amei's Happy Amusement Park as the second choice. level amusement park.

"Please go to the designated location to teleport."

The system prompts the player to go to the designated location. The player originally thought that the association would airborne the aircraft for transportation, but he couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

The place of transmission is the portal of the home system.

Soon, the player was teleported to Amei's Happy Amusement Park.

The teleportation location is the gate of the amusement park.

"Oh----welcome, you are my first visitor today, welcome to Amei's happy amusement park~~" A player wearing a level 1 association uniform seemed to be waiting anxiously at the door. After the player teleported over, his eyes suddenly brightened, he quickly ran to [Yeyu Meteor] and said enthusiastically.

"Ah——Hello...this is your amusement was it okay..." [Yeyue Meteor] The corner of his mouth twitched slightly because he saw a very simple gate... It was similar to the gate of his amusement park, with just a few pieces of wood erected, one side was the entrance, and the other side was the entrance... ...

Well, the gate of this amusement park is slightly better than my own. There are two telephone poles erected on both sides, and a banner is pulled up on the poles [Amei's Happy Amusement Park]...

This is probably the crudest amusement park sign I have ever seen in my life!

If in reality, there were amusement park gates like this... I guess the amusement park would have died in a few days.

However, in the current situation where most players have nothing at their front door, at least this one is decorated, although it feels like it becomes more frustrating after the decoration...

By the way, telephone poles seem to be very cheap... This player of Amei's Happy Amusement Park couldn't have just done it at the gate because the amusement park was temporarily opened...

Why do I suddenly feel that this is the truth...


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