The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 413 Players’ Glorious Amusement Park Trip!

Through the home portal, Yeyu Meteor came to Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park - a huge square, and the most conspicuous thing was a huge rock arch, which was like a touchable gate.

"AMAGIBRILLIANTPARKA...Is this the Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park... If nothing else, at least this gate is a hundred times more heroic than the gate of my amusement park! You can also see the inside of the amusement park Roller coasters and Ferris wheels...well, this kind of amusement park makes me have the urge to go in and play~~"

"Hey, but there are a little less tourists... Is it an illusion..." Ye Yuliuxing muttered, but he didn't pay attention, thinking it was because the park had just opened and it was still early.

Then, just as Ye Yu Meteor was sighing, various teleportation effects suddenly appeared in the square.

At least more than 100 players have arrived here!

"Wow haha ​​- I'm here at Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park. I'm here, the MM secretary who can perform!"

"Here comes the elf beauty - ah wu - -" Naturally, the ones shouting proudly were all the male players.


"I heard that this amusement park has a lot of cute 09 mascots. The sheep and the Pomeranian are very cute. I really want to see them~~" Several female players said as they walked towards the amusement park.

It is indeed the most popular amusement park on the forum yesterday, so many players come!

Yeyu Meteor saw that as the first batch of players entered, the number of players in the square did not decrease at all, because the second and third batch of players were teleporting over!

"Holy shit, this gate is a thousand times better than my amusement park, but it actually has a roller coaster right there? Woohoo--

"I didn't expect that I could play in an amusement park in my dream. I'm here~~ Experience it first, and then build your own amusement park~~"

"This amusement park looks good from the gate. It's much better than the cheating amusement parks I played in before. Haha - this is an amusement park. Those before were nothing. The parks for the elderly are better than


Without paying attention, the people at the entrance began to become crowded. When Yeyu Meteor noticed something was wrong, he immediately rushed towards the entrance.

After paying the ticket, Yeyu Meteor entered the amusement park. At the entrance was a huge fountain square. Fountains sprayed out from time to time. The fountain was very large and looked very beautiful.

"Wow—— Such a big fountain~~"

“So beautiful~~”

"And there are so many actors!"

"Huh? Isn't that the bleating sheep-shaped mascot that was written on the forum yesterday?"

"Where is the elf beauty I want to see?"

"Where's the secretary?"

Yeyu Meteor naturally also saw the actor. Like other players, he was also surprised.

There were too many actors in the square. Seeing the tourists arriving, the actors all started to perform hard. The macaron in the shape of a sheep was playing the guitar, and the tirami in the shape of a Pomeranian on the side was doing magic and spreading flowers. There are already a lot of players around me... Well, judging from the height of the players, they should all be students in the elementary department, maybe first or second grade.

"Nima, how much does it cost to have so many actors... Actors seem to be very useful in attracting tourists, how about I hire one..." Yeyu Meteor came to the main entrance of the amusement park. Next to the map, he looked at the map of the amusement park, and then he was stunned by this huge amusement park.

At least 5 times the size of your own amusement park!

There are five major areas in total - Magician's Hill, Wild Valley, Splash Ocean City, and Sejong from another place!

"My amusement park seems to be the size of a theme area here, maybe even smaller..." Yeyu Meteor smiled bitterly.

"It seems that the elf beauty is at the Magician's Hill. Let's go there first and have a look..."

As a student in the Higher Education Department, Ye Yuliuxing said that he was no longer old enough to play with mascots and should engage in "advanced" entertainment.

While walking towards Magician's Hill, Macaron and Tirami, who were originally performing at Fountain Square, also started to move towards Magician's Hill.

"Everyone, I have my Macaron Musical Theater Dragon in Magician's Hill. Welcome to Guan Linlong——"

“I also welcome all guests to my Tirami Garden Adventure. It’s a fairy tale-style adventure and it’s very fun~~”

The two of them walked past Ye Yu Meteor, and Ye Yu Meteor vaguely heard their whispers.

"It's really unbelievable. Apparently there was no one there broke out early this morning!"

"I am a dragon too - I can't believe dragons at all... There are more dragons than there are people on holidays!"

"The manager this time is really incredible [I want to take back my previous words of looking down on him~"

"It seems that His Highness Songsuffin Pancake has a high probability of losing to the dragon this time..."

"No matter what, if we keep this momentum, we might be able to keep the amusement park!"

The figures of the two people gradually moved away, while Yeyu Meteor stopped.

"It seems... I heard something extraordinary..." Yeyu Meteor murmured: "No one came before, but today a large number came. Even the actors in the amusement park didn't dare to I believe it, combined with what was said later [If we maintain this momentum, we may be able to keep the amusement park], is the goal of this amusement park to have enough tourists?"

"Hmm - so 823, yesterday's forum posts were all planned by this tourist to get us players to come and play?" As he spoke, Yeyu Meteor's eyes widened.

"If that's the case... wouldn't it mean that we were deceived... No, in fact the post did not lie. There is a huge amusement park, five themed areas, and many actors. Although we did not see the elf beauty and secretary, But thinking about it, it should be true, what the posts said are all true, and no matter which post said that we players should be allowed to go there, we all went there voluntarily*89..."

Thinking of the end, Yeyu Meteor shook his head and murmured:

"This player is so smart. He probably recruited his friends to create this plan on the forum to make players interested in Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park, come in to play, and then increase the number of tourists to complete his mission... ...How clever! Taking advantage of players’ curiosity..."

"Although I feel like I've been tricked, this amusement park looks really good. Let's go see the elf beauties first. If you're not satisfied, then go to the forum and criticize it. Well, that's it!"

As he spoke, Yeyu Meteor walked towards the Magician's Craftsman themed area.

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