"Dad, Mom, I got first place in today's exam~" a purple-haired little loli said proudly to her parents.

"Well~~~Really? My daughter is really amazing, show me~~" the mother said softly.

"Oh - really, you are so good~ What reward does your daughter want?" The father touched his daughter's head and said softly.

"I want to go to the botanical garden to see beautiful plants~~~"

“A beautiful new botanical garden has been built recently, it’s great~~”

This is a warm home. Both parents love their daughter, and her daughter lives happily every day.

"Dad, Mom, I was praised by the teacher again today~~"

"Well~~~Really? What did you do today?" Mother asked.

"I helped other children today. Mom, listen to me. Today I..."

"Oh, my daughter has grown up...

"Dad, Mom, I want to go to the zoo to see elephants~~" the daughter read with big eyes.

"Sorry, I've been busy with work lately, how about next time?"

"Be obedient, okay, daughter."


"Dad, mom, this weekend two

"I'm sorry, daughter, it's been a critical moment in research recently, so..."

time flies.

My daughter came home from school.

"Dad, Mom works"

However, no one was at home.

Late at night, the parents came back tiredly and saw their daughter asleep in the hallway.

"Why are you sleeping here? You'll catch a cold!"

"Dad...Mom...I want to be with you..." The daughter opened her eyes and said in a daze.


"Dad, Mom, I got first place in the grade in the recent exam——"

"Wow, that's awesome!"

"Dad, Mom, I want to go to the amusement park this weekend. Many students in the class say that the amusement park is the most fun...but, is it okay?" The little loli looked forward to it but was afraid that her expectations would be disappointed. Looking at parents.

"Amusement park..." The parents looked at each other and said softly: "It just so happens that the research will come to an end this week, so let's go on the weekend."

"Really? That's great—"

Tomorrow is the day I made an appointment with my parents to go to the amusement park.

"By the way, I will go to my parents' research institute today to greet them. They will be happy, um——

The little Loli ran to her parents' research institute.

"Daughter, why are you from here? Didn't I tell you not to come here?" the mother asked a little seriously.

"But, but - the little Loli said weakly.

"Haha, wife, stop talking. My daughter must be looking forward to tomorrow's amusement park activities, and tomorrow is... Seeing how excited she is, let her rest here first."

"Really, you are your favorite daughter... Okay." The mother sighed: "Daughter, please wait here for a while, we will be fine soon~"


The little Loli found a seat and sat down. Her parents were still busy, so the little Loli had her own fun. After a while, the little Loli got tired and fell asleep on the sofa.

You beep

The loud siren woke her daughter up.

There was a lot of red in front of me.

Flames, all flames!

"Dad, mom," the little girl shouted in horror.

"Daughter 1" The parents rushed in [the father hugged his daughter.

"The research institute is on fire. The fire cannot be controlled. We must leave immediately——!"

"However, important research information..."

"Is it still time to consider what information?"

"That's how many years of hard work we have spent. No--you hold your daughter and leave first, and I will get the information. I only need the most important information."


The parents separated, and the mother braved the fire to obtain important data. When she came out, she found that her husband and daughter had not run out.

"You didn't leave?" Mother was shocked.

"No, the fire is too strong. I tried to run away just now, but I couldn't get out——"

"Dad, mom, will we die? Wuwu," the daughter cried.

"Weird, don't be afraid," Dad will save you no matter what he says - Dad hurriedly comforted you.

"Well - yes, by the way, if it's that passage, maybe -" Mother remembered something: "Go - this way!"

Just as my mother guessed, considering the structure of the laboratory and the intensity of the fire, this place should be the last to burn.

This passage was also on fire, but the fire was relatively small.

"You should be able to pass here!" The father said immediately, and then the two of them tried their best to find a place where they could walk and walked towards the exit.

"Is this fire really formed naturally?" My mother asked along the way.

.....I don't know, but the most important thing now is not this... By the way, has the data been taken out?"

0…………Please give me flowers…………

Eh...well, yes...that's right. "As she spoke, the mother took out a necklace from her pocket, opened the necklace in a clever way, then put a chip into the necklace, and finally hung the necklace around her daughter's neck.

"This is--?"

"A gift...I wanted to give it to you tomorrow. Tomorrow is your birthday, girl."

"We're almost at the exit!"

"Well, damn it, it's so hot here-!"

"We must rush over."



The father held his daughter in his arms, and the three of them rushed through the biggest fire together. They only needed to go 50 meters further to leave!



The ceiling, which was on fire, was overwhelmed and fell down.



At the critical moment, the father burst out with all his strength and "threw" his daughter forward.

"It hurts—" Her daughter fell down hard, and she suddenly raised her head and looked behind her.


"Go quickly - go quickly," my father and mother shouted anxiously.


More materials from the ceiling fell down, and there was no sound from the parents' side.

"No, no-ahhhhh no"

"Come on - daughter, you... must be fine..." a weak voice came over.

"No, no————Dad——"

"Let's go quickly -" my father shouted.

"Oh no," my daughter cried.

At this time, boom

The ceiling falls again.

It's right on top of my daughter's head.

"No, no - dad, mom -"

"The girl woke up from the nightmare, she was wet with water.

Is it that dream again..." The girl took out the necklace, stroked it gently, and murmured.

"Since the creation of the nightmare world... I haven't had this nightmare for a few days..." The girl looked at the time, and it was now around 1 p.m.

"It's almost time to set off..."

The girl tidied her clothes and opened the door.

Originally, the girl’s name was Eve Aaliyah Charles, but now, her name is————Li Yan!

Ten thousand....

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