This day's hunting of Yanwanglong ended in failure.

After dying three times, the Shadow Wings Guild and the Dream Group began to farm other monsters. On the one hand, they were making ice- and water-attribute equipment. After three battles, the monsters were investigated with the tracker skills. The level gradually increases, and some basic data of monsters also appear. For example, Yanwang Dragon has two weak attributes, namely ice attribute and water attribute. Of course, this can be inferred based on Yanwang Dragon being fire attribute. In addition, , the poison attribute can also be used.

Zhang Xingyu made some modifications to the properties of paralysis and sleep. Ancient dragons are extremely resistant to paralysis and sleep.

In addition to making attribute weapons that are extremely effective against Flame King Dragon, everyone also specially purchased equipment with high fire resistance - Barbarian Jaw Dragon and Fire Dragon.

The equipment of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon is average and can be regarded as overused equipment. However, as long as it has fire resistance, it is okay to be rubbish. The equipment of the Fire Dragon is good. It has both "zero sixty-seven" fire resistance and set attributes. It is suitable for fighting the Flame King Dragon. Good equipment.

However, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon is not useless. After all, if you are lucky enough to get high-quality materials or even rare materials for the Barbarian Jaw Dragon [then it is also very good to integrate it into the fire dragon outfit as a "foreign object forging" material.

On the other hand, it is natural to make materials for various high-end props, especially materials for various monsters needed to make clothes.

After Zhang Xingyu turned clothes into consumables, various materials on the market became in short supply. Some new players lamented that they couldn't even afford the junk materials for over-equipped monsters - they were bought by players who wanted to improve their "tailor" skills. Went to make clothes!

Having said that, most of them are very satisfied with the new sub-profession of tailor. On the one hand, the new clothes are very useful and the success rate of players hunting monsters is greatly improved. On the other hand, the existence of tailor also makes the market more popular. Sales of some “surplus” materials have soared.

Monster materials are generally used to make equipment and weapons. In addition, they are used as materials for foreign object forging or as part of alchemy prop materials. However, since players have to perform advanced forging skills - foreign object forging, they naturally tend to choose With better quality materials, who would choose the most rubbish ordinary materials to strengthen equipment. For example, if you finally forge an equipment with all blue quality materials, you will definitely not choose to use white materials to integrate into the equipment. You will only Choose blue quality material or better!

Therefore, those low-quality materials on the market are actually in surplus, but high-quality materials are in short supply no matter what monster they are, even if they are spit out by players.

If a big ferocious jackal dragon can peel off 2 blue quality materials, it can be used to burn high-quality incense. If it peels off purple materials, it can be used to buy lottery tickets. Rare materials... Well, okay, the big ferocious jackal dragon is this thing Without rare materials, even home coins and nightmare marks are poor!

However, this thing is really easy to kill, so there is still an endless stream of people trying to kill it!

Just like in Horizon World, once players are equipped, there will still be people who hunt for Watchers. After all, it is convenient, fast, and safe, and basically they will not die.

But the emergence of the tailor changed everything.

To make clothes, the main materials need to be collected except for "vines" and "spider webs". Most of the materials required are materials peeled from monsters. This is completely opposite to the material requirements of the alchemist - alchemy. The main materials of the master are obtained by collecting [only a small part (the main advanced collection) requires killing monsters.

At present, the consumption of clothing is comparable to various medicines. Basically, when fighting any monster, players will carry one or two pieces of clothing just in case.

The reason is also very simple, because this game has a death limit!

Die 5 times and be kicked out of the game world directly!

Therefore, those who can only survive are basically hot-sellers.

In the past, among alchemy items, "root" items that can survive with remaining health have always been the most popular items. However, it is expensive to make, has a long CD, and is unlucky. If the remaining health is hit by a monster, it's time to lie down. You still have to lie down.

But now, there is another life-saving tool - clothes!

The most basic clothing is very useful. Physical clothing is equivalent to directly increasing the health bar, while stealth clothing... If you can't defeat the monster, or all your companions have fallen, or if you encounter a bird that comes to cause trouble, quickly put it on. Use your clothes to get into places with complex environments! You can usually run away successfully.

Although the better the materials, the better the effect and the shorter the CD. However, as a consumable, the most powerful clothes must be used in the toughest battles - such as those who are hunting. Gu Long’s team.

Although ordinary clothes are not as effective as high-level clothes, they still have basic functions and are cheap, so players don't feel too distressed to use them.

Nowadays, some players even use clothes to fight the ferocious jackal——of course, they are the most common white quality physical clothes.

Because players have discovered the "most valuable" function of clothing: as long as they wear clothing, the pain after being hit by a monster will be reduced. Among them, physical clothing reduces the pain the most. When wearing physical clothing, , even if hit by a monster's ultimate move - in the past, players would be on the ground for a long time unable to get up due to pain, but with physical clothing, the player's pain will be greatly reduced!

This greatly facilitates the player's hunting - wearing physical clothing, you don't have to worry about replenishing blood when being beaten. Reducing pain is more conducive to improving the player's operation. Moreover, if you wear the most ordinary physical clothing, you can defeat any monster with just one step. If you win, you will definitely get your money back and still make some money!

A must-have for hunting!

The emergence of the tailor profession as a sub-profession has given Monster Hunter World's business system new vitality - even the most common and low-level materials have a place to be used, which makes transactions between players more frequent. And if there is a transaction, there will definitely be emotional fluctuations. Business (including manufacturing transactions) has become the largest way to obtain energy after death and killing monsters. 0

"Oh, it's so hard to find a fire dragon."

"With the appearance of the steel dragon, the activity areas of many monsters have changed. This map is no longer useful and needs to be updated."

In the ancient tree forest, Zhang Xingyu and others are on a journey to find the fire dragon.

"Speaking of which, the first kill notice of Steel Dragon has never appeared."

"It looks like that team ultimately failed... just like us."

"After all, there is a limit on the number of deaths... You can't fight many times a day..."


Listening to the conversation between Ottiliya and others, Zhang Xingyu thought for a moment - perhaps, the death penalty should be modified.

Five death penalties are not enough for hunting powerful ancient dragons!

"Look, there's a Brachygnathosaurus over there!"

"Barbarian jaw dragon? Aren't we looking for a fire dragon?"

"No, no, look at that Barbarian Jaw Dragon. The color is a little different from the ordinary ones. It seems to be elite level!" Xiaoyan said.

"What, elite level?!"

It’s true!”

"What should we do? Are we still looking for the dragon?" Even Elegance Bing and others were hesitant.

"What are you looking for? It's rare to encounter an elite-level Barbarian jaw dragon. If you miss it, you don't know when you will encounter it. Come on!"

Everyone rushed towards the elite Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

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