The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 445 Black Hawk Regiment

The Secret of the Machine is a game that all Horizon World players can participate in, and everyone can submit relevant reports. It is a large-scale main mission similar to "World Progress".

There are many things that can be submitted for Mechanical Secrets, such as various materials from the old era found in ruins, of which documents and recordings are the most important clues. In addition, old era observation points found in the wild, certain tasks of residents, etc. , are all clues that can be submitted.

A very interesting point is that players can freely review all clues submitted!

The Secret of Machinery involves the most important historical background of the Horizon world. Allowing all players to check it out actually allows all players to understand the background of this game.

Many players like fighting. Although they are also interested in the game background, there are too many clues that can be viewed in this main task. Important clues are mixed with unimportant clues. There is neither classification nor importance prompts, so Didn't study it carefully.

However, there are also plot players who like to study the secrets of machinery.

In the Nightmare Forum, Fatty used various clues from the main mission to come up with a rough background of the era.

From the analysis of existing clues, this world should have experienced a rebirth. About 597 thousand years ago, this world should be a technological world, and the technological level should be higher than the real world, because various kinds of inventions have been invented there. Such robots have replaced human jobs.

However, for some reason, these machines rioted and destroyed the entire world, and all humans were wiped out.

This can be inferred from the audio files of the ruins of the old world. These ruins are built deep underground. They should be to prevent being attacked by mechanical creatures. At the same time, some important research is being conducted, possibly on how to fight back against machinery, but This study should have failed.

The despair of many researchers can be seen in the recording files from the old era.

However, there are also some clues that the research is not about how to fight back against humans, but about the rebirth of humans.

Because of the lack of important clues, Fatty doesn't know what the specific research content is, but it can be inferred from the results that the plan for human rebirth has been completed, because after a thousand years, human beings have reappeared in this world, although human society has degraded from the technological era. It became a primitive tribal society.

The Rebirth Project can be said to be successful because, for the most part, machines and humans live in harmony.

However, something is making machines more aggressive towards humans, and larger and more deadly machines have begun to appear.

The crisis has reappeared. Will what happened that destroyed the world thousands of years ago happen again?

It was at this time that the players entered the game.

From this background, it is easy to deduce the main mission. Players need to understand the truth of the world, including the reasons for the destruction of humans in the old era, the reasons for the rampage of machines, the content of researchers' research, and the reasons for the rampage of machines again after a thousand years.

Fatty made a bright and bold guess, that is, there may be two final tasks. One is for the player to go back to the past through the "time machine" to save the world, and the other is to solve the source of the mechanical rampage in the current era.

The former is less likely, because if there is a story that allows players to go back to more than 1,000 years ago, wouldn't the entire world have to be redone, and it would be better to open a new game!

Currently, the overall mission progress of the Secret of Horizon World Machinery has reached 80%, but the most core clues are missing, such as why the machine went berserk a thousand years ago, what exactly did humans do in the era of despair, and what will be there after a thousand years. The mechanical life that had regained its calm went berserk again!

The people of the first guild established in the Horizon World [Black Hawk Chapter] were a little anxious.

The Black Hawk Group is a "Gao Wan Group" employed by the Tianxin Group. It mainly attacks the Horizon World. After the Horizon World updated the guild system in version 0.70, the Gao Wan Group spent almost 4 Within days, he captured a large mechanical declaration and established the Horizon World's first player guild, the Black Hawk Chapter.

It is similar to the second group of Gaowan Group of Tianxing Game Company in the Monster Beauty World. They are also investigating the clues of the nightmare world and turning in the nightmare mark. The difference is that in order to obtain the nightmare mark efficiently, the second group of Gaowan Group, The "Marauder" method is adopted to rob players, while the Black Hawk Chapter adopts orthodox tactics - improving the team's equipment and combat level, hunting monsters, brushing ruins and other methods to obtain the Nightmare Mark.

Regardless of the method, in terms of results, the efficiency of the second group is indeed high. As a hired team that entered the dream world almost half a month late, it didn't take much time to achieve the same results as the first group. .

However, recently, the people in the second group seem to have encountered some setbacks in Monster Hunter World, and their daily gains have stagnated. As for the Black Hawk Group, the amount they "turn over" to Tianxing Company every day has not increased significantly. The two teams see It's only half a pound.

But in fact, the Black Hawk Group has reservations, because with the improvement of equipment and technology, the loot they can get every day has increased a lot than before.

But, but... The Black Hawk Chapter has raised a medium-sized mechanical baby and a large-sized mechanical baby, which consumes an astonishing amount of money. In order to fill the big holes of these two mechanical babies, they chose to sell part of the nightmare marks in the game for emergency relief. , In addition, the Black Hawk Chapter also secretly left part of the nightmare mark and did not give it to Tianxing Company.

Unlike a group of guys who just want to make a lot of money all day long and go out to have fun when they have money, the Black Hawks have their own ideas.

The president of the Black Hawk Chapter, Treading the Galaxy, while working for Tianxing Company to earn money, was also investigating the purpose of Tianxing Company. Soon, combined with the experience in the nightmare game world, Treading the Galaxy felt The "virtual game" of Nightmare World does not seem to be a simple game world.

Mysteries are revealed everywhere, and this nightmare world may hide even greater secrets!

The Black Hawk Chapter wants to know this huge secret!

As for Treading the Galaxy, in addition to being curious about the secrets of the nightmare world, he also has a very simple reason - to heal his body.

Back then, Star Wars made great achievements in the professional e-sports circle. Many people commented that Star Wars could lead the club to win the country's first world championship this year. However, before the World Series, Star Wars suddenly announced its withdrawal. Professional circle.

At that time, the entire e-sports circle exploded.

The reason for his retirement from the e-sports circle is simple: his physical injuries cannot support high-intensity training and competition.

Many people are regretful as to why Shattering Galaxy didn't persist for a while, and many people are angry, because Shattering Galaxy is the mainstay of the team, and his departure is likely to cause the team to regress from the top level to a first-rate or even second-rate level!

Regardless of the quarrels on the Internet, Breaking the Galaxy seems to have disappeared from the e-sports circle.

Only Chusha Xinghe himself knows what kind of injuries he suffered at that time!

After a major surgery, he left the hospital after more than a year of recovery.

The competition in the e-sports circle is very cruel. After not showing up for a year, Treading the Galaxy is no longer the professional player that made all the difference back then.

Even now, the illness from the past still deeply affects Treading the Galaxy.

The need of Stepping on the Galaxy is very simple. He just wants to know whether the nightmare world has the ability to cure his disease.

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