The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 455 Only One Chance

"My father finally told me that the nightmare world was too mysterious and too deliberate, and told me not to enter that weird world again, lest something irreversible happen," Felicia said.

"Huh? Then you chose to quit the dream world?"

"Of course it's impossible. If you quit, you won't be able to play games with Lily-chan at night. More importantly, if you choose to delete your account, there will be basically no chance of re-entering," Felicia said.

Not everyone likes the nightmare world, although the current nightmare world does seem to be "harmless to humans and animals" - for example, it can allow people to enter the dream world when sleeping at night, which means that humans have more entertainment time , for example, the nightmare world completely solves the disease of "insomnia". Whether you have "insomnia" or other conditions that cause difficulty in falling asleep, as long as you have the nightmare mark and want to sleep at night and enter the nightmare world, you will definitely be able to fall asleep! More I even heard that some "nightmare-level" items from the nightmare world can be brought out, and even the Miracle Island was saved...

However, the nightmare world is too mysterious after all. It seemed to "appear out of thin air". The first players should be students from the Holy Dance Academy. Then, within a few months, the players of the nightmare world have spread to the entire Miracle Island. , judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before it spreads to the whole world.

Of course, it is still possible to control the number of players to 990, because players in the nightmare world now rely on redeeming nightmare marks from the game, and nightmare marks can only be seen by those who hold nightmare marks, and once the nightmare marks are Once redeemed, it will dissipate after 24 hours. Therefore, the [Incubus Mark] can only be realized through face-to-face transactions between old players and new players.

The Miracle Island is a large island. As long as the island is blocked, it is easy to control the nightmare mark from being transported to foreign countries. Moreover, because it will dissipate within 24 hours, it is almost impossible to mail it. Not to mention how long it takes to send it internationally. , even if the fastest plane is sent to the mainland, if no one there holds the nightmare mark, the mailed nightmare mark cannot be seen.

However, the nightmare mark only appeared later. According to the original players, they entered the dream world out of nowhere at first, not by trading the nightmare mark.

In other words, besides trading nightmare marks, there are other ways to send people into the nightmare world!

On the other hand, Miracle Island is not an island controlled by a single country, but a maritime kingdom jointly controlled by multiple countries. Not to mention that it is impossible to blockade Miracle Island, the attitude of the top management of Miracle Island towards the nightmare world is also the same. It is different, and because of this, Holy Dance Academy can obtain the right to investigate the nightmare world.

The attitude of the top management of Miracle Island towards the Nightmare World is still unclear, but most ordinary people welcome the Nightmare World. After all, real life is very stressful nowadays, and they would not be happy to have one more way to play games while sleeping at night. ?

However, the nightmare world is too mysterious after all. No one knows who the creator of the nightmare world is, and once the nightmare world chooses to do evil,

The nightmare world has solved the problem of human sleep. Does that prove that the nightmare world has the ability to control human sleep? If the nightmare world can force humans to sleep during the day

Because they are wary of the nightmare world, some people reject the nightmare world. Fortunately, at this point, the nightmare world is quite humane, that is, there are features in the home system.

A choice of [Delete the Nightmare World account and permanently exit the Nightmare World].

This choice will require players to confirm multiple times, just like some cheating software. It is easy to install, but if you want to uninstall it, you have to go through a lot of confirmation steps. If you accidentally uninstall it, it will fail... This is Cheating game software is a way to "retain" players. However, when most players see this situation, they will only uninstall it even more resolutely.

Some people even promoted Nightmare World on the forum as an "evil product", and for the sake of safety, don't use it if you can.

No matter what the purpose of these people is to promote the evil of the nightmare world, there are indeed some people who believe these remarks and choose to permanently delete their accounts and leave the nightmare world.

However, most of those who deleted their accounts regretted it.

A Nightmare World player who had strong uneasiness about the Nightmare World listened to the statement "The Nightmare World is evil" and chose (ajbc) to delete the Nightmare World account and permanently exit the Nightmare World. This player was confirmed by other Nightmare World players. The nightmare mark on his vest disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

On the first day after choosing to delete, he slept peacefully, had a good sleep, and had a sweet dream.

However, within a few days, he began to suffer from insomnia.

It's okay to just have insomnia, because for him this is the normal state of life. He is used to it, and if he really can't sleep, he takes sleeping pills.

Then, he remembered all the experiences in the nightmare world...the excitement of hunting monsters in Monster Hunter World, the fun of catching mechanical babies in Horizon World, the leisure of Endless Amusement Park World, and the joy of playing with friends... .…………

Human beings only realize how valuable they once had when they lose it!

He began to regret it a little, but he still hypnotized himself that he had escaped the evil, and those players in the nightmare world would eventually be unlucky!

He opened a forum related to the nightmare world.

However, he did not see what he expected to see. Instead, the players in the Nightmare World happily discussed what interesting things happened in the game - the large main quest Bitter Memory was updated, and there was even a CG! Ancient Dragon So domineering!

Horizon World has also updated its main missions. The destruction of the old world actually hides such a secret?!

There are more and more players in the nightmare world, and the nightmare world is getting richer and richer, and the fourth new game is said to be released soon. It is too cold to work during the day, and now the happiest time is at night.

The player began to become more and more anxious, and then he began to have persistent nightmares.

This person originally had mild autism and was prone to insomnia at night. Even when he fell asleep, he was easily awakened by nightmares.

If he didn't quit permanently, he could still stay in the nightmare world and experience the game with the friends he finally got to know in the nightmare world.

Now, even that little friend has lost contact with me because he has permanently withdrawn from the nightmare world... This is normal, the two of them knew each other even in the nightmare world!

He was angry, even sadder, and scolded those dogecoin guys on the Internet who told people to quit the dream world!

I'm scolding you for being happy, but an indisputable fact is that this player can no longer enter the nightmare!

Even if he buys another nightmare mark, he can no longer have the nightmare mark!

There is also a player like this in Holy Dance Academy who chooses to permanently exit the nightmare world. Then, no matter what method he uses, he cannot hold the nightmare mark and cannot enter the nightmare world!

Up to now, there are still people on the Holy Dance Academy Nightmare World Forum asking for help. They have permanently quit. How can they enter?

The nightmare world gives players a very simple multiple-choice question. Anyone can enter the nightmare world, but if you choose to exit, you will never have the chance to enter again!

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