Ottilia and others excitedly began to explore the ruins.

Originally, the plot of Horizon World, especially its background, made people curious, but now it is the most critical moment to solve the puzzle - the machine created by Faro Company began to reproduce endlessly, and Eventually, a mass extinction catastrophe was formed that destroyed the earth.

In the end, Elizabeth came up with a plan——Project Zero Dawn!

However, from the previous information center, players can deduce that biological destruction is bound to happen and cannot be prevented. So, why has the earth not been destroyed yet? Humanity is still alive, but it has returned to the primitive tribe period. What happened in the old era? What exactly is Project Zero Dawn?

Using the main mission "Secret of Machinery" to lure players to discover clues and understand the secrets of the old era, it can be said that Zhang Xingyu made a clever move. Now most players on Horizon are attracted by this mission, and there are also players on the forum. I kept discussing the plot and guessing what the real content of Zero Dawn was.

Not to mention, now Otilia and others have taken on a hidden main quest.

Everyone can take the main mission, but the hidden main mission is not so easy to encounter!

Ottilia and others felt really sorry for the previous players. If they had not chosen to attack Eloy at the last moment, they might still have a chance to receive the hidden main quest shared by Lie Yan.

However, it is normal to launch an attack at a critical moment. Judging from the equipment and skills of those players, this can be said to be a very high-end team. If it weren't for Felicia's unexpected two shots, who would lose? It’s really hard to say whether I’ll win or not.

The main mission has reached the final and most critical moment. In order to compete for the final points, it is normal for players to attack each other. If Zhang Xingyu and others did not know Lieyan, they might also attack Lieyan and monopolize this final mainline. Task points.

After 8 explorations, the efficiency of obtaining clues was greatly improved. After a while, Tian Meiying first discovered an important clue.

This is a three-dimensional image material. It shows General Jerez, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States: "Welcome to the Zero Dawn project. I know you must have heard some rumors. Those rumors say that Zero Dawn is a top secret." super weapon project, as long as [Operation: Enduring Victory] can delay these robots long enough, this technology 980 miracles can protect us from the damage of the Scourge Faro. The reason why I am sure you have heard these rumors , because that’s what I spread, but those are all lies. Zero Dawn is not a super weapon project, and it will not save us. Nothing will save us, for reasons I will explain in a moment.”

The information of [Operation Codename: Lasting Victory] can be obtained at the previous mission location. It is a very important clue. Many players think that the earth can be reborn because of the super weapon developed. However, some players speculate based on the previous information that the earth can be reborn. This super weapon is simply impossible.

And now, the general directly stated that this was a lie!

Amid Otilia's surprise, the general in the image continued to explain.

"When a malfunction occurs, it is already too late. Nothing can stop Farrow. There is absolutely no way. Its robots will continue to replicate, destroying the biosphere, and all life on the earth will be completely extinct... Our earth It will degenerate into a barren planet, and mass extinction is inevitable. No matter how many robots we solve, they will continue to increase at an exponential rate. If we can get their failure codes, we can shut them all down. Shut down The whole fleet of machines.”

"But their encryption protocol uses polyphase entangled waveform technology, so it will take half a century to crack a code set, but we only have 16 months at most. Cracking the code is not a chance of survival. Biosphere The destruction is not an ordinary disaster. There is no use hiding in a shelter or a space station and waiting. The earth will never regain its vitality.

All that will be left on the planet will be bare poisonous rocks and millions of Faro robots. They lurk, waiting for prey.

"This is the terrible truth hidden behind [Operation: Enduring Victory], I lied."

"My lies are to encourage millions of innocent people to sacrifice their lives on the battlefield. Why do I do this?"

"There's only one reason, and it's to buy time for you and what you're going to do here."

"The day when all life on earth becomes extinct - [Return Zero Day] is getting closer and closer, and this cannot be stopped. The hope of Zero Dawn is that new life will appear in the future.

Now let Elizabeth Sobek bring you that glimmer of light in the darkness. Jerez finished his message. "

After hearing the general's message, everyone fell silent and were shocked in their hearts.

A lie has sacrificed countless people, but in exchange for it is not salvation. No matter how hard everyone works, destruction will eventually come!

How desperate!

"Sure enough, the destruction of creatures in the old era is bound to happen. So, how did new life appear?" Otilia sighed.

Soon, everyone found Elizabeth's video message and understood the truth about the entire Dawn Project.

Elizabeth Sobek: "You already know the bad news, and it is absolutely true. The Farrow is devouring the biosphere and life itself will cease to exist.

"But is this the end? What if we could give life a future?"

"What if we could plant a seed on a dead planet, let it sprout again and create new life? This is the goal and hope of the Zero Dawn project. We want to create a super-intelligent, fully autonomous planet. The terrestrial system resurrects dead life."

"What would such a system require? At its core, it would require a true artificial intelligence. And the ability to make the trillions of decisions necessary to rebuild the biosphere."

"He is an immortal guardian dedicated to the revitalization of life on earth. We call her [Gaia], the mother nature of artificial intelligence!"

"But that's just the core of the system, she needs to have a comprehensive set of subordinate functions to support her and provide her with power. You can think of them as extensions of Gaia's mind, each focused on a specific goal.

“Now these are not artificial intelligences, but make no mistake, each of them represents an engineering challenge. The hardware will store and nurture billions of seeds and embryos through which life will be reborn. "

"Underground infrastructure will support all of this, and this is just the beginning."

"We don't need to build a complete system. The beauty of the fully automated earth system is that it can build itself. Then in the next time, you will understand all these functional blocks, which is the task you will try your best to complete. How it all comes together. You'll learn how we race against time to execute our harvest and storage plans, write software, and build technology and facilities. You'll learn how we seal the inevitable before it happens. "

"But most importantly, you'll learn why it doesn't end there."

"You will learn how Gaia generates those invalidation codes that General Jerez spoke of, and if a transmission array is built to spread them, shutting down the Faro robots forever."

"You will learn how, over the course of centuries, Gaia will build and build the robots that will help her achieve her great cause, first optimizing Earth's destroyed atmosphere and poisoned oceans, and then using refrigerated storage to grow The earth will return to green, and then animal life will be used to return the earth to a wild state. You will also understand that when all this work is completed, how will the new generation of human species that thrive through the "Cradle" set up around the world share From Apollo, the great archive of human knowledge and cultural achievements, they will learn about us and our (ajcf) world. But most importantly, learn how to avoid making the same mistakes again."

"This is not an impossible dream. If we work hard and do whatever it takes, we can achieve this dream."

"We cannot stop the end of life, but if you are willing to help me and help Gaia, then we can give life a future. Join me and make this future a reality."

Otilia and others were shocked after hearing this plan.

"That is to say, the entire earth will be destroyed first...and then start all over again?" Eloy couldn't help but say.

"What a huge plan... using an artificial intelligence...Gaia to regenerate the earth...what a bold idea." Otilia and others said.

"For life, for us, Elizabeth did this..."

"But why hasn't civilization reappeared? Isn't there the Apollo Archives? Isn't there the technology of the old era? Why is it still the primitive era now?" Mengmeng Moon asked.

"And those crazy machines!" Felicia also said.

"There must be something wrong here. If we continue to look for it, the mission prompts us that we cannot submit clues yet. We must find them all before we can submit them." Otilia said, and everyone nodded and continued to look for clues.

While exploring, everyone gradually learned some details of the Zero Dawn project. For example, the subsidiary system Apollo is an archive of human knowledge and culture, and Hephaestus is a subordinate functional system suitable for manufacturing a large number of robots. The facilities here are similar to The ones inside the metal ruins are very similar, and the person in charge creatively developed a set of settings that allow Gaia to design the robots it needs.

While learning about Zero Dawn, Otilia also learned about the conditions of the humans working here from some recordings.

It can be said that the humans here are elite talents that Elizabeth "cheated" from all over the world. However, in this base, Elizabeth did not hide it from them, but told everything.

This is a project in despair with only a faint glimmer of light.

Different people have different reactions. Some people don't agree at all and think this is a plan made by a madman. In the end, these people were released, but they were isolated and could not contact the outside world. Some people were numb and agreed to the plan, but said they would do it in the future. After the plan is completed, some people commit suicide, while some people work willingly to atone for their sins...

Continuing the investigation, everyone finally understood that something was wrong.

An affiliated system in the Gaia system - the Hades system!

This is a system that allows the Gaia system to completely eliminate life and then start again when reconstruction fails.

It's normal to make this system. After all, this is the first time humans have made a super complex earth rebirth system like the Gaia system. I don't know whether it will succeed or what the earth after Gaia's resurrection will look like. In this world, what if major problems arise in the resurrected biosphere? What if this reborn earth is no longer suitable for human life?

The Hades system is a system that starts over again when this happens.

Gaia is dominated by life and will not actively kill life, so it needs a system to check and balance her.

It is precisely this Hades system that has a problem!

Elizabeth was once against this Hardy

system, because installing the Hades system is like giving a newborn girl a gun and pointing a gun at her head when she is still in the cradle!

However, what is surprising is that Gaia agreed to this system.

In subsequent investigations, Gaia showed more and more intelligent tendencies, just like a real person who would grieve for dead animals.

Ottilia and others knew that there must be a problem with the Hades system, but they did not investigate where the problem occurred. However, the main mission prompted that the clue collection progress had been completed.

Achieved 100%.

In the previous mission, you can submit the mission when the progress reaches 100%. As the leader of the team, Otilia (Lee Yan handed over the team leader to Otilia) chose the team to submit.

When I looked for clues, I found that I couldn't submit them.

[You cannot submit clues at the moment because you are still in the hidden task area

[The submission of clues to the main mission Zero Dawn Project has been locked. Before the end of the hidden mission, others cannot submit clues to the Zero Dawn Project in advance]

[When the hidden main task is completed, the main task clues will be automatically submitted]

"Are we in a hidden mission area?" Otilia had already told her submission situation.

"I feel like something important will happen..." Mengmeng Yue murmured.

"Me too!"

While Otilia and others were discussing, Eloy made a major discovery.

A master file of Alpha records, this file should be able to solve the mystery of Eloy's life experience!

Eloy seems to have been maintaining this contact through the FORCE device. Under the guidance of a mysterious person, Eloy began to copy Alpha's record files.

"You bastard————!" Eloy suddenly cursed, seemingly quarreling with the mysterious person in the communication.

"Who are you talking to?" Otilia walked over and asked curiously.

"I..." At this time, Eloy suddenly opened his eyes wide.


I don't know when, many Eclipse Cults suddenly appeared around, and they threw bombs together into the room where everyone was!

Zhang Xingyu knocked down 2 bombs, but there were too many bombs thrown, and some of them fell at Zhang Xingyu's feet. At this time, the flames on the side suddenly caught Zhang Xingyu,

He led the two of them to a cabinet in the corner of the room.

Boom boom boom boom-

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