The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 469 Sacrifice Ceremony

At night, Otilia summoned the people from Shadow Wing to discuss this time's hidden main mission.

Because if you don't log in after 10 o'clock, there is a risk of mission failure, so everyone naturally goes to the horizon world to do the hidden main mission.

Otilia first expressed her guess from yesterday.

"Hey, eh————I, we were not resurrected at the resurrection point outside the city?" the cat maid said in surprise.

Otilia nodded and said: "The battle on our side may be very difficult, and even ordinary methods cannot win. We can only survive... Whether we can survive in the end depends on you.

"The scariest thing is that if we don't even give us equipment in the arena, we will really be GG!" Zhang Xingyu said with a smile.

"Don't be so talkative!" Otilia glared at Zhang Xingyu.

"Hey, don't worry, Mr. Xingying, we will come to help you as soon as possible." Mengmeng Yue was next to Zhang Xingyu, holding Xingying's arm and said cutely.

——This little vixen!

After a while, ten o'clock arrived, and everyone entered the horizon world through the portal of their home.

Just after waking up, Otilia, Zhang Xingyu, Lieyan and Eloi found themselves locked in a large cage.

Otilia looked around and found that the cage in which she was locked was suspended by a rope above the center of the arena.

"I have firmly believed in this language all my life, that is, I was born to be destined to be immortal because of my firm support of the sun. Even if Jilan was killed and Ziwu City fell, I never doubted my destiny... ." At this time, a BOSS-level figure from the Eclipse Cult came over, and Ottilia discovered that he was the one who led a group of the Eclipse Cult to attack her NPC at the last moment yesterday - Heilis. This guy seemed to be The leader of the cult who originally attacked the Nora tribe.

...until you show up. "Hailes seemed to be talking to Eloy. He kept looking at Eloy: "When I heard that you survived, the seeds of doubt took root and sprouted in my alarm clock. Just like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day, the person I wanted to get rid of must not survive, but I failed. How did it fail? Why""?"

Haylis had already stood in front of the big cage, looking face to face with Eloy.

Otilia wanted to communicate with Felicia and others, but found that the communication function was locked by the system.

[You are in a special plot event of a hidden mission and are temporarily unable to communicate]

"Every time you attack an excavation site, every time you knock down the middle-level guards, this annoying seed grows bigger and bigger... I keep thinking about piercing your throat with my sharp blade. , the blade is turned and pulled, and you will bleed to death... I am an expert in killing, but why do I keep failing?"

Otilia glanced at Zhang Xingyu. He seemed to be interested in the conversation and was listening. Lieyan found the equipment box. There were four equipment boxes just outside the big cage, but they were out of reach. Now he was taking advantage of the situation. The NPC didn't pay attention here and was checking the big cage.

"If you're going to nag like this all night, you might as well deal with me now." Eloy said impatiently after hearing a lot of nonsense.

Next, the two had another conversation, which also involved Hades, and Lie Yan also started to listen.

In the end, Heilis felt that he had everything under control and revealed that he had sent people to attack the Nora tribe's territory.

"This time, I didn't hesitate. The blade has already started to take the initiative, and the sacrifice has begun - as for you." Hailis looked at Zhang Xingyu and the other three, and said: "If you regret choosing this woman, let's go together.


The scene reminded me of the sound of gongs and drums, which was the sound of the official start of the arena, and the onlookers gave warm cheers.

Hailis came to the stands and shouted: "Loyal believers of the Kajia tribe, cheer as much as you want! Our miserable days without seeing the sun are over! A glimmer of dawn is shining on the horizon, and a new day is coming! When that moment When it comes, the False Sun King will surely perish, and the Holy City of Meridian City will return to our embrace! In this process, I am just a prophecy mouthpiece! All the yin and yang in nature will merge into one for one goal, and the shadows will merge into one. Sun, light embraces darkness, night returns to day! Look!”

Hailis pointed in a direction, and over there, two Degenerates came over.

"Calm down! Can't you see the evidence of the sun's gifts right in front of your eyes? Just yesterday, these sun's gifts helped us defeat our enemies! Aren't they the ones who were promised by the sun to work for our great cause? Do you want to contribute?"

These two Degenerates come to a giant monster tied up with ropes, hijack the monster's network, and turn it into a corrupted monster!

At the same time, the land where the giant monster transformed shook, and a huge mechanical head poked out.

It’s the Stone Breaker!

"Sure enough, this guy is also here -!" Otilia couldn't help but curse.

"Many years ago, in order to sacrifice this great sun ring, the glorious Kiran ordered that many disloyal people should be crushed under the giant hooves of the giant monster, in the eyes of the sun, but if the power of shadow, then, He will be more powerful! Let these scheming, cunning and cunning people be called the first batch of victims! Let them be called the first batch of thousands of sacrifices!"

There were loud cheers at the scene. At this time, the big cage was lowered, and then the four people were thrown to the ground!

In an instant, the giant monster fixed its gaze on the four people.

"`[[Hell, we have to get the equipment off first!" Otilia looked up at the sky, and everyone's equipment was on the wooden platform above!

The ground began to shake.

"Get out of the place quickly——!" Eloi shouted immediately, and everyone hurriedly dispersed.


The Stone Breaker burst out of the ground, and the four of them were just a hair away!

As soon as I got up, the monster rushed over!

"You're still here? Why are you always looking at me?" Otilia was filled with grief and anger. She quickly got up and flew towards her. At this time, how she wished she could master Meng Yue's survival skills!

On the other side, Felicia, the cat maid, Mio, and the cute Moon who had been chilling as soon as she was resurrected (for good money) came to the horizon world.

"It must be some middle school student who is cursing me!" Mengmeng Yue murmured.

"In the city? No, this is..." The cat maid looked around and asked where she was.

"No, this is... the mission dungeon area, the underground Zero Dawn facility, and it's near the entrance. You can go out into Sunset City!"

"Tch...that guy An Ye's guess is really accurate." Mengmeng Yue kicked her foot and said.

"We can't contact An Ye-chan. The communication function is disabled by the system... Let's go to the arena first and then find a way to save them."

"Yeah." Mio nodded.

After leaving the facility and arriving at Sunset Fort, within a few steps, huge cheers came from the arena.

"Damn, the battle started so soon? I hope they can handle it and we hurry up!" Felicia said immediately.

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