The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 486: Flame King Dragon Strategy

From the sound of the explosion, it seemed that it was not the Flame King Dragon that Ottilia and others were going to fight, but everyone was a little curious and walked over looking for the sound.

Over there, a team of about 40 people was fighting fiercely against the Yanwang Dragon.

The team looked okay, going through a nuclear explosion without too many deaths - it was the clothes!

The Flame King Dragon entered a frenzy and became more powerful. The team suffered some attrition, but it was still within the acceptable range.

Then, the furious Flame King-Dragon exploded again.

Hurry up and put on the second piece of clothing!

Most of the team survived!


Explosion dust all over the floor!

The team was panicked, especially after the nuclear explosion just now, most of the people had half of their blood vessels damaged. If they were exposed to the explosion dust again...

The explosion dust caused the loss of more than half of the entire team!

This team obviously relied on numbers and cooperation for hunting. After losing so many people, the output could not keep up, and the coordination also had big holes due to the large number of deaths, and they were quickly wiped out by the Flame King Dragon Group.

"Ah——No matter how you look at it, Gu Long is so powerful..." Elegant Bing and others sighed.

"The explosive dust all over the ground is a major difficulty in defeating the Flame King Dragon. If we don't handle it well, the team will be destroyed. So be careful.

Everyone did not intend to disturb the team's hunting, and set off towards the originally marked Yanwang Dragon.

In about half an hour, everyone found the Yanwang Dragon.

The battle between Yanwang and Dragon—begins!

Of course, the sacrificial ceremony must be performed first...

Three minutes later, the violent twins fell...

"Why do I feel like these two berserkers can hold on longer and longer... This must be an illusion..." Qin Yin murmured.

Production players should just stay at home and produce, why not engage in crazy fighting!

"The battle begins, close combat first!" Elegant Ice commanded.

"I'll do it!" Otilia took the lead, rushing over and delivering a charged slash to the head of the Flame King Dragon.

The ants are here again, overestimating their abilities!

Yanwanglong is furious!

Zhang Xingyu ran to cut off the tail, and Li Jie and other melee fighters also dealt with fierce attacks. When Yan Wanglong reacted and started to counterattack, the selected attack arrived!

A round of super fierce attacks, almost all of them hitting weak points, Yan Wanglong was stunned and fell down!

"Okay, Flame King Dragon has fallen to the ground, use force-!" Elegant Ice shouted, and he rushed forward and started to charge up his attack.

"The Flame King Dragon is getting up soon, be careful as the dragon's roar continues to amplify, put on clothes, and put on physical strength clothes first!" Elegant Ice shouted.

Sure enough, after the Flame King Dragon got up, it roared into anger and then flew up, charging up and amplifying its power!

As soon as everyone reacted from the dragon roar state, Yin came!


Wearing physical strength clothes, no one was killed, and even the most powerful one didn't lose a drop of blood——Zhang Xingyu's seeing!

Although Ming Ming also learned how to slash, he did not learn the secret of shadowless slashing. He could not directly slash without drawing the sword. His physical clothes were directly exploded, and his blood volume dropped by 70.

The spear held Suzukaze at the front, while the others took drugs to regain their health and began the second round of attacks.

This round of attacks went very smoothly. I wonder if it was because of the addition of Lie Yan. Not only did it add a powerful output point, but Lie Yan's super output often attracted the attention of the Flame King Dragon, which also gave others more breathing room. A chance to regain blood.

"It's almost time..." Elegant Ice looked at the increasing explosion dust in the scene, calculated in her heart, and then shouted: "It's almost time, put on heat-resistant clothes!"


Everyone put on heat-resistant clothes, and then they grew bigger for more than 10 seconds. As expected, Yanwanglong came to explode again!

Because they wore heat-resistant clothing, no one died. However, after the nuclear explosion, the ground was covered with explosive dust!

"Be careful, intermediate heat-resistant clothing can absorb up to 5 explosive dusts before it can't be absorbed!" Elegant Ice shouted,


In the original Monster Hunter game, as long as you wear heat-resistant clothing, you can ignore the explosive dust, but here it has been modified so that it can only absorb a certain amount of explosive dust, no more!

However, unlike the original version, the explosive dust will disappear after being absorbed with heat-resistant clothing.

Of course, the more advanced the heat-resistant clothing is, the more it can absorb. Legend-level heat-resistant clothing can absorb explosive dust without limit!

The explosive dust all over the ground gave everyone great restrictions on their movement, which was also the most difficult point in defeating the Flame King Dragon.

"Clear the safe area!" Elegant Ice shouted.

0......Please give me flowers......

Subsequently, some people began to actively absorb the explosion dust.

At this time, the position also changed.

Melee combat is basically about standing in a group, so as long as you choose the right people and timing, and take the initiative to let people with heat-resistant clothing absorb the explosive dust, you can easily clear out the area of ​​ten amines.

As for the long-range, it is not to disperse the positions, but to form a small group of three to clear out a small activity area, and the distance between the several small groups is not too far, making it easier to run when being stared at by the Flame King Dragon. Another small safe area.

This is the method Otilia discussed with Kotone and others to deal with the explosive dust all over the floor.

Thanks to the heat-resistant clothing, otherwise even Otilia couldn't imagine how to deal with such explosive dust all over the floor!

Boom boom boom

Yanwanglong's large fan, fire breathing, etc. caused explosive dust all over the ground to explode continuously. One unlucky player was blown into the explosive dust pile and was blown home directly.

However, everyone finally passed the most terrifying stage!

The explosion dust on the ground is almost gone!

Everyone was refreshed and began to continue output!

But in the end, this hunt did not end in medical failure.

Because, when it was about to enter the dying stage, Yanwanglong had a super nuclear explosion, which once again caused dust all over the ground, and even a lot of flames on the ground. At that time, everyone's heat-resistant clothes happened to be in the CD!

The group was wiped out without any surprise!

After Cat Car's resurrection:

"The damage and CD are still not calculated well... I'm sorry, everyone, can you tell me in detail the output damage of each part you hit?" Elegant Ice said.

"There's no way around it. Different parts, different sharpness, and even whether the monster is angry or not, have different output damage. Without a DPS statistics plug-in, it's impossible to get accurate statistics. We can only make rough estimates. More I guess based on feeling and the state of Flame King Dragon... To be honest, it's too difficult." Otilia shook her head and said.

"I know it too, but how can you know if you don't try it." Elegant Ice said.

"I will also help with statistics. I can better observe the overall situation remotely." Qinyin said.


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