While chatting softly, Otilia walked inside, and after a while, Mio ran back.

"What's going on inside?"

"We are fighting... Felicia-sister, the maid-sister, and a few people wearing copper masks," Mio said.

"Eh? Fighting?! - How was the fight? By the way, Felicia can still fight?" Otilia said in surprise.

"Felicia is hiding behind, mainly the maid sister is fighting in the front... It seems that the maid sister has an advantage, and she should win soon."

"Yeah, that's good - let's go there quickly."

"Well, this way, be gentle."

Under the leadership of Mio, Otilia came to the underground VIP parking garage.

As soon as she arrived at the parking garage, Otilia heard a clanking sound coming from the front. Otilia was a little nervous, but she did not panic. She followed Mio and continued to move forward, and hid under Mio's leadership. A corner, this place is very hidden and not easy to be found, and you can see the battle ahead as long as you stick your head out a little.

Felicia did not participate in the battle. She was hiding behind a car. The robot girl Rose was also sitting next to Felicia, motionless.

As for Felicia, she is assembling a pistol, and there are already two firearms placed on the ground. Otilia doesn’t do much research on firearms, but having played FPS games, she naturally knows some “popular” guns (in-game ), there were pistols, stun guns, and a submachine gun on the ground.

——Hey guys, they can’t all be assembled on site!

As for the pistol Felicia was assembling, it was a bit strange and Ottilia didn't recognize it.

In front of Felicia, in an open field, fighting was the cat maid.

What made Otilia's eyes widen was that the cat maid——actually fought in a maid costume!

"Wow—battle maid!" Otilia almost shouted.

Fighting maids are one of the cute spots in the ACG world. In various animation works, if the maids in them can fight, then generally speaking, the combat power is basically explosive, and some special maids can even be among the strongest. !

Famous battle maids, such as Sakuya Izayoi, Remram, Lupusregina Beta, etc.

However, in reality, generally speaking, maid uniforms greatly affect the character's movements due to clothing issues, so few people wear maid uniforms to fight unless it is a performance.

However, she didn't expect that Otilia could actually see a real battle maid in front of her eyes!

I really burst into tears!

Ottilia didn't know that this cat maid, who was usually easily kicked away by Felicia, could be so powerful!

Zhang Xingyu also watched with interest.

To be honest, unlike the cute maid in the game who was basically just responsible for being cute and would cry when Otilia ordered her to be a human shield, the current cat maid is like a different person.

The stern face has no expression, and the pupils are a little scary, just like the sharp eyes of a cat at 12 noon!

Fighting the Cat Maid were two strong men wearing copper masks. Each of them held a machete, and every time they swung it, they seemed to cause a roar of wind - they were very powerful +

The strength of the cat maid is obviously not as good as the two strong men, but the cat maid is very dexterous and faster, just like a cat dancing with a sword, nimbly dodging attacks.

The two enforcers wearing copper masks saw that the Catmaid was difficult to deal with. One of them stepped back and took out a walkie-talkie.

"The underground VIP parking garage needs..."..."

However, before she finished speaking, the cat maid moved in front of the strong man like a ghost, and the strong man was suddenly speechless.

A dagger has been inserted into the man's stomach.

"Ugh..." The man's eyes widened, but he became fierce in an instant. He suddenly grabbed the cat maid's hand with one hand, and chopped it with a machete in the other hand.

The cat maid obviously didn't expect that this man could still attack, and wanted to pull away, but the man's strength was too great, and she couldn't pull away at all. Then, the cat maid's left hand quickly reached under her skirt.


There was a loud sound and the machete was blocked!

However, Otilia and Zhang Xingyu who were watching on the other side were shocked!

Because, the cat maid, from under her skirt... took out a pan!

If you pull out a sword, a dagger, or even a mace, I can accept it. What's going on with the pan?

If possible, Otilia really wanted to rush over and grab the cat maid and ask her a question!

The pan seemed to be of very high quality. After being slashed with the machete, only a small mark was left. Then the cat maid slammed the pan hard against the man.


The man fell down with a huge red circle on his face...

Another man rushed over, but Catmaid hit him with a pan.

——It’s so violent!

At this time, the elevator opened, and four more people wearing copper masks rushed out from it!

Four executioners, one of them holding a gun!

The executioner with the gun quickly raised the gun, but the cat maid reacted faster, threw away the pan, took her hands out from under the champion's skirt, and eight daggers appeared in her hands!

swish swish

First, four daggers were thrown over, and a bright light was drawn in the air. The two executioners fell, but the executioner with the gun was still alive.

bang bang bang

Gunfire rang out.

The Cat Maid moved quickly. In order to avoid the bullets, the Cat Maid performed several gorgeous side flips, showing a gorgeous posture. However, behind this beautiful posture, there was a fatal danger hidden!

4 daggers drew 4 sharp rays of light in the air, and the remaining two executors also fell.

Just like a fight scene in a movie!

Otilia was stunned!

||Huh————That’s it...” After defeating all the enemies, the catmaid breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, took back the pan, and took back her dagger (Nuoqian’s), but When I was recovering the last dagger, I was suddenly startled.


From a shadow to the left of the cat maid, a figure with a silver face suddenly rushed over.

The sword flashed!

"You can't escape!" The cat maid was shocked.

"Damn it-" Felicia, who was observing from behind, also raised her gun, but it was too late!

At the critical moment, a smaller figure suddenly descended from the sky, like a snake, wrapped around the man's neck, and then exerted force.

The man fell to the ground and passed out.

Otilia on the other side looked to the side. Mio, who had been by her side, disappeared at some point.

"M-Mio-chan?!" The cat maid looked at the sudden appearance of the figure and said in surprise: "You, you, you - why are you here..."


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