The problem lies with the deputy director of the First Development Department and one of Field's best friends.

Your best friend betrayed you?

Others suggested that Field directly take down the deputy director, but Field refused.

He doesn't believe it!

Continue to investigate further!

Finally, we received shocking news—the deputy director’s family, including his wife and daughter, had all been kidnapped!

The deputy director was threatened!

Field was both happy and sad after receiving the news, and immediately gave instructions to rescue the deputy director's wife and daughter as soon as possible.

The rescue plan was carried out last night and this morning, and one of the main players involved in the rescue was the Dragon of Dojima.

However, the rescue plan failed. Although they successfully reached their destination, it seemed that the enemy got the news and missed the target.

Then, by coincidence, the enemy's actions also began on the day the rescue plan was implemented.

Field was negligent, or in other words, in order to rescue the deputy director's wife and daughter, he did not control the deputy director himself immediately, thus causing the current crisis. (Of course, if Field controls the deputy director, the lives of the deputy director’s wife and daughter may be in danger)

The enemy broke into the super brain on the 50th floor and planted the virus.

The Super Intelligent Brain has extremely strong protective capabilities, both at the physical and data levels. However, if the enemy can break in and implant viruses in such a short period of time, they must know the Super Intelligent Brain well.

The reason is also very simple. The deputy director is the program architect of Super Intelligent Brain, and he also participated in the design of Super Intelligent Brain's computer room!

After the super-intelligent brain was implanted with a virus, Field fell into the biggest dilemma.

Although, at the very beginning of the design, all robots are implanted with principles similar to the three laws of robots, namely the first: robots must not harm humans, or stand by while seeing humans being harmed. The second: robots must Obey human orders unless this order contradicts the first. Article 3: Robots must protect themselves, unless this protection conflicts with the above two.

However, the AI ​​​​technology of the Aiya Group has not yet developed to that point. Moreover, in order to improve the AI ​​of the robot, it has also developed the super intelligent brain architecture.

The idea of ​​a super smart brain is very good. On the one hand, the smart brain can be used to improve the AI ​​of each robot. On the other hand, the AI ​​level of the super smart brain can be improved through big data fusion. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, nothing is perfect, and neither is the architecture of the superintelligent brain.

Through the setting of the super intelligent brain, the robot's AI is realized through the super intelligent brain. In this case, the task of controlling the robot becomes the super intelligent brain. One advantage of this is that it greatly reduces the cost of each robot, because There is no need to put an AI module on every robot, you just need to do a good job on the super smart side.

But, on the other hand, this architecture also has a flaw, because, theoretically speaking, the super intelligent brain can use a special control program to allow the robot to break through the law of the three principles!

Because super intelligence can control robots!

Therefore, the protection of the super intelligent brain can be said to be the top priority!

For this reason, the Aiya Group's protection of the super intelligence brain has been almost to the extreme.

However, no one thought that the super intelligent brain with such perfect defense would be breached!

-Fortresses are easiest to breach from the inside!

Once the robot is controlled, very terrible things will happen.

At present, robots are already on sale, and the sales volume is quite large, and most of the buyers are the wealthy people in the City of Miracles!

If robots are controlled to rebel and massacre humans...

If this thing really happens, it will be a devastating disaster for the Aiya Group!

Even if it is the strongest technology group now, it may be in trouble or even go downhill because of this incident... It is not impossible that it will eventually go bankrupt!

Of course there is no way Field would let this happen!

In fact, the machine uprising in the Tower of Miracles was a warning, or a threat, and Field had to obey.

Hearing Felicia's description, everyone took a breath of cold air, and now they knew how big a crisis had happened to the Ponya Group.

"We...must succeed! Rescue Mr. Field and eliminate the robot crisis!"

After a period of silence, Otilia was the first to raise her head and said in a firm tone.

Felicia, the cat maid and Mio all nodded.

After a while, everyone came to their destination.

It is a construction factory by the sea.

"Mr. Field is in the building in should be at the top!" Catmaid stopped the car and pointed to the 10-story building in front of her and said.

"Then, let's go, wait a moment, there is still some equipment in the car, put it on before getting in."

The cat maid dug out some equipment from the car, such as body armor... Well, it's not a body armor made of metal or fiberglass in the ordinary sense, but a body armor made of new materials. It looks like an ordinary jacket, but it can effectively prevent bullet penetration.

Everyone except Cat Maid put on this bulletproof jacket. As for Cat Maid, she said that the maid outfit she is wearing now is actually a special combat uniform, so she does not need to wear additional armor.

As for weapons, Ottilia took a special metal stick, the kind that can discharge electricity. There is a button in the middle. When pressed, a stinging needle will be shot out from the top of the stick. The stinging needle is coated with an anesthetic.

Mio took a few small daggers.

`||Okay, if you are fully prepared, let’s go.

At this time, Rose suddenly spoke.

"Master...can I come with you?"


"Rose, just stay in the car. Your program restricts you from hurting anyone..." Felicia said.

"I can protect everyone, and...(Okay)"


"The source code chip of the virus program should be on it... If I can get closer, maybe I can read the data, crack and eliminate the virus on the super smart brain." Rose said.

Otilia looked at Felicia.

Felicia looked at Rose in surprise.

Program No. 0 has been closed, and Rose has become a growth AI designed by herself... However, in just a short time, Otilia has already taught Rose to be so smart?

Are the programs you designed yourself... so powerful?

"OK, fine."

After thinking for a moment, Meilici agreed.

If Rose can really crack and eliminate the virus in time, then she may be able to usher in an unexpected and major turning point!

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