Field knew very well that he was definitely not responsible for the fire, but he was also half responsible.

In fact, during that period, the Aiya Group developed rapidly and offended many people. It was rumored that someone in the underground world offered heavy bounties to Field and Charles...

At that time, Field felt the strange aura of the company and wanted the Charles and his wife to hide for a while and come back after the incident passed.

However, at that time, Charles' research entered the most important stage, and Charles was unwilling.

Field had no choice but to propose strengthening security, but Charles refused. He felt that it was ominous to make the laboratory look like a military base.

Field regretted it very much. If only he had stuck to his opinion at that time!

He killed Charles and his wife!

The fire burned very strangely, and his daughter was missing again. Field sent people to investigate, but in the end no useful results were found, and the matter was settled.

And now, their daughter, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles who had lost her trace in the fire, is dead!

Died by his own hands!

——Not only killed Charles and his wife, but also killed his daughter!

"Eve, Eve, Eve - wake up, wake up -!"

With trembling hands, Field almost kneeled and climbed step by step to the Avenger Flame, Eve, and hugged her.

"Eve, Eve - is it you, Eve - I have been looking for you for so many years...I, I believe, you will not die...but , Wuwu - why, why!" Field shed tears and couldn't stop crying.

It was the second time she had seen her father shed tears, and it was also the first time. Felicia felt that her father had fallen into great grief. It was an endless abyss called despair. Felicia wanted to comfort him.

But I didn't know what to say at all.

"Wake up, wake up, Yi Ya wu wu——"

In the endless darkness, Eve heard the sound of crying.

The familiar sound of crying. I remember when I was a child, when my health was not good, sometimes I would secretly hear my father and mother crying, saying sorry for giving me such a body.

But - father, mother, it doesn't matter, thank you for bringing me to this world.

Eve heard the cry.

——Who is crying again?

In the darkness, a glimmer of light seemed to appear...

Eve tried hard to see this light

Eve's eyes slowly opened.

However, the world I saw was blurry.

In a daze, I felt like there was someone holding me in pain.

It had been a long time since I had been hugged, and my cold body felt a trace of warmth. Moreover, the feeling of this hug made Lie Yan feel nostalgic...

"Eve, Eve————————!" Field shouted.

Eve's hands stretched out. Slowly, Field saw it and hurriedly grabbed Eve's hands and put them on his face.

“I’m sorry…Eve, I’m sorry—oooo—

"I...can't see...but...I can feel...someone...crying..." Eve said weakly.


Please... don't R." Eve's hand weakly wiped her tears gently.


" again...I'm sorry. Eve's hand dropped.


Eve is dead.

The incident came to an end.

After Eve died, the cardinal was still laughing crazily. The angry Field shot the cardinal, but was stopped as soon as he fired - the cardinal still had too many mysteries to answer. Not solved, like Eve!

However, Field's angry shot was accurate, and the cardinal was shot. He laughed and fell from the roof.

His right hand tried to stop him, but Otilia knocked him unconscious.

Although he successfully prevented the mechanical uprising and destroyed the virus, Turner consciously did something irreparable and wanted to commit suicide, but was stopped.

After that, the police arrived and controlled all the people wearing masks. These masked enforcers had long been on the public security's wanted list, but these mysterious people were never found.

However, the Cardinal's body was not found.

After that, based on clues, they raided the Cardinal's church and discovered mysterious underground facilities beneath the church. However, the underground facilities had been cleared and no more useful information was found.

However, two living dead soaked in liquid were found in the underground facility.

It's Mr. and Mrs. Charles!

On the other side, after hearing about the incident, Felicia's mother quickly came from her hometown to replace Field, who was in great sadness, to temporarily handle all the affairs of the Aiya Group on Miracle Island, and to investigate the Eve incident.

The next day, Aiya Group and Miracle Tower jointly held a press conference to announce what happened last night.

Last night, it was characterized as [an organization is interested in the robot technology of the Aiya Group, and wants to rob it violently because it cannot crack it. 】

Although the incident caused chaos and some people were injured, fortunately no one died.

Aiya Group spokesperson denounced such violent behavior, announced that all medical expenses for the injured in this incident would be paid by Aiya Group, and apologized for causing the incident, but finally stated that Aiya Group would not pay any The enemy bows his head.

At the same time, Aiya Group also announced that it will conduct an upgrade and maintenance of all robots, and all robots that have been sold will receive free maintenance and upgrade services.

Tower of Miracles also denounced the actions of the organization. (Zhao's) said that in this incident, although there was a big chaos, most of the security personnel completed their duties outstandingly. Tower of Miracles will further strengthen security maintenance in the future. work and provide a safe environment for the general public.

Of course, secretly, the Aiya Group is also dealing with another thing, which is the robot that has taken strange actions on its own because of the virus.

Although the robot's intentional actions were stopped in time, no one was injured. Many buyers who purchased the robot did not even know about it. However, some families installed surveillance probes and saw the robot's strange actions, such as The robot suddenly went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife, and then came to the bedroom door—

What does this robot want to do?

Although the robot went back in the end, it makes me shudder to think about what might have happened!

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