The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 521 Is She Lie Yan?

In addition to updating, Zhang Xingyu also has other things to do, but that matter may require the help of the Nightmare Lord.

Zhang Xingyu became busy in the nightmare world.

On the other side, I talked beautifully about a big sleep - it was really a big sleep, and I slept directly from morning to about 5 o'clock in the afternoon!

After waking up, Otilia felt a little groggy. After washing her face, she finally felt a little more energetic.

"Well.........................What am I going to do today?" After washing her face, Otilia began to think deeply, and fell into the three most confusing questions in life - I am Who, where am I, what am I going to do?!

Then, my stomach growled.

"I want to eat!" Otilia quickly determined a small goal in life.

"I'm hungry too." Zhang Xingyu also said.

"You are a ghost, right? What can a ghost do to eat?!" Otilia said in the same tone as Zhang Xing.

"It's a spirit, not a ghost, don't make a mistake!"

"Hmph, it's almost the same, and you seemed to have said before that ghosts don't need to eat and won't be hungry!"

………………I don’t need to eat, but I’m greedy, Lily-chan!”

Otilia jumped up immediately.

"Don't call me Lily-chan-!"

Otilia found Mio, who had gotten up earlier than Otilia and was sorting things in the room.

After asking Mio what she wanted to eat, Otilia turned on her phone and ordered takeout.

[How is things going?] While waiting for the takeout, Otilia sent a text message to Felicia, but Felicia did not reply. It seemed that she was busy.

Otilia was bored, turned on the computer, and read today's news. The headline event of today's news was undoubtedly the incident that happened at the Tower of Miracles last night.

The sudden explosion, power outage, and fire in the Tower of Miracles caused chaos in the Tower of Miracles. However, miraculously, no tourists died. However, the official press release stated that in order to stop the rioting madman, some security personnel died heroically. However, no specific death toll was announced.

At that time, most ordinary tourists only thought it was an ordinary safety incident and had no idea that it was a premeditated and organized incident.

Ottilia and others' fight with the Cardinal in a high-rise building on the seaside was not reported. It was just an understatement: "We have obtained some clues about the mysterious organization and captured some people. We are preparing to conduct more in-depth investigations." arrest operation" and so on.

A lot of content in the official announcements and press conferences of the Aiya Group, including the Tower of Miracles, was unclear. This naturally aroused dissatisfaction from the media, expressing that the public needs the right to know.

However, the authorities dismissed the case by saying, "The arrest operation needs to be kept secret, otherwise it may alert the enemy."

The media naturally refuses to give up. Since the official does not give the answer, then find it yourself!

With the keen sense of smell of the media, they have already sensed that this incident is unusual!

Otilia checked other gossip websites and found no news about the household robot riot. She didn't know whether it was because the buyer was sleeping and didn't notice it or because the Aiya Group went public in a timely manner.

Of course, the most important thing is to successfully prevent the Cardinal's conspiracy. Otherwise, once the virus breaks out and a large number of robots kill people and set fires, the Aiya Group will really be in trouble.

With last night's action, Ottilia and others could be said to have achieved a great victory. Not only did they thwart the Cardinal's "Aia Group Destruction Plan," they also successfully rescued the deputy director of the First Development Department.

Of course, this process is also quite thrilling. The enemy's combat power is unusually strong. If it weren't for the existence of an "out-of-standard middle school girl" on our side,

When she thought about what happened yesterday, Otilia wished she could crawl into a hole in the ground!

Otilia remembered that she still had an urgent goal that she had yet to accomplish—that was to teach that damn ghost, the guy who claimed to be a spirit!

Just know how to do the second grade!

However, there is also a shadow in this victory.

The woman in black, the girl the cardinal called the Avenger, is dead!

The girl’s real name is Eve, and she is actually the daughter of Field’s best friend since childhood!

Although the machine virus plan failed, the cardinal could be regarded as completing a goal.

Judging from the cardinal's laughter at the scene, whether Eve killed Field or Field killed Eve, it was a success for him.

Another point is that this girl named Eve...Ottilia and others are very likely to know each other.

0......Please give me flowers......

She is, from the dream world...064701409 Feilu232180150]


Because they have really similar faces and bodies!

In the nightmare world, the character's image is the image in reality. Although some modifications can be made, these modifications are actually "makeup" to put it bluntly.

Eve was wearing a full-body tights and her head was also wrapped, with only a pair of eyes exposed, so Otilia and others did not recognize her at first.

But, in the end, when the face of the clothes was revealed, especially when Eve's hand fell, Felicia and others saw "the light of the Mengku mark on Iyebu's hand.

Because she felt familiar, Felicia took off her clothes and gloves, shouted out the words of the nightmare mark, and saw the nightmare mark glowing again.



The familiar face, the mark of the nightmare, this girl called Clothes, should be the flames of the nightmare world!

what a small world!

Just a few days ago, Lie Yan was playing games with everyone in the Nightmare World, doing main quests in the Horizon World, and hunting ancient dragons in Monster Hunter World...

But today, Lieyan died.

Felicia remembered that when she was a child, her father did say that he wanted to introduce a friend of a similar age, but because the other person was not in good health, he delayed it again and again.

Later, the cat maid came, and Felicia thought that this friend "of a similar age" was the cat maid.


"Ding dong

Just as Otilia was thinking, the doorbell rang.

“Takeaway is here!”

Because she didn't eat lunch (she had some breakfast when the cat maid drove her home), and now it was dinner time, Ottilia, a snack foodie, was already hungry.

Mio ordered one set meal, and the foodie ordered two!

Looking at the three set meals placed on the table, Otilia felt two eyes watching her at the same time and said hurriedly:

"I'm not eating alone, there's also Xingying's share!"

——No, no, I can’t eat it, I can just feel the taste when you eat it!

Zhang Xingyu complained in his heart.

But seeing Otilia ordering a curry chicken rice set that he liked, Zhang Xingyu decided to shut up.


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