The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 528 The Real Home System!

Looking at the products unlocked by using the "Home System Upgrade Order", Fatty's eyes widened, showing a look of disbelief.

"This, these... completely changed the meaning of the home system's existence... No, from the beginning, the home system should be like this, yes, the home system was set up like this from the beginning. , but, it was only now that we finally discovered the truth about the home system!"

[Dimension tavern: special unit that can be built in any home system. Some special NPC units may appear in this tavern from time to time. The NPC will release some special tasks in the Dream Demon game world. The tasks will have unique rewards. Some rewards cannot be obtained through normal channels.

PS1: The different-dimensional tavern can be upgraded. After upgrading, the tavern will have additional functions!

PS2: The player's home construction will affect the tavern, including the beauty, comfort, environment, style, area, atmosphere, etc. of the home. Some special NPCs require a specific home environment to attract them to your tavern. !]

[Dimensional grocery store: a special unit that can be built in any home system. Some interdimensional merchants may visit your grocery store. The merchants will sell very special 09 products, which can be purchased with just home coins!

PS1: The different-dimensional grocery store can be upgraded. After upgrading, the grocery store can increase the frequency of the arrival of a certain type of merchants (such as prop merchants, skill merchants, and equipment merchants).

PS2: The more you buy, the happier the extra-dimensional merchant will be and will sell more goods... However, in some poor homes, even if there is an extra-dimensional grocery store, the extra-dimensional merchant will not patronize it! 】

[Alternate Dimension Pet Paradise: A special unit that can be built in any home system. The Extra Dimension Pet Paradise can provide comfortable living conditions for various creatures, allowing them to grow healthily. At the same time, environmental creatures, small animals, etc. that grow in the Pet Paradise , it is possible to evolve into a pet that can fight and can be carried to various game worlds.

PS1: The pet paradise can be upgraded. It is said that after upgrading, you can unlock some special types of pets, such as mechanical, elemental, ghost, etc.

PS2: Your home environment will affect the breeding level of the pet paradise. 】

In addition, there are also [Dimension Forge], [Dimension Production Shop], [Dimension Training Ground], etc. These hidden buildings all bear the name of Dimension, and they are all special units with selling prices. It is also extremely scary - the lowest special unit is 50,000 points, plus 3 purple medals, and the more expensive one is 90,000 points, 5 purple medals!

When he saw these special construction units, Fatty took a breath of cold air.

He knew that from this moment on, the home system was no longer a simple home system!

Fatty finally understood why the upgrade order said that his home could be upgraded into a "war fortress".

Yes, the existence of the home system will have an unprecedented impact on players' game playing status.

Originally, Fatty thought that the existence of Home Point Fossils and bringing skills, props, etc. from one world to another world was an unimaginable innovation. However, the depth of the Home System was far beyond Fatty's imagination!

Just like a different-dimensional tavern, if you think about it briefly, you will know that this tavern has quite a lot of scalability and gameplay.

For example, a tavern in another dimension will issue tasks. From the above text, it seems that the focus is on the special rewards that can be obtained at the end, because most of the rewards cannot be obtained through normal channels.

However, what Fatty saw was not this, there was also a special mission.

The game world itself will have some special tasks, why must we issue tasks in the home system?

This is because the home system can issue some special tasks that cannot be issued in the game world. For example, tasks that span multiple game worlds. A task requires players to go through multiple game worlds to complete!

What kind of classic mission is this?

The fat man got excited when he thought about it, and immediately took out a pen and paper and started recording.

Well, where did you get the paper and pen? Of course they were exchanged in the home system. There are a lot of products in the home system now, most of which are daily necessities and related to food, drink and entertainment.

Not only that, there is also the upgrade of the tavern, and the impact of the home system on the tavern...

The home system has become unusual. I need to complete the analysis as soon as possible.

Being a media person is so hard!

But Fatty enjoyed it, his inspiration burst out, and he started writing.

"It would be better if someone built those special units and could get those information... It's a pity, I don't know anyone from the Shadow Wings Union... It's a pity." The fat man sighed.

Fatty was excitedly writing a strategy draft because he discovered the hidden secrets in the achievement system, while other players were also discussing it excitedly.

There are only a few people with high points and high-level medals. Most of them have achievements around 500-2000. Some players who are new to the nightmare world only have a measly 10 achievement points!

"Come on, let's report your achievement points. I'm a new member of Damn Nightmare. I'm a scumbag with 10 achievement points!" After updating the system, many players will gather somewhere to discuss, such as the large square of the Star Base. There are many players at this moment. Blowing.

"I'm 250, really, it's exactly 250. I thought it was the nightmare world mocking me at first, but after I calculated it carefully, I found that it was really 250. Oh my god, it's 367. I fainted!"

"Haha, 250, you can do it [I laughed!"

"I'm 720, a little taller than you~"

"TMD is much taller than me!"


"Wucao, I've exceeded 1,000. Brother, can you tell me what products are unlocked after breaking 1,000? Now I can only exchange home coins. I feel that the exchange is not worth it, and I can't exchange home coins for points."

"You were so stupid when you redeemed your points for Home Coins. After 1,000, you directly unlocked Home Point Fossils. Damn it, you finally have a place to get those rare Point Fossils. You don't have to worry about not having Home Skills anymore!"

"Yes, in the past, you could only rely on the first-kill lottery or the main quest to redeem the fossils in your homeland. Many people didn't have any. Although there are transactions on the market, the prices are scary, and many of them are only RMB transactions!"

"With today's wave, the price of homeland fossils is finally going to fall..."

"Wow haha, I made a non-moving outfit, an achievement popped up, and I was the first to complete the achievement, and the points reward was doubled, haha~~"

"Wucao, damn, you'll get double points for being the first to complete the achievement. I almost forgot, so hurry up and grab it——

"Can't waste any more time here—"

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