Go back to one day ago.

"Long, long, long, long, I want to avenge my parents - ah ah ah ah ah" Lieyan made the most fatal blow to Field.

However, Lieyan hesitated.

At that moment, Lieyan recalled many past days, those happy days.

Is who I am now what my parents want me to be?

Field raised his pistol and aimed it at himself.

Lie Yan saw it, and with her ability, she could easily avoid it.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Felicia rushing over, shouting.

If I kill Field, will Felicia become like me...


Lieyan fell.

His consciousness gradually blurred, and endless darkness and coldness came over him.

In a blur, Lie Yan seemed to see his parents.

—Oh, God, why do you let me see this at this time...

——Is this my final punishment?

————Or is it the last mercy?

Eventually, the only light disappeared.

In the endless darkness, the flames curled up the body.

——Is this the world after death?

Lieyan didn't know, but it didn't matter, she knew she was dead.

If there is a heaven after death, I can meet my parents.

However, you may fall into darkness.

So, is this endless darkness hell?

"Hmph hum hum ․" The weird laughter came from nowhere.

Suddenly, an irresistible wave of terror came, and the entire space seemed to freeze.


This feeling should have disappeared from his own feelings a long time ago. Since the fire that night, he has never felt fear, but Lie Yan felt fear again.

Indescribable horror!

It's completely beyond any horror, and I can't even use words to describe what kind of fear it is. It seems that just thinking about "it" will make my whole body tremble, just looking at "it"

Consciousness will collapse.

After a while, the fear disappeared.

In the darkness, a pair of huge purple eyes appeared. The eyes were composed of huge purple flames. The burning flames kept the eyes changing, but they always showed a sharp and scary look.

However, there is no irresistible power from the depths of the soul at the beginning. Lieyan can look at these huge eyes floating in the air.

"Fire." A voice that made people's hair stand on end came from the darkness: "No, Eve Aaliyah Charles."

"Why...know my name..."

"This is my world."

"your world."

"Nightmare World."

"Nightmare... world?!" Lie Yan opened his eyes in surprise: "I... am not dead..."

"You are indeed dead, but I brought your soul to Meng Shicong.

"The soul...has been pulled into the nightmare world?...Why?"

"Because I am somewhat interested in you."


"Your experience piqued my interest."

I'm dead...I don't have any will to live now. Even if I'm still alive, I'm still a walking corpse.

"I know...but are you ready to die like this...You will spend the rest of your life living in huge mistakes and confusion...Perhaps, you yourself I noticed it too."


"Human, don't you even have the courage to know the [truth]?"

.Please tell me...the truth. Lie Yan raised his head and asked.

"You, are you worthy of asking me to tell you the truth?

" Lieyan frowned, bit his lip, and said, "What should I do if you need me?"

"Interesting, do you want to prove your worth... Then, let me see if you are of any use... If you can prove your worth and complete my mission, Then, it’s not like I can’t consider resurrecting your parents.”

"!!!" Lieyan suddenly stood up: "Resurrection... my... parents?!"

"I am eternal and omnipotent. There is nothing you cannot do."


"You are not qualified to know now... If you want to know the truth and want to resurrect your parents, then, first, through my game... However, I will not waste my power on meaningless people. , so in the trial, I set more severe punishments..."


"Yes, every time you die once, part of your memory will disappear. After multiple deaths, your memory will completely disappear, and your existence will completely disappear from this world.


I see. "

"Then, the game begins.

After saying that, the huge purple eyes burning in the sky disappeared, and at the same time, a white light door appeared in front of Lie Yan.

This was the way players entered the game at the very beginning, when there was no home system. A familiar scene appeared. Lieyan stepped into the light gate without hesitation.

An epic animation appeared.

"Yes, that's Lothric. It's the hometown of the fire kings from past generations, and it's also the place where wanderers gather.

In the picture, there is a huge city——Lothrik. However, Lothrik has appeared to be very decayed. Many places look like ruins. However, the city can still be seen in the huge outline of the city. Magnificent and great.

"So the pilgrims all went north and understood the meaning of the language——"

"[The fire has gradually extinguished, and the king is nowhere to be seen.]"

Countless pilgrims wearing crutches were walking. Along the way, many corpses could be seen. Those were pilgrims who had fallen because they could not support the journey. However, even though this was a difficult road, the pilgrims were still not afraid. difficult.

"When the inheritance flame goes out, the bells will ring throughout the surroundings. Then the ancient kings in the coffins will be awakened.

"The Deep Saint——Eldridge."

"The Watchers of the Abyss—Flan's Undead Team."

"And the lone king of the city of sin—the giant Yum."

One by one, the salary kings appeared in front of the camera in a magnificent way.

"But--the kings will definitely give up their thrones."

In the sacrificial hall, a beautiful woman put on a strange eyepatch.

"And the ashes of the fireless fire will come in droves."

"That is a nameless, unpaid, and cursed immortal."

"But, it is precisely because of this that the ashes are so thirsty for the embers."

Yes, the fourth game of Nightmare World is exactly the Dark Souls World of the original world, a nightmare version of Dark Souls based on Dark Souls 3!

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