The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 534 The Battle Of Ash Judge Guda

Five minutes later, this was already the second element bottle that Lie Yan drank.

In these five minutes, Li Yan basically didn't find a chance to attack - Guda's attack was powerful and heavy, because the long ax was very huge, nearly 4 meters long, and Guda himself stretched his arms, so the attack range great!

Guda can adapt to almost any range of attacks. If it is at close range, Guda will do crazy combos. If it is at mid-range, Guda will be unable to defend against it by sprinting and stabbing at close range. It is even more dangerous at long distances, with a large direct sprint and a terrifying 720-degree swing. !

The effect of the big roundhouse slash was so amazing, the sound seemed to be torn apart, and Lie Yan didn't dare to defend with a shield - the cracks in the broken shield had expanded after the initial defense, and it was estimated that it would be enough to defend it one or two more times. Say goodbye.

Basically, Lie Yan spent all his energy on avoiding.

During the 5 minutes, several mistakes were made, some were barely avoided, and several were hit, so I looked for opportunities to drink from the blood bottle.

It's not like Lieyan hasn't thought about bypassing him, because for an enemy that is much larger than himself, bypassing him seems to be a good idea.


In this nightmare world, do you want to go around Kudat in circles?

Guda tells you, if you are a man, confront him head-on!

Facing enemies who want to get around, Guda has two tricks.

One is a backhand grab with the left hand, and the other is a 360-degree spinning chop!

It was relatively easy to dodge the backhand grab, but the difficult part was the 360-degree spinning slash. Lieyan took advantage of this move and drank the second bottle of element.

However, it is an AIBOSS after all, and there are only a few tricks that come and go. Lieyan finally found a flaw!

Guda's moves have a wide range and are fast, making it difficult for people to guard against. It is easy to fall into continuous rolling and dodging, and then he loses energy while rolling, and is beaten by Guda.

However, Lie Yan discovered that in certain moves, Guida's skill connection would have major flaws.

The easiest flaw to find is when Guda performs a mid-range thrust attack. If you can catch it and rush forward, you will have a chance to use the sword!

However, Guda's thrust is launched very quickly, so you must find the right moment to avoid it, and you must resist the psychological pressure and never hide far away.

If the distance is further increased, Guda will have to sprint + 720 roundabouts. That move is too terrifying!

Taking advantage of the flaw in Guda's moves, Lieyan successfully cut off 50% of Guda's health. Then, the BOSS changed!

The black thing on the back that I saw before suddenly exploded, and then, a big-eyed black monster emerged from Guda's body!

A terrifying thing that looked like a dragon, a snake, and had horns and claws.

The strange liquid of black blood continued to flow out.

A sharp and harsh sound came. It was not from Guda, but the cry of that black thing. The cry was tearing and hoarse, making Lie Yan feel particularly uncomfortable.

Human pus!!

After the emergence of human pus, Guda's attack method changed drastically. The long ax was no longer used, but the arrogant arm formed by the large pus growing on the shoulder!

The left arm also turned into a huge branch-like thing. Although it was not as big as the black arm formed by sepsis, it was also as long as the previous long axe!

The attack of Guda in the human pus state is particularly weird, because at this time, although Guda still maintains his normal human appearance, he has completely transformed into a terrifying monster!

What's even more terrifying is that Guda, who is in human pus state, will fly around and attack!

When the huge sepsis hand hits the ground, the ground shakes. Even if you avoid it, if you are too close, you may lose your balance!

Lieyan was hit by this ground-pounding attack. Although he defended with a shield, the shield shattered and his health dropped by more than 300!

Drink the last bottle of raw material!

Lie Yan is even more cautious, this is her last chance!

After a while, Lie Yan finally discovered a weakness of the enemy, that is, in the human pus state, it seemed a little weak against attacks and defenses from behind. Unlike the previous state, he could use large spins and backhands to catch.

The state of human pus seems to have affected the monster's vision to a certain extent.

However, it is not that easy to get around to the back. After all, the attack range of the two huge arms is very large.

Lieyan was experienced in fighting. After observing for a while, he finally found a way to get around his back. After several consecutive attacks, he finally killed Guda.

"Hu--Hu---||-" Lie Yan gasped and sat directly on the ground.

She had thought that the game world would be a little difficult this time, but she didn't expect it to be so difficult!

Almost died!

"I didn't... play well... we can't go on like this, otherwise..." Lie Yan clenched his fists, somewhat dissatisfied with his performance, and said

Lieyan's performance was indeed not good, or in other words, with her original strength, she shouldn't have fought so hard.

Two reasons made Lieyan perform poorly.

First of all, Lie Yan's start was indeed too difficult. He didn't have any weapons. He only found a sword in the middle, and it was a sword with reduced attack power. The shield was damaged and there was no defense at all!

It doesn't hurt to hit the enemy, but it hurts terribly when the enemy hits you!

This is the beginning of the flames.

Secondly, in this game world, Lieyan cannot die!

However, the body in the game is too brittle and easy to die!

In the past, you could come back if you died, but now you can't die. These two different mentalities naturally play out completely differently!

Because he couldn't die, Lieyan played a little conservatively and didn't show his normal strength!

In a head-on battle, Lieyan's style is dominated by swift and violent attacks!

The same is true in the game, such as the shield axe. After learning GP, Lieyan will even choose to attack with the monster's ultimate move!

In a moment of opportunity, GP defends and takes over!

Although in the real world, Lie Yan relies on his powerful physical skills after transformation, and in this game world, he is only at the level of an ordinary person, but these are not important. What is important is the indomitable momentum. Gone.

Without momentum, you will be timid and may make more mistakes!

Thinking back to the battle just now, Lie Yan was very dissatisfied with his performance.

After calming down for a while and resting at the campfire, the flames continued to move forward.

Soon, Lieyan arrived at the most important place in Dark Souls—the Fire Sacrifice.

"`||Welcome to the bonfire, Lord Yu Hui without fire." said the beautiful priest with a strange mask and silver hair - the fire prevention girl.

Lieyan inserted the spiral sword into the (Nuoli Zhao) bonfire at the sacrificial site.

For Lie Yan, the game has just begun.

This is a game that can't die!

The topic returns to the nightmare world one day later.

After Felicia heard the news about Otilia, she immediately entered the nightmare world and confirmed the news about Lie Yan with Zhang Xingqing again.

In Zhang Xingyu's friend interface, Lieyan is indeed not offline, but online.

However, I can't chat now!

What exactly is going on?

Felicia couldn't understand that Eve was obviously dead.

"Perhaps it is only the body that dies in reality...and the spirit of Lieyan...or the soul, in the world of Mengku? Ottilia said as she spoke her head.

Why is the soul still alive after the body dies?

It's too middle-of-the-road and completely unscientific!

"Go find Lie Yan, in the nightmare world!" Felicia thought for a while and said.

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