The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 536 The True Appearance Of The Home System!

[So, the guide to the Homeland Achievement System is officially here... Well, it's said to be a guide, but in fact it's more like telling the importance of the achievement system.

Everyone has seen this update. The most important content is the achievement system. 6 of the 7 contents are related to the achievement system. I won’t say much about obtaining achievements. If you can grab it, you will earn it. If you can’t grab it, you will earn it. Just do it honestly, there are so many players, it is impossible to grab all the first achievements, but as long as you play the game, there will always be a day when you unlock new achievements.

The achievement system of Nightmare World is not like the achievements of other games. The achievements of other games are actually to encourage players to challenge and give players a sense of accomplishment after completing the challenge. They cannot be redeemed for any useful things - in fact, to put it bluntly, the achievement system is used to expand the gameplay. of.

However, the achievement system of the nightmare world is different, because the achievement system allows shopping: achievement points will directly affect the number of things that can be purchased, achievement points are coins for purchasing achievement products, and achievement medals are used to purchase high-level achievement items~ necessity.

To put it simply, Nightmare World encourages players to achieve high-difficulty achievements, because high-difficulty achievements can earn more achievement points and points, and you can also get medals!

This time the achievements cover a wide range of content, including PVP, dungeons, professional skills, tasks, activities, world exploration, reputation, business, extreme challenges, construction and other 10 major contents, including PVP players, dungeon players, life players, and even main players. Achievements can be obtained by actual players who play Endless Amusement Park.

Judging from the achievements currently unlocked by players, there are many achievements in each game... It's no wonder, because some products in the achievement store require up to one million points to unlock, and a sufficient number of achievements must be guaranteed.

Of course, I personally think that the achievement system can have more content, such as baby raising, baby battles, etc., and even the construction of the home system can be included in the achievement system.

Okay, without further ado, let’s get to the point.

This achievement system can be said to be customized for the home system, because the achievement products that can be purchased are all from the home series. 100 achievement points can be exchanged for home coins. Some players who are short of money can try to exchange them, but from the achievements Judging from the value of the goods, it is not worth exchanging Homeland coins, so it is strongly not recommended to exchange for Homeland coins, unless you are short of one or two Homeland coins and need them urgently.

Most players should be very short of home point fossils. Looking at those guys who can use Monster Hunter World weapons and skills in Horizon World, many people are jealous. Why do we only have a broken spear for melee combat? Do you have other weapon choices?

Haha, laugh, I’m actually jealous too, but I don’t have a home to point out fossils!

The source of the previous Nodstone Fossils was the first kill or the redemption of the main mission. In other words, many players could not get Nodstone Fossils.

The achievement system is launched to allow players to obtain enough home skill point fossils. After all, the feature of home is that it allows players to have a special start to enter the game world. Some special home props and skills can completely change the player's gaming experience. !

However, at this stage, there are too few ways to obtain Home Point Fossils. Perhaps Nightmare World also wants to change this, so it has launched an achievement system, which is very useful for ordinary players.

This is definitely a good thing, because you have a fixed way to get point fossils.

Even if you can't get difficult achievements, it's okay. You can just do some simple achievements and slowly accumulate them.

Judging from the current situation, 1,000 achievement points can unlock ordinary nodstones. 10,000 are green, then 100,000 are blue leather, 1 million are purple quality, 10 million are dark gold quality, and 100 million are orange quality nods. .....

However, do you think that the achievement points this time can only be used to purchase fossils?

Big mistake!

In the achievement store, there are also super good things hidden!

That is the [Home System Upgrade Order]!

Yes, it’s this guy. It’s also written in the 0.90 update content. However, because it is written in white and there is no explanation, most players may not pay attention to it. Including me, I think this upgrade order may be similar to the land expansion order.

However, this home system upgrade order is far beyond your imagination.

This is the explanation of the home system upgrade order:

[Home System Upgrade Order (Legendary Quality) (Binded and cannot be traded): A very special home system product. It is said that only some experienced adventurers can obtain the upgrade order. Using the upgrade order, you can upgrade your home system to "Elementary War Fortress" is qualified to build some special buildings!

0…Please give me flowers…

After use, the home area increases by 300 square meters and 1,000 home coins are added, allowing a special unit to be built. 】

Yes, this upgrade order is of dark gold legendary quality. Just by looking at the color, you can tell that this thing is definitely extraordinary. So what is the "Basic War Fortress"?

The key lies in the last point, which is "you can build a special unit"!

After you purchase and use the home system upgrade order, the achievement product store will unlock more products, and it is these products that reveal the meaning of the war fortress.

For example, [Dimension Tavern: a special unit that can be built in any home system. Some special NPC units may appear in this tavern from time to time. The NPC will issue some special tasks in the nightmare game world. The tasks will have unique rewards. Some rewards cannot be obtained through normal channels.

PS1: The different-dimensional tavern can be upgraded. After upgrading, the tavern will have additional functions!

PS2: The player's home construction will affect the tavern, including the beauty, comfort, environment, style, area, atmosphere, etc. of the home. Some special NPCs require a specific home environment to attract them to your tavern. !】】

In the following content, Fatty also posted descriptions of products such as [Alternate Dimension Grocery Store], [Alternate Dimension Pet Paradise], [Alternate Dimension Forge], [Alternate Dimension Production Store], [Alternate Dimension Training Ground], etc. Poor Fatty , I simply couldn’t remember so many products, and had to go back and forth to the nightmare world several times before I wrote these things down!

Players were naturally surprised to see these special units with the title "Alternate Dimension".

"Wucao, what the hell did I see?"

"These, these special units————"

"That's great, I really want a different-dimensional pet paradise!"

[Seeing these special unit buildings in different dimensions, I suddenly realized that this is the true face of the home system! But before, I thought that the home system was just a social-themed system.

However, the setting of the primary war fortress broke my thinking!!】

What Fatty wrote, his excitement can be seen in the words!


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