The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 550 The Importance Of Home System

Finally, everyone saw Fatty's most important strategy.

[Must-see strategy points NO.1, must-have home skills! (Must-see)

In the new game world "Dark Soul", home-based skills and props have been elevated to an unprecedentedly important position. If they are not brought with them, then the starting player will be a "no one" with a level of 1 and no equipment, and will need to face it with bare hands. For enemies holding weapons, it can be said to be the ultimate hell start. It is definitely harder than Monster Hunter World and Horizon World. It is recommended that players bring at least one melee weapon and corresponding weapon skills. If they are not confident in their own strength, they can bring long-range weapons. We recommend light crossbows and heavy crossbows...but you can't rely too much on this weapon. Bloody lessons, wuwu———— will be discussed in detail below.

In addition, the home carrying system has also changed with the update to version 0.95. First of all, after my confirmation, each world can carry more skills and props from the past. In the past, it was usually 2-3, but now each world can carry more. This world has two more props and skills that can be unlocked manually. The corresponding unlocked props can be purchased in the home store, not the achievement store.

What needs to be pointed out here is that there are rarity restrictions on the items and skills carried in the homeland. For example, the 160 items carried in the world of Dark Souls are 5, of which 2 are white and one is green. These three are unlocked from the beginning. Two of them require players to manually unlock them.

The key is that these two are manually unlocked, because there is no rarity limit for these two. As long as the player has enough home coins, they can directly unlock and purchase the highest level - the weapon level, and can bring the artifact into the game!

Dragon Slaying Sword, click and get it!

Unexpectedly, this kind of saving operation is actually available in the nightmare world!

However, at this stage, no player should have artifact-level home-based props or skills.

Another thing that needs to be emphasized is that the home props you carry can be replaced at any time. Players no longer have to worry about the home props they bring into the game world becoming useless. They can try different routines and only need to meet two conditions: one The home props or skills you bring in can only be replaced after one day. The other is that you need to purchase a home skill (prop) replacement order before you can replace it.

The fat man thinks this change is very good, and it greatly improves the playability and scalability of the home system. Of course, it is also more exciting because it requires the emperor’s (ajfe) home coins and achievement points!

Finally, I would like to ask why Nightmare World waits 10 days for the new game world "Dark Soul" to be unlocked. I think it is entirely for the players' consideration, giving players 10 days to grind achievements and obtain enough home props and skills. Otherwise, it will be the beginning of hell, will it break through the sky!]

The headline of Fat Man's guide puts the home system first, which shows that Fat Man attaches great importance to this achievement system and home system.

In fact, the update to version 0.95 is indeed a great improvement to the home system, and the "no owner" start of Dark Souls is to let people know the importance of carrying home skills.

Entering the game without weapons and equipment, and entering the game with familiar weapon skills are completely different concepts!

In the future, after players upgrade their homes to primary war fortresses, the game structure of the nightmare world is initially completed.

The emergence of the home system truly connects relatively independent game worlds in a clever way. With the increase of players' home props and home skills, the way players play the game will also show a hundred flowers blooming—— Only if you can’t think of it, you can’t do it!

Even, through the home system, it is not impossible to achieve a magical weapon at the beginning!

The first point of Fat Man's guide contains so much content related to the home system. It also lets players know the importance of the home system now. Some players began to hesitate whether to start a new game directly or to gain achievements and develop the home system first. Props and skills.

[NO2, Dark Souls is a game that contains multiplayer elements. Different from large-scale online games like Monster Hunter and Horizon World, Dark Souls, judging from the scale of the map, is definitely not that type of large-scale online game. It seems more like a stand-alone game. game, but this game also provides multiplayer gameplay, that is, invasion and counter-intrusion. Players can invade the worlds of other Dark Souls players, because the invasion system is currently locked. I don’t know the specific invasion gameplay, but it should be It is a gameplay mainly based on PK gameplay, and various rewards should also be added. I wonder if there will be multiple large-scale guilds invading the same game world to carry out guild PK in the future. Let us wait and see. 】

[NO.3 "Be careful not to fall into a one-to-many situation in battle! It's very important. Don't think that players can open unparalleled here!"

Some players may think that they can fight against a bandit camp alone in the Horizon World...but this is not the Horizon World, and you don't have a mechanical baby (of course, if you have the ability, you can also bring a mechanical baby there through the home system to try) , in the game of Dark Souls, in addition to moving, running, rolling, defending, and attacking all require stamina. You cannot continuously attack the enemy. Fatty has tested it. If you attack, then At level 1, you can only attack 4-5 times at most before running out of stamina. After slashing randomly, you suddenly find that you can't attack anymore, and you can't even defend or roll to dodge. Fatty died like this several times! What's more deadly is that , the player's attack will be interrupted by the enemy's attack. If the player attacks randomly, the player may not even be able to touch the enemy and fall down!】

[NO.4, BOSS is very difficult, very difficult. Fatty, I was violently abused by the first BOSS in Novice Village. I had no power to fight back. As for the strategy for defeating the BOSS... I was completely tortured. I’ve been beaten so hard, what other strategies are there?! I’m looking forward to the master completing it! (angry)]

[PS.NO.4, some players will definitely say, Fatty, where is your awesome heavy crossbow? Yes, since bringing the heavy crossbow, Fatty has indeed opened double, but that is only against mobs. ......BOSS......Ahem, the weather is so nice today~~

Finally, a warning for some players who want to carry light crossbows and heavy crossbows into Dark Souls. Light crossbows and heavy crossbows are very good at killing mobs. However, this weapon requires ammunition...and this is Monster Hunter. The world's weapons, in Dark Souls, don't have ammo anymore! (gnashing teeth) some of it...Of course I want to keep going through Homeworld. Please ignore the wealthy people who replenish their ammunition. 】

[Updated on time at 5 p.m. How to unlock the new game world~]

[This guide to Dark Souls is here. I hope you all have fun playing in the new world!]

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