The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 557 Gorgeous Death

In a moment, Otilia easily killed three living dead.

It's really very easy, it can be said to be a complete crush.

The Thunder Punisher brought here is very powerful. With just one attack, the enemy's health bar is almost bottomed out. You can also see the special effects of the enemy being electrocuted and burning. The only pity is that it cannot kill instantly.

If it's not enough, the enemy will be killed with two swords, which shows how powerful the attack is.

Moreover, the big sword seems to have a very powerful ability to destroy the enemy's balance. After being struck by the sword, the enemy was unable to move for a while.

The only drawback is that the stamina consumed by the three swords is a bit sore.

"With the current endurance value, when the endurance is full, you can only attack with the big sword 3 times at most. Considering that you have to evade and other actions, you should stop after attacking twice and check the situation.

." Otilia murmured "Six Five Seven" and said: "However, this weapon seems to be not all weakened, but also enhanced. For example, the weight has been reduced a lot, and the attack speed is faster than Monster Hunter World. feels...I can use this big sword with one hand..."

After a feature of Darkness, the weapons can be switched to one-handed or two-handed mode. In one-handed mode, the off-hand can use a shield to defend or a wand to use magic. This is also a major feature of the Soul series. Naturally, it is brought here The same goes for weapons.

Otilia switched to holding a big sword in one hand, but the system immediately prompted that in the one-handed mode, the strength was seriously insufficient and the punishment increased - in addition to the reduction of attribute points, the attack speed dropped dramatically, and the attack power was also greatly reduced!

Otilia tried to attack with a one-handed sword, but a vertical slash almost sent her flying. The weapon hit the ground, and it was difficult to pick it up...

"It seems that if you want to use a big sword with one hand, you must first add strength." Ottilia said.

The three killed monsters did not drop any items, only some souls of unknown use. Otilia discovered that the weapons of these dead living dead could still be picked up and used.

[Dagger that is about to disintegrate], the attack power is only 20!

You must know that the big sword Ottilia holds has an attack power as high as 170, which does not include the attack power of fire and thunder attributes!

"After comparing it, I realized that I really seemed to have started with a magical weapon." Otilia said with a smile.

Otilia swung the dagger again, and found that the dagger's attack consumed much less stamina than the big sword. It could be swung 8 times with full stamina, which was more than twice that of the big sword.

"Different weapons consume different stamina, and concentration should also be different... Next is the battle in the ruins, where you can try your combat skills... However, enemies who fall down with just two swords seem to There is no need to use any combat skills..."

After a while, Otilia came to the ruins. Because of Fatty's strategy, she knew that the archers on the high platform would sound an alarm when they saw the player, so Otilia sneaked close to them all the way.

"One, two, three, four...five...the guide says there are 7, but it seems there are two in blind spots..."

"The big sword can only be swung three times at most at a time, and then you have to wait for the endurance to recover. Although the big sword can kill an enemy with two strikes, it is also very dangerous to be surrounded. At this time... use seduction Tactics, or stealth tactics?"

After thinking about it, Otilia decided to use sneak tactics.

"It's best to kill the archers on the high platform... No, I haven't sneaked into the line. I have to kill the patrolman first... Go to the wall where he can't see... …and then…opportunity!”

When a living dead person entered the corner, Otilia suddenly came out and slashed with a sneak attack!

The enemy fell together!

"One sword? Does the sneak attack have a power bonus? Oops!" Otilia immediately hid because she saw the archer looking over from the corner of her eye.

The archer saw that one of the people who was originally patrolling had fallen. He was stunned for a moment and began to look around. However, the place where Otilia was hiding was in the blind spot of the archer's sight and could not be seen.

"Very good, it seems that when no enemy is found, the alarm will not be sounded directly." Ottilia nodded happily.

However, the archer waved a few times. Although the alarm was not sounded, two enemies changed their course of action and came near the dead patrolman and began to explore.

The exploration process was very rough, and we didn't even find Otilia who was so close at hand!

"Low IQ!" Otilia murmured...

However, although the enemy's IQ seems to be very low, the place where Otilia is now is not a good one.

After waiting for a while, she found that the enemy was still exploring aimlessly near the dead guy. Otilia couldn't help it, and rushed out, killing an enemy in a sneak attack.

At this time, Ottilia was discovered by the archers on the high platform. The alarm sounded. The remaining two melee enemies rushed towards Ottilia, and three archers fired cold arrows.

"Deal with the tallest archer first!"

The archers on the high platform have bonus range and power. Ottilia didn't want to be trapped in a hornet's nest with range, so she rushed directly to the high platform and climbed up.

However, sprinting and climbing quickly consumed her stamina very quickly. Halfway through the climb, her stamina was gone. Ottilia felt a sense of exhaustion and almost couldn't hold on to the ladder!

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a moment, and the endurance value was already beginning to recover.

However, at this time, two bows and arrows flew over from the left and right!

"Danger!" Otilia was startled. Her climbing experience in the Horizon World came into play. Otilia twisted her body and escaped the attack!

"Hey, luckily I reacted quickly. Um..." Otilia raised her head and wanted to continue climbing up. However, when she looked up, she saw the archer from Gaotaishan lowering his head to draw his bow.

What's even worse is that because of the evasion in 3.1 just now, Otilia is hanging on the ladder with one hand and her feet are dangling in the air. Because her whole body is supported by one hand, she has just recovered a little bit of endurance. Still decreasing...

The arrow from above flew down and hit Otilia!

The endurance value was reset to zero, and Otilia fell directly, crushing an unlucky enemy below.

The two enemies on the side saw Otilia falling and fell onto her back, and immediately rushed over to hit her.


Otilia rose again from her grave.

Otilia's first death in Dark Souls - being stabbed to death!

Well, there was another one who was shot out of the air, fell half to death, and then hacked to death with random knives!

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