The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 567 The Painstaking Setting

Since the start of the Dark Souls game, Otilia saw so many system prompts for the first time and couldn't help but read them carefully.

Following the system prompts, Otilia's system interface appeared with invasion-related interfaces. The first was the current area Ottilia said. Because Ottilia was in the afterglow state, the area where Ottilia was currently located The area is [Available for Invasion], the number of players allowed to invade is 2, and the current erosion level of the area is 3.

Otilia can naturally invade other players' areas, but because Otilia does not possess invasion-related props, she cannot invade.

"Invasion gameplay... fun."

Invading other players' areas, although the system explains a lot in various ways, there is only one core - PVP!

Yes, the core of the invasion gameplay is PVP!

A high-level player like Ottilia could immediately see through the essence of this invasion gameplay.

"Unlike Monster Hunter World and Horizon World, this world seems to encourage PVP more."

There are currently three hard-core action games in the nightmare world. Monster Hunter does not encourage PVP at all. It is a game based on pure hunting (but PVP is also available, but there are no PVP-related rewards, so monster players rarely have PVP. , players are very realistic, there are no PVP rewards, you might as well go hunting if you have this time), the world view of Horizon World is more complicated than Monster Hunter, and the enemies are also divided into mechanical creatures and humanoids. The game has PVP components and PVP rewards. But judging from the various gameplay methods of the game, it is obvious that PVP is not the focus.

However, Dark Souls is different.

When you first start playing, players may think this is a single-player game, because each player has an independent game space. Unlike Monster Hunter or Horizon, you can meet a large number of players at the main base and form a team to hunt together. Trading is also possible.

"It's like a PVP arena in a large-scale online game... No, this invasion gameplay is more like a battlefield, but there are differences." Ottilia raised her head and glanced at the spectacular Royal City of Lothrik in the distance. , and looked down at the high wall of Lothrik, which is the area where Ottilia is currently located.

This is a quite complex area. As far as the naked eye can see, Otilia saw many enemies in this area.

"The battle area has become the scene of the player's game. This invasion gameplay... may be a bit interesting." Ottilia raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Like the PVP arena, two PVP teams are placed in a fixed place for the two sides to fight, while the PVP battlefield is a competition between two teams. Relatively speaking, the arena is relatively pure - fighting until one of the parties Fall unknown.

As for the battlefield, the game methods will be different depending on the content of the game, such as grabbing flags, competing for resources, capturing cities, etc. It not only depends on the player's PVP level, but also depends on the player's cooperation and game strategy.

Now, the invasion gameplay of Dark Souls is different from the arena and battlefield.

Because the invaded place is where players usually play games. There will be a large number of enemies and even BOSS in this place!

From what Otilia can see with her naked eyes, this area with the high walls of Lothric is a very huge area. If you include the three-dimensional space brought by the building, it can be said that the entire area is an intricate maze!

In other words, if Otilia is invaded, then Otilia can rely on her familiarity with the terrain to fight back and kill the invaders.

In a huge and complex area, it is not too difficult to hide one's figure.

Of course, after being invaded, players will definitely be nervous because they don’t know where an intruder will appear from and kill the player, especially if a sneak attack suddenly occurs when the player is working hard to defeat monsters...

What can be expected is that if a player encounters an invasion, both parties will be nervous when neither party knows the location of the other party.

Of course, the invasion gameplay of the Nightmare World version of Dark Souls is not just about this.

Degree of erosion!

This is the essence of invasion gameplay!

Otilia turned her attention to the description of erosion.

[Under high erosion, some special hidden enemies may appear, these are often more powerful and have special drops]

[Under high erosion, some hidden areas may be unlocked]

Although Ottilia does not know the specific rules and content of erosion, judging from the existing explanations, erosion will greatly affect the invasion gameplay.

Under high erosion, new enemies will appear [unlock new hidden locations!

What does this mean? Perhaps the purpose of some invaders to invade other players is not to kill the players at all, but just to find new enemies and hiding places!

Ordinary players, even if they don't want to invade, may deliberately increase the erosion level of their game in order to find special hidden enemies and hidden areas. Once the erosion level is high, it will attract the attention of other players...

"This erosion setting is a bit interesting..." Ottilia murmured...

In the case of high erosion, even if the player loses the residual fire state, he cannot exit the invasion state, and the entire game area may change from a "single-player world" to a large battlefield!

Invasion gameplay, this is a unique PVP gameplay designed by Zhang Xingyu for the Nightmare World version of Dark Souls. Compared with the invasion of the original game, the invasion of the Nightmare World version can be said to have undergone a super evolution!

In the Nightmare World section of Dark Souls, the prologue, the Battle of Guda, has not changed much compared to the original game. At most, the monsters have become stronger, but the game area has not changed much.

However, starting from the High Wall of Lothric, the Dream Demon version has undergone huge changes compared to the original version.

The most obvious one is that the map has become larger, there are more places for players to explore, and there will be more enemies and hidden locations.

However, if you are a handicapped player who always plays the game alone, then such a huge area will seem a bit too huge for a single player - like the High Wall of Lothric, the map is 5 times the size of the original game. As of 5.0, a lot of new places have been added.

Well, don't worry, the Nightmare Lord is a knowledgeable guy who designed the map. Let alone 5 times, 10 times can be easily done for you!

To this end, Zhang Xingyu designed an erosive invasion setting.

As for how to make players addicted to invasion (thus forgetting to spread fire), it is also very simple. Just increase the rewards under high erosion. The original opening of hidden areas and the emergence of new enemies under high erosion is already quite attractive. If Get some more treasure chests, such as nightmare-level treasure chests and so on...

What Zhang Xingyu didn't know was that because the invasion gameplay was too interesting, Dark Souls, a hard-core action game that Zhang Xingyu originally intended to be played by one or two people, had suddenly turned into a "large-scale PVP" Battlefield Game”!

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